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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Or you could just accept the current settings and design a rover that works, slipping, sliding and all. But what do I know? I just design by trail and error and accept the Kerbal laws of physics.
  2. NetHack 3.6.0 runs like a charm on my server, in tty(putty) or xterm (Xming) on my win10 desktop
  3. True, I realised that post posting. But I still play Simcity4, Civ IV and of course NetHack (and X-Plane and FsX, but that's because I'm a plane-nerd).
  4. Anyone who's been working as a professional sysdev also knows that there's more. 3. Being able to fix (personally obvious) irritating bugs without having to run them by either managers wondering what you're spending time on or QA asking if this change is worth the testing it will require. The concept of Staff Devs moonlighting as Mod Devs (or possibly the other way around ) is actually quite clever in so many ways. Mod Dev Claw adds a fix in his mod: User: Whaaaaa! That supposed fix broke my established workflow! All: Then de-install the fix moron dude. Staff Dev Claw commits a fix to release: User: Whaaaa! That supposed fix broke my established workflow! All: Tough luck. As a devoted user I love the concept, and every time I suspect that something wonky actually isn't my own fault, but an actual bug in the game, I check this thread, and if I'm lucky, updates my fixes
  5. KSP (and other games) does tend to create CPU or GPU load in the most unlikely situations (my GPU fans go hysteric in the basic KSC view, and calm down once inside VAB ... ) One thing to keep in mind that all computers, including laptops (believe it or not), are actually designed to tolerate maximum CPU and GPU load for several hours without overheating. But there's a catch that has killed several computers (and GPUs) and that's dust (or worse hair, human or from pets). I've stopped counting how many computers I've saved from being scrapped (or given to me since they are 'broken') that I've brought back to full functionality by just cleaning out the air ducts, fans and heat sinks. Laptops especially suck in huge amounts of surrounding air and sends it through tight ducts and over quite compact heat sinks. It doesn't take much in the form of obstruction in the path for a laptop to overheat. So while finding ways to limit the load (I use the KerboKatz Small Utilities FPS Limiter to keep my GPU from hysteria) don't forget that overheating (unless you've modded or overclocked) is a sign that it's time to clean the computer.
  6. Don't forget Cygnus X-1 from the earlier days (Farewell to Kings & Hemispheres). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlNrQGmj6oQ
  7. Booster separation is always one of my main nail biters at every launch. "Don't hit the main, Don't hit the main!, DON'T hit the Main!, DON'T <expletive> HIT THE MAIN!" "Phew ..."
  8. I'm on my 8:th year in EvE, and it was an old game when I joined
  9. I occasionally use it the same way. Using an old tablet (android 2.2!) with browser in border-less full-screen. Since it's on wifi I can watch my crafts from anywhere in the apartment
  10. Since I'm professionally paranoid and a sceptic old cynic (with an old experience as sysadmin) I have a little script that I've added to auto-run. It copies 'important' folders (including saves and setting from my favourite games) to my file-server. And on the file-server there's a cron job that optimizes the backed up data and trims off old crud. I can say that I haven't unintentionally lost any important data older than a day for the last 25-30 years. (With exception for a number of stupid and/or drunken incidents of rage over misbehaving software )
  11. I don't believe in Kraken. It would be sacrilege. I believe that stuff will happen, and whatever you do to prevent stuff from happening, stuff will still happen. But as long as we are aware that stuff will happen, and take proper preventive action, stuff is more likely to happen to someone else. But my godess wouldn't be happy if I called Her Kraken ... // Hail Eris
  12. I don't know much since I've only used 1.1.3 rovers on Kerbin, Mün, Minmus, Duna and Ike, but I have to say that I haven't had any issues with the wheels. Landing gear exploding when touched was an issues, and Kerbals getting sent on a 3km ragdoll journey when getting near is still an issue. But if I might be so bold as to offer my opinion then I'd say that some people are annoyed because the wheels are behaving the way they want or expect them to behave. While others are designing their crafts based on how the wheels actually behave.
  13. Then you must work in a very different universe than mine. There is always a balance between 'perfect' and 'good enough', and the point of that balance is called 'available resources'. The crucial 'resources' might be time, money, skills, hardware, location, dependencies, corporate rules, legal obligations or yada yada yada. All systems running this modern world are more or less 'half-arsed', because the mythical 'perfect' system is still in development, and will remain there forever.
  14. I rather put it "be aware when you cheat or abuse the privilege". In a non-networked, single-player game, you are the only one to judge your own actions.
  15. I almost agree. IM(nv)HO, KSP is about having fun. The eventual learning and exploring of spaceflight concepts is a sneaky side effect
  16. I'll never start any form of game with any other rules than my own. RL is challenge enough, I've never needed one in a game
  17. This, all over. Some think it's fun to find the most efficient way to solve a problem and to spend hours looking for the 'best' solution. Some think it's fun not having to bother with efficiency/math/logic and enjoys tackling everything by intuition and wild guesses. Some tackle a game the same way as they tackle RL, some enjoys tackling a game totally opposite of the way they would tackle a similar situation in RL. The important thing to remember that a game is a game, and everyone is free to play it the way they enjoy.
  18. I managed a related goof yesterday. I had 5 tourists that wanted mun/minmus tours of various combinations, an expansion to Mun Orbital Station One, an Outpost on Minmus and some minor stuff like Kerbals stuck in orbits and on mun/minmus. 7 contracts in all. Figured out a way to fill all 7 contracts (ab)using the infrastructure I had in place (stations over kerbin, mun and minmus, landers, taxis and return vehicles parked at stations). Designed (and tested in sandbox) the vehicles needed, and made sure that I'd settle all 7 contract with only 2 launches and 1 return to Kerbin. Launched the first, a 30 ton 7 seat (needed space to return the stranded Kerbonauts) 'tourist bus' and docked it to Mun Orbital Station One. Launched a 35 ton Minmus Outpost/Lander and docked to Minmus Orbital Station One. Right, time to clear contracts and earn muchos kesos and reputation. The first one should solve itself as the 7 seat tourist bus fulfilled the requirements for the expansion to Mun Orbital Station One. But it didn't trigger ... What? Well, glitch is glitch, start to reseat the tourists who wanted to land on the Mun. What? Where are they? Check the contracts, no contracts active ... I had forgotten to accept the contracts ... I took some deep breaths, closed KSP, decided that I was worth it and poured myself a stiff single malt. The next day I abused my automatic backup system and reverted everything that happened that evening ... Today I started my evening by accepting the 7 contracts, and have now docked 'The Bus' at the Mun Orbital Station One (and ticked off the first contract), shuffled crew so the tourists who wanted a munar landing is in a fully refuelled (robotic) Munar Lander. (Then RL called and I was obliged to paus for a visit at the local pub for social interaction with SO). Now for the munar touch'n'go, refuel of the bus, launch the Minmus Outpost/Lander and step by step solve it
  19. I have always keep a sandbox save to test various designs (including shipping them around the system with HE). I do the design in the career save, then I quit that one and run a little script that copies the design(s) to the 'testing grounds'. I don't regard it cheating, I regard it as a 'simulation of the actual mission'
  20. I just nicked the SSC logo (without any permission what so ever) and then invented a name to match the logo. Like "Serendipitous Space Corporation"
  21. I live at a shade over 30 from the pole (N59.30 on this planet)
  22. Almost created my own debris incident. Was restocking on free Kerbonauts by attempting to rescue some left behind in Kerbin orbit by less diligent Space Agencies. All went well, lifter separated just before circularisation (auto delete) but once in the designated orbit as was planning for rendezvous I had quite a bit of fuel left in my transfer stage so I decided to keep that to save the fuel in the actual rescue vessel since I planned on picking up 3 new recruits in one mission. It manoeuvred a bit sluggish with that lump attached but all went well and I'd calculated that the extra stage would run out of fuel before I reached the first of my target. On final approach, moving towards the first target at 100 m/s, rocket end first, set perfectly to hit the brakes and park right outside the stricken craft. That the extra stage ran out of fuel early in the brake burn (as calculated). No problem, hit space, separate the junk and fire up the 'proper' engine. Only to see the newly created 'debris' hurl dead straight towards the target at 50-60 m/s ... It missed by mere meters ....
  23. A VAB/SPH app would be possible, to tinker with designs but not actually flying them.
  24. Ouch, I wonder what they'd say about my 7 1/2 years in that other space game ...
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