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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. That's questionable. Most companies keep a tight lid on their sales figures (and usage stats if available) for commercial reasons. They might publish some random number from time to time to get a bit of media attention ("We want to celebrate reaching umpteen and half budricks of players by releasing a special collection of flags for download free of charge"). Then there's also a big difference between copies sold, copies still installed, played now and then and played intensely almost every day.
  2. That's likely the most common first screen-shots ever taken
  3. The for some ongoing wheel related drama. KSP isn't a simulator, it's a game where you build stuff using it's very simplistic version of physics.
  4. Another fun reference is that if you advance one character from 'H A L' you get 'I B M'
  5. I tried me F: drive too, just for you my friend Copied my clean KSP_1_1_3 to F:\ Ran the downloaded KSPx64-Patch-1.1.3-To-1.2.exe Selected F:\KSP_1_1_3 and let it do it's thing. Ran F:\KSP_1_1_3\Launcher.exe and watched it download patcher.exe (it might work one day) Started a new career game and launched a basic flea hopper. No Issues.
  6. After finding some hours to play with 1.2-pre (1473) my Hypometer is pegged at 11. Not actively been looking for bugs or glitches just played a standard career game from scratch and so far not a single issue. Will try to find some more hours tonight (severe hype isn't an acceptable reason to call in sick ).
  7. I took a copy of my clean 1.1.3 install, downloaded and ran the 1.1.3 -> 1.2-pre patch. So far it has worked like a charm.
  8. MP isn't an obvious stock feature for an inherently single player game.
  9. I admit to make aesthetic re-designs in one case. When a moving part (antenna, doors, etc) clips another part. I've actually even de-orbited an entire station from HKO (in career mode) just because it's antenna clipped another module when extended. Except for that it's 100% functionality.
  10. Regardless of sandbox, science or career, there's always 100's of scenarios to play out. Either recreating RL missions (done ones , in progress or planned) or completely new stuff. I like the single player centric game play which allows me to set my own targets, my own limitations and my own rules. So running out of stuff to do would mean that I'd run out of imagination, which I hope I never do.
  11. I can read the forums and see all the joy while at work. But I can't play until I get home! Bwaaaaaaaaa!
  12. I have pre-release, I need workday to end so I can test it ... (It's almost worse than not having it).
  13. Made a copy of my 1.1.3 stock directory and patched it with the win64 1.1.3 -> 1.2 patch. Appears to work perfectly. Only issue is that this workday passes very slowly :/
  14. Nah, I don't fully agree. To take an example from flight sims (both games and commercial ones). They focus on getting the simulation as good as possible within the approved flight envelope of the aircraft in question and also try to make sure that the edge cases are handled in a realistic way (as in when you are about to or just has left the envelope). They often don't bother much about realistic handling way outside the envelope since you're never expected to be there and if you are, you've either ripped your aircraft to bits or are about to crash. So I see a difference between edge cases and wildly outside any reasonable envelope. Even the most expensive flight sim used for training commercial pilots will not be very realistic if you try to recover a fully loaded 757 from a flat-spin, just because it shouldn't ever happen, and if it happens there's nothing the pilot can do about it.
  15. Cruft removed from game drive and backups taken. All ready for pre-release and release. Let's roll on the hype.
  16. No no, there are no mistakes in KSP. The correct term is "experience gathering experiment".
  17. Or a notification stating "something happened, somewhere".
  18. Most people will give you confused and slightly scared look when you describe a bit of code as 'elegant' (Yeah, they are sad people who can't see the beauty in a functional design).
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