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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Release the return cargo on a suborbital trajectory (trigger the chute before release), get the probe back to orbital and switch to the science package before it gets deleted as scrap. The you can ride the science package back to the surface. A little fiddly but very useful in early game, esp with the bleeping Science Jr being a pain to recover.
  2. Maybe not so minor variation of exactly "Comsat", but lots of other misspelled ones. Including stuff like "rESq" (caps lock for fine control ...)
  3. Nopes, worked without issues. I just clicked on the "Store" tab up there ^^ and logged in with my store account (which isn't the forum account). All kinds of downloads available.
  4. Followed Jester's EvE blog, where he often diverted to this strange single player rocket game. Downloaded the demo, was bemused and confused for a couple of hours (the demo lagged several versions behind the then current game, so tips and tutorials made no sense in some cases). 2-3 hours in I decided that was worth at least 27 USD Never looked back.
  5. I think I'll just wait for 1.2.1 and then see what will happen.
  6. As they several years ago worked with staging events for external clients, yes. I for one don't bother much about the notes, I'd say that we'll see in the coming releases.
  7. Has it occurred to you that a company can have active devs who aren't visible on the forums?
  8. I tried Mun to Minmus in 1.2 and the same steps as you and got a solution that looked like it should work in TOT, but the uploaded manoeuvre was totally wonky. Tried various variations (and made sure I got all data from the active game) and the same result. The departure burn data in TOT seems to get garbled somehow during transmit to the game.
  9. If you're lucky you'll have a mail from [email protected] with order details. Best is probably to contact them stating the email address you used when you bought it.
  10. For me the point is that I find most of the 'flying' in KSP terribly boring. So I dream, plan, build and decide on from where to where. Then I let MJ do the boring stuff (with mouse hovering over the abort button).
  11. Normal setup is: - MJ for automation of boring tasks. - KER for design and in-flight display. - KAC for keeping track of planned or on going (long) flights. - MM for dependencies. - EVA Struts for station construction. - EVA Transfer for re-fuelling stranded crafts. - IndicatorLights for finding those pesky ports or hatches in the dark. - [x]Science and/or AutomatedScienceSampler for boring science/biomes hunts. And latest gem: - Portrait Stats for keeping track of gawkers and their travelling plans.
  12. Ordinary trip around the mun (same for minmus). I'll see if I have one active, otherwise I'll snap a quicksave next time I get one.
  13. Create a desktop shortcut directly to KSP_x64.exe Then you'll always get the 64b version and don't have to click through the (currently) useless launcher.
  14. Noticed a glitch in the portrait stats. If a tourist is part of a larger group it lists the same target multiple times (as many as there are people in the group it seems).
  15. I find manual manoeuvres excessively boring and repetitive so I only do it once or twice to get a feel for the design. And autopilots aren't automagic, they are a natural part of every spacecraft. But to each his own
  16. I've always assumed that it was Bill Anders (of course). Apollo 8 astronaut who took the famous (and stunningly beautiful) Earthrise photo.
  17. isn't is rather that the same biome can appear on several places. But all with exactly the same name counts as one biome when it's comes to science.
  18. Look in the lower right corner of the main main menu. There should be a version indication. Mine says: (WindowsPlayer x64)
  19. Same, way too many hours in both 1.2 prerelease and release. Not many but experimental or unsupported mods and not a single crash.
  20. Restart in 1.2 is chugging along. Mün and Minmus visited and exploration is underway. The tourist industry has latched on the scientific exploration and provides much needed funds while rescue operations has added 19 willing kerbonauts to the roster for free. The time has come to start building the basic communication network in preparation for "The Big Duna Project" that should be launched in 1 year and 58 days.
  21. I've used EVA Struts/Transfer for a long time, they give me exactly what I want (instead of the whole KIS/KAS kablooie). But the new portraits stats are just wonderful, I've always end up with crew and gawkers all over the bleeping solar system all with different tasks/requirements. Actually started to hack up KML to create a list with all the info. But now this! I don't have to hack up my own
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