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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. I've tried 1.2_pre to. The problem isn't that the planes are easy to fly, it's rather the problem. I'm so used to FSX/X-Plane that I simply can't get used to the arcade feeling of flight in KSP
  2. Yeah I use them a lot. And as soon as the active save has the infrastructure in place I also (ab)use a lot of Mün and Minmus rescue and tourism to fund my targets. All surveys within the atmosphere is ignored since I still haven't managed to reconcile myself with the so called flight model in KSP
  3. I don't. I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  4. As Squad has been stating earlier. Once a release is regarded as stable on pc/mac/linux (and I don't think that will be 1.2, rather 1.2.2-3) it will be handed over to FTE who handles the porting to consoles. Once FTE are done it is handed to MS/Sony for verification. Once MS/Sony are satisfied they make it available for download.
  5. I spend every working day co-operating (and sometimes trying to lead) with a large group of people trying to achieve our goals. I spend most of hours outside of work doing very much the same but with less people and less obvious goals. But no, I have no need to have everything I do validated by someone else, there are things that I can be pleased with just because I think they're pretty cool myself. I've shared a few of my more hilarious failures here yes, and I often read people's stories. I've asked some questions and I've tried to answer some. For such this very forum works perfectly. But that doesn't change that I see no need to try and kludge on an MP function to an inherently single player game.
  6. I've set a target, planned, designed, built and performed the execution of my planned mission. I know that what I've done and can feel quite chuffed by it. And I couldn't bother less with what anyone else thinks of what I've done.
  7. I tried that at my office. But my team protested loudly, and even started to throw "stuff" at me. They demanded to be referred to as 'apes'.
  8. Or maybe that was part of why Squad contracted/hired him
  9. My hype is still strong. The hours I've spent in the pre-release has just increased it for every day.
  10. I beg to differ. I never know what I'm doing, I rely totally on trial and error. Very many errors actually, but I've never had this fun in any game in my life.
  11. The original speech from JFK(erman) is mandatory in any education in project management. It was slightly disturbing to me as a CE nerd when I found out that it was used to teach the pol science nerds ...
  12. Every time I feel bored with KSP I restart with a different mindset and target. Or I go back to EvE to remind my self of why I love KSP.
  13. Actually he won't, since we'll not wake him up. Just let the badger continue his sleep under the bridge.
  14. I never purge. I create a new install for every release, and then a 'working' install based on the stock version. Once in a while I move old and in-active directories to my backup server but so far I haven't deleted any versions.
  15. Which is scary RL, "they want us to do what? for cheap political points? Oh badger, let do it and hope we'll get better ones after next election." Every time I'm faced with stupid contracts in KSP I blame my imaginary politicians
  16. I use common sense, random knowledge in math and physics and repeated reverts. It's been my unusual trick from day one
  17. Details? Version, mode? It's not easy to evaluate your experience based on the limited data set that you've provided,
  18. And you post that question, on KSP forums where the flight sim nuts normally keep quiet but are inherently a passive-aggressive part of the user base. Well, it'll be a ride
  19. It gets worse. The bit sticking up labeled "definitely not a wing" most certainly is a <explicite> wing. Roll that babe 90 deg and pull some G's and you'll have to dance on your rudder to keep her from falling or climbing.
  20. Now, @SQUAD said 'at least two weeks of public pre-release'. That has just passed, but they didn't say wham-bam, once that's done, it's a release! Now I know nada about game development cycles, I deal with the very boring pieces of software many of you are forced to used to earn a living :/ I would assume, still based on my experience from software normal people hate, that Squad will gather the experience from the pre-release (and the experimentals that has silently carried on), and after a little cosy office chit-chat (well, it would be, if Squad was based in Sweden) decide on a release date. I stick to my experience in software logistics, the release is on Tuesday (in some TZ) possibly the next one. ps. Squad isn't based in Stockholm, they're based in Mexico City. They might release 1.2 on Friday afternoon and then spend the weekend giggling at us just because they can ds.
  21. "wing" is a shorthand for a surface creating lift. The "not really a wing" above is most certainly a wing, aka canard. The body of that aircraft is also a "wing", since it's creating lift. The span in the above sample is easy, since it's the points of lifting surface furthest from the centreline. The chord of above sample is complicated ...
  22. The SAS code has been getting a swift kick in the head. The 'jitteryness' (if that's a word) has been mellowed. If this will be enough is unknown until someone tries their 'jiggling-to-pieces' craft in the 1.2 pre-release. What I can say is that my issues with small RCS over-powered tugs is gone, they behave much more sane now.
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