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  1. Been a while since I've looked at this. I" will take a look and see. should be doable. Also with the demise of KSP2, might be a good idea to revisit my mods. looks like KSP will be around for a while.
  2. Without looking at anything, but having dealt with these issues, it is possible that you are experiencing the Kraken. at those velocities, the floating-point math can get messy for your individual parts. if it is only happening when you change altitudes at that speed, it would explain it. Yes rockets seem to work, but it is a different flight regime. Of course I could be wrong, but that's my guess. I don't think it is the Mod.
  3. To properly troubleshoot your problem we will need a log file so we can see any errors that may be occurring.
  4. Hi all. Guess I need to check the forums more often. Let me look at the latest version against 1.12.5. See what I can do.
  5. Yes, it is a known issue. since it is sporadic, it has been harder to locate. not forgotten.
  6. This is most helpful. I will see that is going on. I've found one potential culprit in the SMAddon class. I'll take another pass with this new information.
  7. resizing buttons in principia and resizing text in waypoint mangaer. Labels in Waypoint Manager or data entry boxes? I was pretty certain I had handled all labels and buttons (I had to add the custom style to every label, textbox, button, etc) . I will go back thru the whole mod to see if there were any I missed. The resize does have some differences in height when changing skins, but I also addressed that in my code. Is it all windows or just certain ones? also try deleting the smSetting.dat file in the plugin/plugindata folder. if you installed the mod over the previous version that could also cause problems. this is why I recommend deleting the mod before updating it. Let me know what you find.
  8. Release is out. Version - Release 28 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5 -------------------------------------------------- - New: Added horizontal window resizing to all windows. SM will remember these settings between saves. - Fixed: Correct window scaling issue where other mods were affected by SM when changing the KSP Scale. This was caused by GUI.skin issues as SM was altering the built in skins. SM now uses a custom skin constructed dynamically from the selected built-in scales, so only SM windows are affected. Issue: Forum post https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/56643-112x-ship-manifest-crew-science-resources-v-6070-25-apr-23/&do=findComment&comment=4277051 - Changed: adjusted window heights for the Unity skin and the KSP skin. This makes window resizing more reliable. This should work better, and I think the horizontal resizing will please those folks with long names in their parts
  9. Ok, I've reworked the mod to use a custom skin. Since SM used either Unity skin or the KSP skin, the custom skin is rebuilt, depending on the skin selected in Settings. As before, you can switch between them, but for all controls to properly reflect the changes, you have to restart the game. KSP also recommends a restart for any scale changes. In any case, if you want to change the KSP scale or the skin used, a restart is recommended. KSP scale changes will no longer affect other mods. Finally, I've added width resizing to all windows. This is dynamic, just like the height resizing. I should be releasing this new version tomorrow (Mexico Central time). Change notes to be released with the release of the new version.
  10. I think I understand the issue. I'm still learning about how unity applies skins, so I may have just altered the current skin, so it affects all mods that use the built in skins. This is something that dates back to the mod's origin, so the problem has been there a long time. I'm working on setting up a custom skin. going thru the mod to make sure I've addressed it properly. I'll keep you posted. Also in work on the horizontal resizing. got it working (sort of) so there is still a bit more work to do there. I'll release an update with both things in the near future.
  11. Ok, KSP interface scaling is now supported. New release out on SpaceDock, CurseForge and Github. CKAN should sweep and pick it up within the next 24 hours... @HebaruSan Just shout out to you. Been a while since I released an update... might you need a nudge (due to a stale mod)? Change Notes: Version - Release 25 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Correct error in Manifest window with the vessel name. Was using a nonlocalized name. Now properly localized. - Fixed: Rate Modifier field in Science window was displaying incorrect value. Now properly displays the value. - Fixed: Correct resource display error when RealXfers setting is changed and Saved in Realism settings. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/63 - Fixed: Memory leak on SM destruction. One handler was not being removed. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/64 - New: Refactored mod to support KSP UI scaling. You folks with the 4k monitors should be able to see the text now. - New: Localized Screen messages in Crew transfers. Note: Many localizations are machine translations. Any help in improving them is appreciated. - New: Added a Settings button to the Roster window when in the Space Center. This button appears if you disable the Settings icon on the toolbar. This setting is in the Config Tab. - Changed: Refactored remaining windows and tabs to clean up display code. Moved a lot of redundant code into GUI utility methods. - Changed: Refactored all windows to cache all localization strings and object size values. Object size values only recalculate if the KSP UI Scale is changed. Hopefully this helps a bit with performance. Let me know if you find any issues. I think it works pretty well at any scale. I'm now starting to look at horizontal resizing. I wanted to get the scaling done before I tackled that. Enjoy!
  12. So, I'm in the midst of adding KSP UI Scale support to ShipManifest. it is mostly complete, and a few tweaks remain. A bit more testing in both default settings and various scale settings also remain. I suspect this work will be done in the next couple of days, and v6.0.7.0 will be released. Preliminary Change notes: Version - Release TBD - KSP 1.12.5 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Correct error in SMManifest window with the vessel name. Was using a nonlocalized name. Now properly localized. - Fixed: Rate Modifier field in Science window was displaying incorrect value. Now properly displays the value. - Fixed: Correct resource display error when RealXfers setting is changed and Saved in Realism settings. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/63 - Fixed: Memory leak on SM destruction. One handler was not being removed. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/64 - New: Refactored mod to support KSP UI scaling. you folks with the 4k monitors should be able to see the text now. - New: Localized Screen messages in Crew transfers. Note: Many localizations are machine translations. Any help in improving them is appreciated. - New: Added a Settings button to the Roster window when in the Space Center. This button appears if you disable the Settings icon on the toolbar. This setting is in the Config Tab. - Changed: Refactored remaining windows and tabs to clean up display code. Moved a lot of redundant code into GUI utility methods. Back to work....
  13. Sorry for the (extremely) late reply. go to Settings, Tooltips, and there is an option for the appIcon. disable and you won't see the tooltip anymore...
  14. During my absence, there was some work done on crew transfers to fix another (or this) bug. I will revisit. a new version is currently in work with some refactoring, bug fixes etc. The latest is in the Dev branch of my github Repo for any brave souls that want to build and test.
  15. Based on some testing with @Acid_Burn9 a couple of months back, we determined there is a conflict with Modular Missile Parts. I do not know what the issue is, but if you remove that mod, the transparency returns. I'm going to hazard a guess, but it might be some shader change causing the issue. Typically, transparency is a shader feature.
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