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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. As far as I know, there is nothing that would affect docking port behavior. I have also noticed this issue from time to time in 1.2.2 and earlier versions of KSP. Not sure what it is, as I've not been able to track it down either. It "seems" to be related to docking ports attached in the SPH/VAB, but that is not consistent. CLS "attempts" to add the needed configuration to parts when It can figure it out, but best results are to have a MM config for your parts. Since CLS is providing a warning, I encourage you (and all the mod author/maintainers) to create your own configs, as you know your parts better and can be sure to set the config correctly. Usually it is simple, but there are times when a part has some "interesting" features. For other folks that may be wondering about 1.2.9 and the upcoming 1.3 release of KSP, I cannot update this mod until @sarbian releases a new version of Module Manager. As far as I know, he is waiting for 1.3 to release before that will happen. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Just an update. Getting very close now. All bugs and features complete. Final test only needed. New ***Proposed*** release notes. Version - Release TBD - KSP 1.3 Compatibility Edition (1.2.9 Prerelease) - New: Implemented Localization system. Now it is possible to translate SM into other languages. - New: Realism Settings Refactor. Realism Mode is redefined and easier to use; settings are now more granular. - New: - Added Radio switch for realism Categories: Full, None, Default, Custom. - New: - Added new setting to the Realism Tab "Realistic Control". This affects ship control window and uncontrolled resource transfers. - New: - Added new setting to the Realism Tab "Enable Roster Modifications". Affects Roster actions Create, Add, Edit, Remove, and Respawn. - New: - Added new setting to Realism Tab. "Realistic Transfers". This affects Transfer features for crew, science and resources. - New: Added several new tooltips in the Mod. Cleaned/updated up several others. - Fixed: Selecting a resource in the Manifest Window triggered an enumeration error. - Fixed: Crew respawn was always allowed. Should be disabled for Realism. Roster actions are now impacted by Enable Roster Modifications setting. - Fixed: Issue with multiple instances of SMAddon class loading when changing scenes. - Fixed: Roster and Settings windows continued to be displayed even when Pause Menu or Hide UI is on. - Fixed: Manifest and other windows disappeared in flight under certain conditions (when staging/part destruction occurs). - Fixed: Antennas not properly working. Post fix RemoteTech support is not yet confirmed. - Fixed: Part highlighting on mouseover of part selection button was broken. Bug introduced when I refactored highlighting awhile ago. - Fixed: Sound file changes were not taking immediate effect. Scene change was required. Github Issue #25 - Fixed: Resource totals not preserved during Transfers. Github Issue: #36 - Fixed: Resource Transfers exhibited incorrect stop button behavior with Target to source transfers. - Fixed: Tourists could go EVA, and should not. Github Issue: #37 - Fixed: ToolTips displayed even when SM interface is not. Github Issue: #38 - Fixed: ToolTips not properly updating on Xfer button. Github Issue: #39 - Fixed: Crew Xfers between full parts failing under certain circumstances. Github Issue #40
  3. Hi, all BDA mods (or most of them anyway are being maintained by the BDAc team. the forum link is in my signature below. Take a look there and follow the troubleshooting steps provided in the OP. That should help you get started, and if needed, provide us the information we need to help you!
  4. I did see your initial error report. It did reveal a weakness in my code. I've since altered the method call to be lighter in weight, and should prevent that error from ever happening again.
  5. Just an update. First pass at localization is complete. I'm going through the interface to make sure I didn't miss anything. Tedious, but necessary. Some changes were needed to properly support localization, but the end result is very good I think. Realism settings have been revamped, and the behaviors are more intuitive I think. Also the Realism Category buttons make setting up the realism Tab pretty slick. You still have full control over the individual settings, but can get a quick "broad strokes" setup with one click. I have some work to do to go through the realism logic to be certain everything behaves correctly but looking good so far. The realism settings now make better sense and are less ambiguous. Going through every line of code has made me put a little effort into cleanup. I'm also going to be refactoring the windows a bit. I may be able to speed them up a fraction more. I'm still using scripted windows. They are too dynamic to easily port over to the new Unity GUI. I may look at that later, but I have already made them run more smoothly. Finally, I've squashed several bugs. So, I'm going through the testing phase to make sure all is well on those. Preliminary Change log follows: Version - Release xx May 2017 - KSP 1.2.9 Compatibility Edition (Pre-release) - New: Localization system. Now you can translate SM into your own language! y New: Realism Settings Refactor! Added single switch for realism Categories: Full, None, Default, Custom. Realism Mode is redefined and settings now more granular. y New: Crew respawn is always allowed. Should be disabled for realistic control. y New: Added settings to the Realism Tab to disable certain roster actions. - Fixed: Issue with multiple instances of SMAddon class loading when changing scenes. - Fixed: Roster and Settings windows continue to be displayed even when Pause Menu or Hide UI is on. - Fixed: Manifest and other windows disappearing in flight under certain contitions (when staging/part distruction occur). y Fixed: Antennas not properly working. y Fixed: Resource totals not preserved turing Transfers. Github Issue: #36 - Fixed: Tourists can go EVA and should not. Github Issue: #37 - Fixed: ToolTips displayed even when SM interface is not. Github Issue: # 38 - Fixed: ToolTips not properly updating. Github Issue: # 39 y Fixed: Crew Xfers between full parts failing under certain circumstances. Github Issue # 40 Items marked with a y are in test or in implementation. It shouldn't be long though. More to come.
  6. Excellent! Thanks for that. I will investigate adding a pay for fill , save for dump feature.
  7. Paying for fuel on the pad was never part of the mod, as the cost for that fuel is not defined to my knowledge. However, you should be able to disable the fill buttons on the pad through the realism tab with this setting: "Enable Crew Fill and Empty Ops in Pre-Flight". Also, with Respawns, you are right. I do not have a setting for disabling the respawn feature. I will add that. Finally, you have highlighted an issue for me. There are a lot of realism settings, and while that provides great flexibility, it is not easy to just "set it and forget it". So, as part of the next update I will be adding a radio button that will allow you to select realism categories as follows: - Full = All realism settings on, so that not cheating is possible. - None - All realism settings are off, so full cheats are enabled. - Default - Settings will be returned to the defaults established at Mod install. - Custom - This setting will auto select when any setting is changed and the results do not fit under the above general categories. This should make it easy to setup SM for your needs. If we discover missing settings for any of the above categories, I can then add the needed pieces to make SM work under all conditions. So for those true realism folks, 1 click and you are set.
  8. Take a look at my wiki... I believe you will find what you need there. I have tried to make it so that you can run true realism if you want, or playable (so called "cheat mode"), but the default settings are a compromise between true realism and playable.
  9. Just an update. Been working with the prerelease of KSP (1.2.9) and have started converting SM to support localization. The initial release for 1.3 (or 1.2.9 if I get froggy) will include English. While I do have some Spanish skills, and a very tiny amount of Chinese and Japanese, I'm no linguist. I will be "hoping" that the community can assist with other languages as appropriate when the time comes. It leverages the existing KSP localization scheme, so should be easy to add additional languages to SM. Cheers!
  10. Thanks for the details on the error. I will take a look. The realism settings can be altered to get free fuel in flight as well... you can disable that if you do not want that capability. Thanks for the detailed characterization! also thanks for the Github issues! I will investigate and report in Github. The tooltips Should be an easy fix. The crew transfers may take a bit longer. That is some involved code in that section. Many conditions to consider.
  11. Hi! What could also help is to provide an output log. If there is an error being generated, It will be in the log. you will find this in the KSP_Data or KSP_x64_Data folder, depending on which version of KSP you are running (32 bit vs 64 bit.) File name is output_log.txt
  12. Sorry for the slow reply. Here is the quick on the feature. in the upper right of the CLS dialog (accessed by clicking on the CLS Icon), there is a small button for options, right next to the close button in the upper right. This opens an options window. there is an Option that says "Allow unrestricted crew transfers" Check that box. Please note that it will not save, and must be checked each time you start up the game. If you don't want to restrict your transfers, then you really don't need CLS. Now another option is to use ShipManifest. It has some nice features around crew transfers, and works in conjunction with CLS. May be worth checking out (Shameless plug)
  13. Hello everyone! I've put a major milestone behind me at work, and can now spend my free time back with KSP related things. So, I've reopened my Visual Studio projects, and have rebuilt my 1.2.9 test environment. Going thru SM right now and working on the bugs that I discovered with the new pre-release, and I will be going over the bugs reported over the past month or so. I was able to reproduce the window open and closing issue, but have not yet discovered the cause. I will keep you informed as I go. Update: I have found the cause. WIll be corrected in the next release. I will also be refactoring fuel transfers (again) as my current methods, while an improvement over my first attempts, is still crap.. @Djohaal, I'm not sure what you are looking for in a resize capability. do you want all four panes to resize equally as the window is resized? Please provide some more info and I would suggest creating a feature request in my Git repository in the issues section. That way the idea does not get lost. @Jebs_SY, Good question. I've not spent much time with labs, so I will investigate. One of the things that has become apparent with the more recent versions of KSP is the need to now start managing parts as groups. I started Resource transfers (Vessel to vessel transfers and multipart transfers), so I suspect that Crew and Science need this kind of love as well. I would also suggest a feature request in Git for this so it does not get lost. @psychopoak, there is a bug in my code for antennas that resulted with the 1.2.9 pre-release. Were you using that version? Let me know.
  14. @ZobrAA and @Booots, thanks for pinging me over on the CLS thread. I've been slammed at work lately so I didn't pick up on this sooner, but yes, there will be implications for CLS when using this mod. @Booots, I'll pull the latest and peruse the code to see what trickery you are managing, so I can make CLS "aware" of it and account for this. Great idea. I ran into the circular coupling and docking issue a long time ago when I was building space stations that could connect to themselves. Best of luck with this, and If I find any gotchas I'll be sure to reach out and see what we can do to make it a winner.
  15. Hi, and sorry for the late response. RL has been kicking my behind of late :). First with no additional information besides that it is difficult to know exactly what you are doing, but I will venture a guess. You have CLS installed and you are attempting a stock game crew transfer. By default, CLS overrides the Crew transfer system and will not allow transfers if the target part is not "Connected to" the source part by an internal pathway. If you wish to transfer to such parts you will have to disable the CLS portion via the CLS options menu. Take a look at the wiki in my Signature link for more details. If I'm incorrect, you will need to provide more detail. I've not looked at recoupler. I will go take a look and see what it offers.
  16. Thanks for the feedback and the bug report on Git. I'll take a look. I it is possible I have issues in vessel to vessel transfers, as that was not well tested after the many changes to KSP.
  17. Pun intended: IRL, Leythe is NOT possible, as IRL, it does not exist.
  18. New release: Version - Release 29 Jan 2017 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility Edition - Fixed: Object not found error in ModDockedVessels Get LaunchID. now properly returns a 0 if the underlying object is null. Hopefully this corrects the error. Let me know if you get weird behavior with vessel to vessel transfers... I'm still building a test bed for that scenario.
  19. Thanks for the response. This is a known issue, reported a few posts prior to yours. I believe i have located where the unhandled exception is occurring. I will have an update out soon. I do not yet know the cause of the null object, but I now have a proper null checker in place.
  20. My copy works just fine. Are you certain you are using the latest version? How did you install it? Could you provide an output log?
  21. Thanks for the heads up... your ouptut.log will contain the list of mods, so I will be sure to include those in my testing.
  22. Thanks for the post. If you wold not mind, could you also supply me with the steps to reproduce? I mean the vessels loaded, what your settings are, etc. I'm trying to determine the conditions where this error is happening, but I cannot duplicate ti. Finally if you ware willing to share your save, that would also be helpful.
  23. I would tend to agree. I also certainly do not need more to do. I have enough on my plate as it is. Again congrats on update, and I'll be sure you get listed in the BDAc thread as a replacement for ALG. I just have to rebuild the missing addon page
  24. it would appear that @Shadowmage has done the heavy lifting and made ALG a part of Kerbal Foundries. I'm watching this to see if there is any thing I will need to do for ALG. This may be the replacement for ALG. Link:
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