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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. Every good lie, has some element of truth to it... otherwise it would be too easy to expose... but the question is... how much So, I will let it drop.
  2. From my point of view, regardless of the "climate", Squad has made good on their "promises" in that regard so far...
  3. This is the thing about "rumors" You can create one anytime you need one... who is to say it is correct or not? and what are the sources... I don't take much stock in innuendo...
  4. I've been watching this thread with interest to see what the reaction to this news would be. I've been loath to enter into the fray. First, because I do not know the circumstances surrounding their departure, and second, what I think of the dev's actions matters little in the grand scheme of things. However, I would like to say this: This last update has been by far the most significant, productive, game changing, and (for me at least) satisfying update that Squad has (or will soon) release. All drama aside, the guys that worked on this should be very proud of their work, their candor, their accountability, and their love of this game. I applaud all of them. I can only hope that they decide to stay in the community, and that they continue their amazing work in making KSP better for all of us. I don't know any of the developers very well, (i've communicated and collaborated with some), but I hope to in the future. I've learned much about KSP and modding from their work, and truly appreciate it. Good luck guys. Thanks for making KSP the game it is, both outside and within Squad.
  5. This ksp release is a massive revision. Kudos to the team for what they have accomplished. But yes the builds are still breaking stuff. So, thanks to @gomker for his efforts. The BDAc team is working hard on this release cycle, and no more releases to the wild will be done until after we get a stable KSP release.
  6. I can do it from flight... Vessel mover does something like this. Take a look if that might help.
  7. Based on this, is there room for both mods? More to the point, would be "ok" if I continued support of b9pw? I do not want to duplicate effort, and I do not want to intrude on existing plans, but I'm willing to assist.
  8. Thanks, i could easily do that, but I've heard from reliable sources that this is not sufficient. Also, @sarbian has indicated that he is NOT releasing for a reason. I will wait for the "Official" version.
  9. Ok. One of the things that changed in 1.1.3 or thereabouts was related to rebuilding lists when docking occurred. Let me look there. Of course, until I have a working Module Manager for 1.2, there will be nothing I can do. I won't be issuing any changes for 1.1.3. After you have run 1.2 you will NOT want to go back.
  10. Someone asked about 1.2 support for this mod in the BDArmory Continued thread, so I took a look at the OP, and indeed it this in need of support. I've never worked with procedural stuff, so it is interesting to me. I've forked the code to see if it can be updated without too much pain. I've found a couple of changes that need to be addressed around the new resource handling (surrounding changes to PartResource class), some public items are no longer there with the refactor of KSP, so I need to better understand how it was changed... Spent about an hour and got most of the code working in 1.2 PR, but not there yet. If anyone else is planning on supporting this mod, let me know, but I'll see what I can do for it...
  11. Not sure that this means, but In my testing I've not tested docking and undocking lately. It is conceivable that there could be an issue, so as part of the 1.2 testing I will test this condition specifically
  12. Yes I get that question a lot And yes we (the BDAC team) are planning on supporting it. In my sig below you will find appropriate links. All of @BahamutoD's mods are listed in the op of the BDARMORY thread. You can look there for status on all his mods in one place.
  13. This is very good response, but assumes that the user has CLS installed.. Since the photo and the OP do not specify, it is difficult at best to determine any potential cause. This is why the log is so helpful.. it can often pinpoint the issue. Hopefully @Mr. Me will provide such info.
  14. Ok, I'm at a state that I think is good. However, since Module Manager (MM) is not yet ready, there is little point in releasing a PR version. When MM is addressed, I will release an update to CLS, after I've had a chance to test with the latest MM.
  15. Another Update. Worked all of the bugs. looking pretty stable. Still one behavioral issue to address and then I believe I'll have a Pr release to let you all play with. Then we can wait for the "Official Release" Before I update SM to an Official 1.2 version.
  16. Known for his "canadianisms"... and some great testing scenarios. (The daves)
  17. Very nice picture but tells nothing. As per the instructions in the forum, please provide a log file with your attempt to transfer. This log file will have a wealth of info, including all mods you have loaded. Then, maybe someone can assist you.
  18. I may have a candidate event for you: GameEvents.onPartLadderEnter. Take a look at that and see if it can help... I've not expored it yet (working other bugs in other mods), but at least it gets you access into the proper point in time.
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