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Everything posted by MelancholyFlapper

  1. Is there a way to make these compatible with RO? I'd love to use these in my RP-1 campaign.
  2. Is there a realism overhaul patch for this? I'd love to make room for Hermes in my program plan. Maybe on top of a Saturn I derivative... If there isn't, I might get to work on one. I did a personal one with Cormorant Aeronology and it works pretty well.
  3. I'm saving it as a DDS as the windowshine tut recommends, I have a DDS plugin.
  4. I have it so that the windows are white in the alpha channel and the other stuff is black, like the textures that come with Windowshine and its mod support packs. Compare: https://pastebin.com/NTsVRMxB
  5. I have a Cormorant Aeronology patch I homemade to RO-ize the parts, and the cockpit has got an FSTextureSwitch module. I'm not sure if that's the problem (it swaps the cockpit textures between stock, shuttle-like and buran-like) but when I set up the windowshine patch up for it using the example patches as a base, and following the style of the alpha channel editing that windowshine does on the correct textures, the entire cockpit is shiny instead of just the windows and the shadows on it are all screwy. Any idea why this might be? Crossposting this in the relevant threads, this is driving me nuts. I can post the relevant patch on pastebin; here it is. https://pastebin.com/NTsVRMxB
  6. I have a Cormorant Aeronology patch I homemade to RO-ize the parts, and the cockpit has got an FSTextureSwitch module. I'm not sure if that's the problem (it swaps the cockpit textures between stock, shuttle-like and buran-like) but when I set up the windowshine patch up for it using the example patches as a base, and following the style of the alpha channel editing that windowshine does on the correct textures, the entire cockpit is shiny instead of just the windows and the shadows on it are all screwy. Any idea why this might be? Crossposting this in the relevant threads, this is driving me nuts. I can post the relevant patch on pastebin; here it is. https://pastebin.com/NTsVRMxB
  7. I have a Cormorant Aeronology patch I homemade to RO-ize the parts, and the cockpit has got an FSTextureSwitch module. I'm not sure if that's the problem (it swaps the cockpit textures between stock, shuttle-like and buran-like) but when I set up the windowshine patch up for it using the example patches as a base, and following the style of the alpha channel editing that windowshine does on the correct textures, the entire cockpit is shiny instead of just the windows and the shadows on it are all screwy. Any idea why this might be? Crossposting this in the relevant threads, this is driving me nuts.
  8. I heard you guys like Buran. PATCH SOON. Working out some bugs.
  9. [LOG 15:04:00.142] [TR.TextureReplacer] Error: Shader not found: Reflective/Bumped Diffuse I'm getting this error when I try to apply a compatability patch between Cormorant's texture switching mk3 cockpit and windowshine. Here's the patch, and I edited the alphas of the ddses correctly. What gives with my Mk3 cockpit being pink? https://pastebin.com/vmVTsZAa
  10. Oh hey, guess who's making a mostly-reusable shuttle in RO/RSS with a custom RO/RSS config that's not quite done (as RO is still on 1.2.2 and some of the parts in the 1.2.2 version are subject to change)? It's meeeeeeee. I'll be releasing it once I have the Buran parts properly configured as well as the STME and SRBs
  11. I'm trying to make a windowshine compatibility patch (I already edited the textures to alpha correctly) for the Cormorant and SPT shuttle parts, namely the texture-switching cockpit that uses FSTextureSwitch and the radiator cargo bays. However the textures don't apply correctly - the bay has weird checkerboarding effect going on, and the cockpit is bright featureless pink. What did I heck up? http://i.imgur.com/8WXUuAg.jpg Here's the patch I made: @PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]:FOR[WindowShine]:AFTER[CormorantAeronology] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.7 0.7 0.7 %interval = 2 %meshes = cockpit } @MODULE { @textureRootFolder = TextureReplacerReplaced/Default/Cormorant Aeronology/Assets/mk3_Shuttle/ } } @PART[CRG_100R]:FOR[WindowShine]:AFTER[SPT] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.45 0.45 0.6 %interval = 2 %meshes = Radiator 2.001 Radiator 2.004 Radiator 2.006 Radiator 2.005 } } @PART[CRG_150]:FOR[WindowShine]:AFTER[SPT] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.45 0.45 0.6 %interval = 2 %meshes = Radiator2.001 Radiator2.004 Radiator2.006 Radiator2.005 } }
  12. LRB! LRB! LRB! RSS LRB STS, at that. Nearing initial release quality.
  13. Well if you guys want I can post my RF-Stockalike config when I finish refining it to a point where it has an okay balance. I plan to eventually do my own RO patch based on that, too.
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvi1k06jc1yzgwn/CARFPatchStockalike.cfg?dl=0 Here's that config. It mayyyyyyy be totally wrong.
  15. Wow, the specular effects do wonders for these parts. They immediately look way better! Neato stuff.
  16. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. If I posted the patch I made, would you be able to tell me what I did wrong? I calculated the correct (I think) numbers for the size of the tanks working backwards from the real shuttle and scaling down the volumes appropriately, and altered the RCS/OMS bits to use RF in the correct ratios, but it didn't work right - partly because dedicated tanks are unavailable, I think?
  17. This mod is neat, any chance of a patch for Cormorant Aeronology? I'd like to use that with this. I tried making my own with the config editor but it didn't turn out so well.
  18. Actually, it should - IIRC, Squad's asset loader loads EVERYTHING in the gamedata folder into memory on initial load, and that would probably include the squad parts. Minus those, you might save some memory. I MAY be wrong, though.
  19. I'd really like it if the bottom patches could be brought back - I'm told they were removed? I'd like one in the standard Mk3 fuselage lengths - specifically the short fuselage (the one that's larger than the monoprop fuselage but shorter than the long one). I tend to want more DV in my shuttles and therefore I add an additional fuel segment between the rear and the cargo bay. Edit: also, as far as retractable docking ports go, the SSTU mod has a retractable docking port/airlock that fits in both its shuttle and the Mk3 cargo bay.
  20. I am amazed it works. Regardless, I look forward to seeing where this goes!
  21. If Pak doesn't get around to it, I could probably whip up some Big-S wings with tiles on their undersides, if he'd be okay with that! Shouldn't be too hard to copy the tile texture from the body and photoshop it onto the Big-S wing, then use the magic of cfg editing to make the left and right wings with tiles their own parts. Of course, that wouldn't look as nice as remodeled ones but it'd be a stopgap.
  22. I really like this mod! I know it's in active dev, but sheesh, it's a bit of a pain to constantly be having my subassemblies of replicas of real stages at kerbal scale become broken. Oh well, the price of progress must be paid! Keep up the good work, Shadowmage. These parts are really excellent.
  23. Just an FYI, the CKAN version of this still points to kerbalstuff so it doesn't download right. You may want to put it up on spacedock.
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