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Everything posted by MelancholyFlapper

  1. This is EXACTLY what I've been needing. EPL is clunky and the parts are ugly, but I wanna build rockets offworld. Thank you! Downloadin'.
  2. I have an issue! When I try to spawn in to other launch sites, when the craft loads physics it immediately gets catapulted away from the launchpad. It happens at Great Ez Kape, and the polar launch site (that's all I've tried so far).
  3. I like these a lot! I have a suggestion for another Mk3 cockpit. Something inline, like the B-36, but more streamlined/aerodynamic?
  4. This may be out of scope of the mod, but I figured I'd just toss out some suggestions for extras to see if you like any of them: EDO module Airlock/docking module Spacelab IUS Shuttle payload pallets I really like this mod a lot, thanks for making it, Pak. As a shuttle aficionado I appreciate it!
  5. I'm having a bug with the latest release. For some reason the LC engines won't attach to anything via their bottom nodes (so no ascent engine attach if you build the lander from the bottom up to mount it in a fairing, for example).
  6. Right. Personally I'd like an engineless variant because I sometimes like experimenting with different propulsion setups , but if the RS-25 and AJ-10-190 stats are the same on the shuttle as they are in the rest of the pack I think I'll survive without one.
  7. Hey Shadowmage, I love this mod. I've been making replicas of Saturn derivatives that never got built. Unfortunately the last major update broke the texture switching on the tank bodies. I'm using the most recent release and it still happens. I left the SSTU bonus texture folder where it should be, but maybe the location path changed with the update or something? I'd like to fix it so I can build non-saturn rockets (like Jarvis) too. I know it's probably a long, long ways off but I'm really looking forward to Series E - will it come with two engine mounting options on the orbiter to allow you to do Buran, or is it intended to strictly be an STS replica?
  8. Those look great! As a side note, I really like AB launchers too. Firing off Zenits and Vulkans is a lot of fun
  9. Idea for the plane - make it 1.875m. That's an extremely common mod part size between 2.5m and 1.25m. That way you can keep it larger than 1.25m, but still compatible with other parts (at least if you have adapters).
  10. I don't mean to be too critical, but with how difficult RSS/RO/RF installs can be, I think RSS stuff deserves a bigger bonus. :B I just got RSS working but that's a heckuva lot of effort for relatively little payoff. I think it should be a multiplier as opposed to a flat bonus.
  11. [quote name='Beale']I'll need payment for postage of course. It's not dead. Though needs to be updated. I'll get around to it. :) The mod however is "finished", that I don't think there will be any new parts added (just config changes).[/QUOTE] Why not just merge it into Tantares LV?
  12. That doesn't sound very fitting to me, to be honest. A Mk. 2 style (that is to say, a protrusion on the top) that's more elongated/aerodynamic makes way more sense. The lower deck could hold some passengers as well, not as many as a dedicated passenger fuselage part, but a decent few.
  13. Here's another suggestion - an inline Mk. 3 cockpit? Something similar to the inline Mk. 2 cockpit, just longer and more aerodynamic.
  14. That WIP gave me an idea - I'd like to suggest a B-29 style cockpit for atmospheric Mk3 planes, or maybe a cargo bay with a ramp? There's a ramp in SXT but the problem is it's curved weird so it's difficult to drive up/down.
  15. I just started dualbooting ubuntu to play x64, and now when I open CKAN up and click apply updates, the loading bar just cycles infinitely when it says (Updating selected mods) up top. It's been sitting doing that for 20 minutes with no progress. Am I doing something wrong?
  16. One bit of criticism - looking at the cutting wheels, they don't protrude far enough down IMO. If a shuttle is mounted on standard medium or heavy landing gear the ISRU stuff should be able to reach the ground (i.e. I'm thinking about a shuttle that can fly to minmus or Laythe or the mun and drill there to refuel). It'd be a useful way to haul cargo from there to kerbin and vice versa. You could probably set up a nice base (science station, EPL launchpad, MKS/OKS base maybe) only a few flights that way.
  17. There's several mods with RCS nosecones for Mk. 3 parts but no rear RCS pods (so you have to awkwardly place a bunch of single linear ports all over the rear of the ship). That would be nice. Mk. 3 decoupler? Mk. 3 inline parachutes?
  18. Would anyone ever consider making a modulemanager config that rescales the oddball sized parts to the closest stock size, if that's posssible?
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