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Everything posted by xXIndestructibleEVAXx

  1. Still, we haven't tested them in microgravity. These forces might only work under the pressures that the surface provide. Even if they do work in space, they produce so little thrust that they would be practically useless, compared to other electrical engines.
  2. Meh. The science behind EmDrives is- questionable, to say the least. It's difficult to say whether they will ever be useful. I still have several doubts on whether they are actually doing anything, and it's not just some sort of interference. Mind you, it's never been tested in microgravity.
  3. Okay, just checking. I'm not going to try it, tho, as I'm messing with the parts (the pods) themselves.
  4. Okay, what would you suggest setting this to?
  5. the only way to tell them apart is that one is bigger than the other and they separated by a " // " - - - Updated - - - Ok. I'll change that, take it down by about a thousand. That should fix it. - - - Updated - - - Ok, not a thousand. Just afew hundred should make reentry WAY more dangerous! - - - Updated - - - OK, I'm doubting myself again here. Will changing just the max temp just make them explode all the time? Should I also change the thermal mass so that they don't soak up all the heat? How would I go about changing the thermal mass?
  6. Just like the title says. The capsules have ridiculously high maximum temperatures, making heatshields useless. I went into their cfg files, but under temperature, there where two numbers. Which one should I change?
  7. "I am Britain, therefore I am better and more important than you"
  8. Correlation does not equal causation!
  9. That's great! I haven't really started playing a lot yet (waiting for Dmagic science to update) but with all the controversey with the nukes, it sounds like something I would definitely get!
  10. What am I supposed to be seeing here? That there was a jump when 1.0 came out? The release caused the spike, not Pewdiepie's fanboys.
  11. Not very well. They insulate the heat, so the rest of the rocket stays cool(er), while the section with the LV-N gets REALLY hot REALLY fast.
  12. Just tried it on career, and still no contracts for me. I've deleted it, I'm gonna wait till that gets sorted out.
  13. It depends on the object. Terminal velocity is when gravity is equal to drag, so a feather has a higher terminal V than a hammer. That's the only reason a feather falls slower than a hammer.
  14. While it would be good, if you intend to have a probe enter an atmosphere you can just put the probe on top of a 1.25 heatshield and a fairing over it, like the Mars rovers and the Huygens lander. In my opinion, those kind of tiny capsule shapes look really good.
  15. Good point. Still, you never know. But you're probably right. It could have been an explosion or a fuel tank depressurization, or something of the likes.
  16. Am I the only one thinking collision? Sensors go out on the right side, spinning- It makes sense (to me at least) that some sort of debris, whether a micro meteorite or satellite junk, clipped its right side and sent it tumbling. It's happened before.
  17. Can't wait for this mod to update! It adds more difficulty, the feeling that you can't mess it up- or you'l have to wait a year to build a new one. And that's great! It gives a sense of history to the game!
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