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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. By the looks of things the pack is designed to be easily taken apart. Each part has it's own folder, no texture sharing between parts. Grab what you like, delete what you don't. It still needs balance everywhere to be used whole.
  2. @RaendyLeBeau You're a very artistic person I must say ) Becomes obvious just by looking at the carefully designed layout of your OP. I'm a big lover of internals and I LOVE your vehicle internals :3 One thing I should point out: instead of duplicating textures in every internal I think it would be much better memory and performance vise if you made a props pack for shared items and placed all those snacks, coffee cups and seats via prop placement. That's how it's done in stock cabins, Near Future Station parts, Near Future command pods, B9, RasterProp Monitor and other cool mods.
  3. @Wuwuk There was a hotfix patch for RemoteTech to combat this behavior. See this link:
  4. It is impossible, the texture maps don't match which means you will not have a seamless texture but a stretched mess. Procedural Parts FTW!
  5. Well looks like I'll have to move the "walls and roofs" to the top of my priority list since people want to build hangars from blocks ) Mister fast_de_la_speed also asked for those blocks on the previous page.
  6. Yeah, all of these are trinkets I made originally for myself. While playing KSP I'd run into an urgent need of something for my craft or my mission. Then I'd go to forums to see and ask if someone made something I want. Not finding any of those I'd go to my drawing board and make the parts I needed. Only then I'd be able to continue my KSP playthrough with full satisfaction. The landing pad thing came out of two needs: - First the Extraplanetary Launchpads survey station deploys built vessels straight onto the ground, I really wasn't satisfied with that. The existing ground launchpads were not up to my standards in terms of modelling. - Second thing that urged me to make the tiles was that I love to use my navball to land exactly right on target Scott Manley style. But there was no such target in my base, anything I placed would stick out of the ground or blow under the engine exhaust. The welded pads which come with the pack have their center of mass adjusted to be right in the center of the landing pad. Plus extra colors around the landing point is always nice. My first part I ever made was the Radial Hangar for the Hangars mod, designed for big spaceplanes and spaceships. Still waiting to put it into use, cause the mod haven't been updated for a while.
  7. @kimiko I LOLd at the "Early Testing" gif : D Cool stuff!
  8. This cuteness inspired me today to make a new set of procedural textures. Come get grabby = ) Hazard Tanks and other stuff
  9. New Toys today. I love the Orbital Utility Vehicle by @nli2work, and decided to make another set of textures to match the style. Don't they look badass? :3
  10. @nli2work Wow, you're fast at pioneering the new PartTools :3 I'm so grateful for everything you're doing )
  11. Looks like there are no bigger fairings for us in 1.1, I made a patch which adds a stock 5m fairing quite a while ago, still see people asking for it. For those who launch BIG! Link and code in OP.
  12. 0.6.2 Worked and its looking beautiful! As expected DDS flags are greyed out.
  13. I don't think it works that way. Github gives me the old file and says that there were " 3 commits to master since this release "
  14. Looks like the save file needs to be one folder deeper. The preview build crashed when I tried to open it from the " saves/SaveName/persistent.sfs " but opened when I moved the file one step deeper into " saves/SaveName/Ships/persistent.sfs " How does flags preloading work? is it necessary?
  15. That's the fearsome and magnificent Kerbal Krash System
  16. @Mythos The original KSP install is D:\Games\Steam\ etc. I'm playing from C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\ KML.exe is in KSP directory. I'm trying to open a savefile from the saves folder. Surprisingly enough KML managed to open my week old backup savefile from the "backup" folder in KSP root. EDIT: Ok, I copied the persistent.sfs from the "saves" folder into one of the "backup" folders and it opened in KML. Looks like its a pathing issue. The folder structure of my backups is "Kerbal Space Program\backup\Wolderstein\20160322-002802\persistent.sfs"
  17. Meow! Grabbing :3 @Mythos Would you please take a look why KML crashes when trying to open this save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0khbevd3n3bp4vw/quicksave.rar?dl=0
  18. Enceos


    Somebody said "cats"?! :3
  19. Mind you, the replaced MK-1 Cockpit was made already in Part Tools 1.1 and works in 1.0.5
  20. @nli2work @Angel-125 @NecroBones@CobaltWolf @Dr. Jet Part Tools 1.1 is online!
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