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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @RaendyLeBeau Yes, all activatable legacy emissive animations now cause the screen to darken. Probably a bug in new Unity. Try using the new Color Animation tool.
  2. I can do that. I made it for SSTOs in the first place, so I hacked the drag cubes and reduced them by 70%. But I guess FAR ignores that.
  3. It is possible to use textures from differents folders of GameData through the MODEL node instead of "mesh = something.mu" You have to create a placeholder texture of 1px for each texture used in the model and place it along with the .mu file. Then create a MODEL node in the .cfg file where texture = TextureName used in Unity, actual texture path Names of the textures in Unity and final textures used can differ. Here's how I referenced a decoupler texture from the Squad folder for my "Wrapper" droptank. MODEL { model = KerbalHacks/WrapperTank/WrapperTank texture = WrapperTank, KerbalHacks/Parts/WrapperTank/WrapperTank texture = Decoupler, Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-38K/model000 //my texture was called "Decoupler.tga", but I used Squad's model000.dds texture. scale = 1,0.8,1 } And yeah, I can confirm that welded colliders reduce the performance significantly. I noticed that when I welded a rocket launchpad from 162 asphalt tiles. The colliders were Unity primitive boxes but the performance hit was immense. Even in the editor my FPS dropped by 70% when I took out the welded part. I believe it is possible to disable them or unload just via programming and spawn new colliders instead, that's also possible. Kerbal Krash System mod and endeavors of Pizzaoverhead in his FreeIVA mod proved that. But the change is not permanent and will require the plugin to be present to take effect in performance enhancement.
  4. Maybe @taniwha can help with this... since he's familiar with the KSP code in depth.
  5. He was probably referring to the new feature everybody who has IVAs in their parts is working on.
  6. Updated the Droptank "Wrapper", I liked the way Freethinker tweaked it for Interstellar. @FreeThinker feel free to take the new description I made for the long tank. It comes now in two variants "Wrapper" - short version, and "Sleeve" as a 2x long version. Added stock crossfeed switcher and TweakScale support up to 5m wide.
  7. What a great day! All musthaves: KIS/KAS and Procedural Parts have been updated! Now my old save is alive and kicking in 1.1 Purrrr... =>.<= Be sure guys to check out my procedural textures :3
  8. Why did you omit the last part of the post? ) EDIT: @Starwaster My bad, it was in another post. As far as I can tell from my experience with squad, things have taken a turnaround after RoverDude, NathanKell and Claw joined the team. Before that we were doing it all ourselves.
  9. The Procedural Thrust plate from Procedural Fairings adds and deletes nodes on demand.
  10. Well, here's the node position: node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 The only problem is that the animated docking module doesn't let you decouple that node. You'll have to resort to a stack separator to reliably build ontop of that node.
  11. Well, more info please, with examples. Things only started changing when RoverDude and NathanKell joined the team.
  12. @Alshain I say your B.U.L.B. mod should be stock are you planning to revive it in the light of 1.1 ?
  13. Everyone can declare "this should be stock" "that should be stock", but it's still a personal opinion. Squad mostly tweaks things without which the game is broken. Main focus is new things and bugfixes.
  14. @ShotgunNinja Just found your mod when looking through the released mods mods section. The name of the mod caught my eye . First thought - "Kerbalism" sounds like some kind of disease or a political order, like Communism. I must tell, you have amazing coding skills and a wonderful taste for UI design. Welcome to the modding community! I hope your love for this game won't let you become a one-timer. There were lots of nice mods in the past who lost their authors. I also really admire your sense of balance. I'm definitely going to test this creation. Though, adapting this to my game will take quite a while. Stockalike Station Parts by Nertea, Pathfinder, UKS parts will require lots of config writing. I'll be glad to collaborate and share this stuff. I really loved the challenge of controlling the RemoteTech probe by programming actions and setting up Smart Parts triggers before the probe goes out of comm range. But I think I'll get rid of it for now just to get my paws on your mod :3
  15. I'm happy that Squad fixed lights in the editor itself. Care little for the lighting in the catalog.
  16. @Wyzard You can add a line with MODULE { name = ModuleFuelJettison } To the .cfg file of all the fuel tanks where you want the fuel dump option. Or you can use this patch, if you have ModuleManager: Squad will not bother with things we can tweak ourselves.
  17. Kerbals get experience on landing. Flag planting boosts exp by 1 point on planets outside Kerbin SOI. You can get the Portrait Stats mod to see the current flight experience.
  18. There was an option for blog posts in the old forum, where is it now? Are all my blog posts deleted?
  19. @VITAS It's been a while since the "Featured Mods" section was updated. Would be amazing if someone did a pick for that section on a weekly basis.
  20. I bet complete reinstalling of the game will solve the issue. If you're up for that.
  21. Your OS doesn't let you create shortcuts? O.o I'd reserve the launcher for updates and just use the direct shortcut.
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