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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. It's always nice to see fresh blood in the modding community. What's your skillset? Coding in C#? 3D modeling and texturing? Config patches?
  2. It should be possible to launch the game directly from the game folder bypassing the launcher.
  3. There are more on the forums, I can't remember them though.
  4. All rovers in my links are 2.5m size
  5. @Tomato29 There are several mods with rover parts. I love using the rover cabins in my crafts where I need squares. Buffalo Rover: Yellow 1 person cabin here: Bigger cabin with nice lights here:
  6. @DJToxica Basically you want to sift out all the parts which don't belong to the "Squad" folder? I can tell you how I do it: Get the Ubiozur Welding mod and weld your whole craft into a part. Then go to the folder "GameData/UbioWldingLtd/Parts/" and find the .cfg file of your welded craft. Open it and go through all the MODEL nodes, there will be something like this: If you find something which has a different folder apart from the "Squad/Parts/", then you know for sure that you have a modded part in your craft. You can get the idea what the part in question is from the folder structure. Go and delete that part from your craft. If you can't find it - launch your craft and save the game. Open your save with this KML tool. Search for your craft in the crafts list and select it. You'll see a hierarchy tree: Find your part in this tree and see. The links represent the attachment hierarchy. You can find the part more easily this way in the editor. If that still doesn't help you can delete the part node right from KML and save. Then load the the modified save and recover your craft to the editor using the Kerbal Construction Time mod. Open and save it under desired name. What you're asking for can't be done, because a part can be scattered around several folders in GameData and not belong to any mods. Example is a welded part, or any other part which is made via a simple .cfg file.
  7. Hi @AlphaAsh Thanks for the heads up with these new top secret konstructions I've been always wishing to ask you about a certain feature. Cause Kerbal Konstructs is probably the best mod for this. I wish there was a big box collider in Kerbal Konstructs with a trigger, which triggers the "Recover Vessel" function upon detecting a craft inside itself. We could place such collider inside hangars and garages to give a more immersive vessel recovery style. What do you think of it?
  8. That will be an amazing endeavor. Would take me two hours at least. If you think you can do that - go ahead. Vid report would be awesome :3 I imagine a mission with two big tugs to move stations around (two to minimize the torque by grappling them on each side of the station section). A hub probably with two cross clipping tanks or other structurals (make sure you strut at least once). And Kis magic all around ). Don't ditch the asteroid yet, I'd grapple it on the farthest side of the station.
  9. I loaded up the save and it opened just fine for me in 1.1 The only thing that needs replacement is the asteroid. It didn't have texture when I loaded the station and all the grapplers were offset from it. Link to the latest save file which works in 1.1 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mitj13ohkgnasdb/KSS.sfs?dl=0 I say we need to replace the asteroid with a custom big 4-way hub, made by part clipping. And replace all the grapplers connected to the asteroid with docking ports via KIS.
  10. I mainly use Github to keep all my works. It would be awesome if the site could track my Github releases and update the content automatically. ... I'd really love another name for the site
  11. @pellinor In the past I ran into an issue when scaling down probe cores with Remote Tech present. The probe would not have enough electricity in itself to spin up which resulted in "No connection" even with batteries present. So I stopped scaling the probe cores. I'd be glad to test out the config, if you give me one, on all the science parts I have (stock, DMagic science parts, Surface Experiment pack and several others). And I can assemble a list of science parts from various packs for the config patch. @emerald I don't think scaling the science part up should increase the cost. The increased weight itself is already punishing enough.
  12. Direct screenshot implanting will bloat up the forum size on the hard drive, requiring constant updates to the server capacity. In this sense Imgur is awesome. You can use any other image hosting site you like.
  13. There are many science mods which would benefit from this type of scaling. I scale down the science parts to reduce mass as well and to make myprobes look as tiny as possible, like in real life. Making the mass stay would mean bigger fuel tanks for these tiny probes, and they won't be tiny anymore. But I still feel like I'm cheating when a science part which costs 60k becomes worth only 5k after scaling down. I would be glad to pay 150-200k for such technological miniaturization of the part. I hope I'm not the only person which finds dissatisfaction in this.
  14. Burn finished. The new orbital values are: Apoapsis 310km Periapsis 297km Inclination 0.1° The save file is ready for the next launch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mitj13ohkgnasdb/KSS.sfs?dl=0 For some reason the pivot on my grappler decided not to work. I wanted to use it to fine adjust the thrust to the CoM, but had to resort to a lil cheaty way of burning. Pumped the orbit in short bursts and an offset thrust from the prograde vector. Used time warp to stop the rotation, adjusted the angle, rinsed and repeated. I might do a station-keeping mission to align all the modules on the asteroid orthogonally to give the station a neat look. Cause I'm good at aligning things )
  15. Thanks for the reaction wheels, they look just like what I had in mind. I started the burning mission.
  16. Well, actually I can't burn now. I need someone to bring up 3 to 6 big reaction wheels and dock them to these ports. The only usable reaction wheels I see on the station are from the two cupola modules, that's not enough to keep the burn stable. Here's my savefile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mitj13ohkgnasdb/KSS.sfs?dl=0 Brief mission summary:
  17. @Jetski I finished lining up the center of mass of the station's main thruster. Ready to burn. Do you mind if I add some inclination to the orbit?
  18. Yep, just built my vessel and the game refused to launch it. Blocked the launch button in the VAB. I decided to save the vessel and restart the game, but the vessel didn't save because I forgot to put Ships/VAB folder into the save directory. I'm rebuilding the vessel, its simple, will take me 30-40 mins to complete the mission from here, I suppose.
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