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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. By the way, for anyone still not aware OSE Workshop has been updated to work with KIS. Anyone who uses Extraplanetary Launchpads or/and MKS will find this extremely useful. OSE Workshop allows you to produce parts on site from Rocket Parts, which are then stored in a container.
  2. Agreed. EDIT: There's a pretty cool collection of submarine sounds that would fit well: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsfdx8qiooud7zn/creaksNgroans.zip?dl=0
  3. I would increase the mass by a factor of 2. But USI Exploration Pack cockpits have their own penalties: - Jumpseat and packrat seat have no science experiment and no science container. - All of them have very low or zero SAS. - IVA props don't have many instruments. Especially if you use RasterProp this is a big penalty. - Electric charge is very low (10 units) - No life support containers (unless you add them massively to command parts) Apollo rover with everything weighted only 210 kg. I think we shouldn't nerf these lightweight parts.
  4. Why is Kerbalmass so important for you guys? it's a cheat making Kerbals lighter. Light Kerbals have much more dV and can go orbit from Mun with only EVA packs.
  5. I wonder what's better, using a mesh collider on my floor and 4 sphere colliders on each corner or just using 3 box colliders... -- updated -- I found that some mesh colliders work while other don't, no matter convex or not. My model has 2 pairs of mesh colliders on the roof and walls and Kerbals interact with them without any problems. Had to replace everything else with box colliders.
  6. Awesome KIS integration, thank you Obi! We really appreciate your effort! Would you please take your time and put it on Kerbalstuff with CKAN availability selected. This way thousands more people will see this awesome mod.
  7. I use several materials per mesh to mark different faces with color on my high poly mesh. And later bake the material map, it really helps when texturing. My low poly mesh which I export to unity uses only one material per mesh. Ofc, both low poly and high poly should have the same UV layout.
  8. You have my .blend file, maybe you can figure out why my mesh colliers there behave this way? floors are simple 8 to 10 vertices blocks.
  9. As long as I know 1.0 will support DDS textures natively.
  10. Primitive colliders indeed worked like a charm. Now my Kerbal runs around happy. Tip to everyone, if you ever need Kerbals walk on your part - use box colliders and other unity primitives.
  11. Manifolding my colliders didn't solve the issue. A friend of mine tells convex colliders are calculated only from vertices. Edges and faces are irrelevant. Gonna try replacing the walls with Unity primitives now.
  12. I'll use DDS when I'm done. It has all good the good sides of .png, .tga and .mbm altogether. It's just a source image was my problem, cause .dds copies problems.
  13. The little thing on the floor is just a cosmetic sliding hinge which follows the door on Z axis, it has no colliders. I'm happy with how the door works, cause Kerbals don't have to stand on it : )
  14. I'm using quite simplistic colliders. Are they bad? BTW, animating my hangar didn't work. The Kerbal is still dancing. Gonna try captain's advice and if no success will turn to Unity primitives.
  15. I'm trying to make spaceplane textures, but for some reason they appear very pixelated when zooming out. What's wrong? Not bad when up close: Very pixelated in distance: I'm not using normals for the exterior. Here's my texture without the specular mask: https://www.dropbox.com/s/29v9al46ciz0fvp/SPR_hangar.png?dl=0 I'm using OPT spaceplane textures for reference (spaceship body in the middle), here's one of those: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nac8rcououyqupy/texture_jk_7m_adaptor.png?dl=0
  16. Hello guys, Is anyone familiar with this Kerbal behavior when he's standing on a part? At first I had another issue where a Kerbal would get stuck in a falling animation as soon as he stepped on my part. I went and split all the curved colliders into flat plates. Now I get this jumping behavior. I remove mesh renderer component and make mesh colliders with convex in Unity. Is that wrong?
  17. In lates Devnotes they are planning for 1.0 to make hiring Kerbals cost money and the cost will rise with each subsequent hire. Best option out of everything we had IMO.
  18. Same here, bumping the post up. Maybe some good modder will notice.
  19. You probably already know how to do it. But just in case, DMagic science module allows all sorts of experiment tweaking: Sample code from the Magnetometer MODULE { name = DMModuleScienceAnimate animationName = magBoom experimentID = magScan experimentAnimation = true experimentWaitForAnimation = true waitForAnimationTime = -1 keepDeployedMode = 2 deployingMessage = Close proximity to the craft scrambles the magnetometer's sensors, deploying the scanner now. customFailMessage = The magnetometer is not suitable for use during atmospheric flight, try again on the ground or in space. animSpeed = 2 endEventGUIName = Retract Magnetometer showEndEvent = false startEventGUIName = Deploy Magnetometer showStartEvent = false toggleEventGUIName = Toggle Magnetometer showToggleEvent = true showEditorEvents = true experimentActionName = Log Magnetometer Data resetActionName = Discard Magnetometer Data useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = False rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Collect Data interactionRange = 1.2 externalDeploy = True asteroidReports = True asteroidTypeDependent = True sitMask = 51 bioMask = 1 } Everyone interested in science gets DMagic Orbital Science, so it's a good dependency for your mod.
  20. Btw, one more thing was not mentioned by KospY - you can drag items from the editor screen to the inventory. This way you can tweak items before you store them. @KospY, would you please place the mod on Kerbalstuff as well? so could access it via CKAN.
  21. Do you mean you want to attach a part to the ground like we did with pylons in KAS? ground attachment has no yet been implemented in KIS. If you mean your parts don't attach at all - you're not using a screwdriver or a wrench. Use X key while a tool is equipped to attach parts. P.S. really hoped the Attach to Ground would be implemented in this release.
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