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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Node connections are very strong in the game. But robotic arms assembled from Infernal Robotics hinges turn out very wobbly at the root which is surface connected. It's a very unrealistic behavior. Is there any way to tackle this issue?
  2. Was waiting badly for this update! I'm up for beta testing. Quick question: is there any option to see other types of maps in the "small map" window?
  3. Has anyone succeeded at making a hollow procedural part? Or it's impossible with the current coding of this mod? I know allista has made his Hangars semi-procedural, but with his own modification of the code.
  4. Hello funk, could you please provide some screens of your problem? It's unclear what are the parent parts you mention and there's a fundamental difference between radial and stack decouplers.
  5. Hello ObiVanDamme, could you please make an alternative Workshop.dll which uses Spare Parts from MKS to build KAS gadgets. Manufacturing rocket parts on site is almost at the end of the Tech Tree when playing CTT. Spare Parts, on another hand, are easier to make and require less MK3 modules involved in the production chain. I find unlocking the ability to make KAS parts earlier than Rockets much more reasonable for the purposes of CTT progression.
  6. No need for Firespitter change, just rightclick a part with resources and use alt+rightclick on a second part. You'll get two small windows open with IN and OUT buttons.
  7. I don't see the resource windows on your screens. Do you rightclick the first container and Alt+Rightclick the second?
  8. Smokescreen is not the culprit. If you remove it you'll still keep crashing. I think it's a RAM issue. 3 Gigs is already on the edge of crashing.
  9. Karbonite is much heavier and less efficient than LFO, so all the engines using Karbonite got a boost to their thrust.
  10. The USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse enables colony tools calculations for the containers. I made a config for myself to add it: [FONT=Verdana]@PART[WBI_Homestead|WBI_IMW|WBI_MBU2|WBI_MSM] [/FONT]{ MODULE { name = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse } } The USI_ModuleRecycleBin lets containers catch Recyclables, it was added in the last patch of MCM.
  11. Beautiful biodomes!!! Do they also have beautiful illumination?
  12. RPM integration is very easy, you just need to find the right IVA coords for the monitors, which is hard.
  13. You gotta change the Density Exponent to something like 0.4 in the debug menu to feel the power
  14. Personally I love animated things more than anything!
  15. The CTT config is almost done. After 10 hours of testing and consulting knowledgeable people I can tell its finally working. Beta version - subject to changing P.S. Angel-125, RoverDude released a new MKS version today, I made some config changes and submitted a pull request at Github,
  16. Your problem is that your second stage fires too early in the atmosphere. You'd better stick some solid rocket boosters on the sides of the rocket and after you dump them you'll still have wings on your core stage. Second stage ignition should be achieved only around 30km of altitude where lift has little effect.
  17. I also encountered the same problem as riptide did two posts above. in VAB the MCM part rightclick menu stops reacting after several template changes. When you close the menu it never opens again.
  18. Is there any way to disallow objects being grabbed while in certain state? For example I have an inflatable habitat that I want to disallow grabbing while it is inflated.
  19. Is there any mod that uses the hydroponics node by CTT? MKS avoids it and puts everything into the Short Term Habitation.
  20. I don't think KSPI users need any more engines from other mods except for atmospheric usage.
  21. Nice idea, if kerbals had some kind of energy bar which when empty would disable kerbals' abilities to collect science, repair things and disabled advanced SAS maneuvering. Possibly even other modded EVA functions. EDIT: Will this be standalone or dependent on KerbalStats?
  22. Is the Bulb engine also weaker than anything by KSPI in the Improved Nuclear Propulsion node? Cause I'd not put these engines in the same node where the stock engine lies. EDIT: I moved the both engines 1 node earlier. LANTR in the same node where lies stock.
  23. If noone has made a CTT integration for these, here I mixed up a .cfg file DOWNLOAD //Community Tech Tree patch for Atomic Age //Written by Enceos //2/27/2015 @PART[nuclearEngineLightbulb]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree,TechManager] { %TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion } @PART[nuclearEngineLANTR]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree,TechManager] { %TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion }
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