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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. I resolved many issues with mods, but now KSP keeps crashing with no reason. I can't identify the problem in output logs, can anyone please identify the problem? My Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1zf7slrdo4qn2u/output_log10.rar?dl=0 The crash happens on scene changes. I was tracking the KSP.exe process, at the time of crash it occupied only 1 Gb of RAM. Does this mean I have too many mods?
  2. Try doing the following steps: 1. Exit to main menu 2. Load back to your save If that doesn't reduce memory load then try starting a new game between the two steps. 1. Exit to main menu 2. Start a new game (or load another empty save) 3. Exit to main menu 4. Load back to your save
  3. Thanks for looking in. Strange isn't it. Everyone uses Smokescreen with no probs, I use the latest version... I'll try deleting it. - - - Updated - - - The problem still persists, but has another face. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o2npaj6uefnoth0/output_log9.rar?dl=0
  4. Dear everyone, I keep crashing while my KSP.exe process is only 1.5 Gb. The error log says I have enough memory, but the output log says I don't. What's the catch? Did I read something wrong? https://www.dropbox.com/s/pd92mngkq6uibch/output_log7.rar?dl=0 I know I have many mods, but they usually work well together. I don't have many parts, deleted most of the ones I don't use.
  5. Awesome mod for MKS and EPL players! I've been struggling with making KAS parts via EPL, but now we can make small things without the need of root parts and VAB prefabs. Extremely useful! Edit: ObiVanDamme, You're using an outdated Regolith version.
  6. Or Extraplanetary Launchpads mod with MKS preferably it allows to have an Orbital Shipyard
  7. SQUAD officially told the community that x64 version development is going to wait because x64 Unity engine has a ton of bugs SQUAD can't fix themselves.
  8. Well, now you'll have problems with MKS. But I think MKS uses the latest dev edition of Firespitter... are you sure you use the latest version of MKS?
  9. Its just a "parts mod", it doesn't require to be updated.
  10. and an output log, it has answers for loading issues
  11. I've been reading through this thread trying to compile a config file for myself which would enable RCS sounds. Here is what I made: It produced these results: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfofeenktlank1s/ModuleManagerConfigCache.rar?dl=0 No RCS sounds yet. Where did I make a mistake? Could anyone enable sounds for himself with this mod?
  12. Would anyone help me repair my game.. Here's what happens after I switch to my station: My OUTPUT LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bof94khr33v0ur9/output_log6.rar?dl=0 Second log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjvdm2gt8eqxyis/output_log11.rar?dl=0 I went Alt+F4 right after it happened
  13. NavyFish, I've been going through my output log and found some lines with Null Ref mentioning your mod, any idea?
  14. Bob Fitch made some very real launchers for his Alexandria Project (Real space exploration history series), I recommend everyone to watch these series, very interesting with much live footage.
  15. Thank you Nathan, I tried to correct mistakes according to your instructions. It produced these results: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfofeenktlank1s/ModuleManagerConfigCache.rar?dl=0 But no RCS sounds yet.
  16. I'm afraid without TweakScale my save will become a complete mess...
  17. I developed a habbit of exiting my game to main menu after 12-15 scene changes, and loading back again. Works for me.
  18. Take a look at my girl that I'm using for this kind of contracts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109019-Orbital-Maneuvering-System-Apple-%28very-cute%29
  19. You can always adjust the extra radius of procedural fairings, its in the fairing base tweakables.
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