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Everything posted by raxo2222

  1. Guys this mod is perfect for engines, that can thrust under time warp. Now you can actually stay prograde when firing magnetic nozzle or this new fusion engine @FreeThinkercan you make this mod recommended for KSPI Extended? Also MPD in quantum vacuum mode needs to have same ability to thrust under time warp. It would be nice if any engine, that needs reactor to work, could thrust as long as acceleration is equal or lower than 1 m/s2 If you thrust engine at acceleration greater than 1 m/s and go into time warp, then engine is automatically throttled down to 1 m/s2 Edit: There is bug: if there is not enough power and core part of ship is AI supercomputer, then ship loses control - you can't do anything. Solution would be to always direct these 5 MW of power to this AI core no matter what. Otherwise this part makes ship useless if there is not enough power.
  2. Well since it has so low thrust it needs thrust ability during time warp just like magnetic nozzle engine.
  3. Why this newest fusion engine has so low thrust (75 kn)? It has enough energy (powered by molten salt), deuterium and tritium. And there is line: fuel flow: 0.00 kn Does it mean i could increase its thrust by adding certain fuels/reactors?
  4. It would be nice to have atmospheric engine, that has ISP over 1000 while on atmospheric mode, that doesn't use antimatter. Open gas core is unstable under acceleration, and fusion reactors have core temp below 3500 degrees. There is really no engine (that doesn't use antimatter), that can work for long time at 25 - 70 kilometers.
  5. It seems like for RSS Phobos and Deimos are too tiny, and there is no ideal altitude for SCANsat scanners - anything is too low. Conversely for gas giants any altitude above atmosphere is too high for scanners. Edit: SCANsat Radar Altimetry has ideal altitude in Titans atmosphere around 500 km, while atmosphere ends at 600 km
  6. I meant, that even if fusion reactors core is for example 3500 kelvins, they can work fine, when radiators temperature is higher than fusion core temperature - only thermal generator doesn't produce electricity. And how does molten salt tolerate radiators hotter than themselves except not producing energy? Where this energy goes?
  7. That explains fusion reactors indifference for hot radiators. Do generators just shut down to prevent backward flow of heat? It leaves nuclear reactors: Molten Salt (2000 kelvins), and Particle Bed (2800 kelvins - but it has heat throttle) I play on sandbox, so all parts have maximum upgrade levels.
  8. @FreeThinker why core temperature is unrealistically low (like below 300 kelvins), when reactor has very high damage from neutrons (like 50% and higher)? Minimum core temperature should be tied to radiator temperature. Even if reactor is new, but has low core temperature (below 3700 kelvins - max radiator temperature, that is possible for them), like certain fission/fusion reactors, it should heat up slowly, when radiator temperature have higher temperature than core temperature - heat would flow backward in generator. So normally heat flow (->) is: Reactor (core temp) 2500 k -> thermal generator -> radiator (for example 1000 k) But if radiator temperature is too high (for example radiator area is tiny, because we care about charged particles only), then it would be: Reactor (core temp) 2500 k <- thermal generator <- radiator (for example 3600 k) And it would cause reactor core temp to slowly rise, which would be good for thermal engines, but it would cause certain reactors to shut down.
  9. LOL didn't noticed, that no thermal energy is produced. Also it falls when I reduce amount of Lithium in reactor with hyper edit. At least I know from where thermal energy is coming in fusion reactors It seems like Lithium flows between reactor core and thermal generator/engine transferring heat before it gets hit with neutrons and turns into Helium3. Edit: What transfers thermal energy in AIM/Antimatter/QSR reactors? Edit:2: Shouldn't hot radiators roast everything, that gets too close to them, while being hot? Edit 3: Why molten salt has lithium6, while lithium7 is used in fusion reactor for tritium creation?
  10. It seems like big orange reactor doesn't care, if lithium is here. Also when reactor is very embrittlened, its core reactor falls to very low (<400 kelvins) temperatures - even to 5 kelvins at max embrittlement. Edit: There is OMEGA reactor, it doesn't care about presence of Lithium too. I used Procedual Parts and MFT to create fusion fuel tank - it has 2000 units of every isotope of H,He,Li and boron & hexaborane.
  11. Hmmh I play only Sandbox, and I started toying with fusion reactors just recently. oh
  12. Alternative Resource Panel mod have Time Remaining mode - it shows how much time is left until resource depletes. It was for Molten Salt running on Uranium Burnup mode. Molten Salt could have less than 100% utilization though. Lithium8? I thought there is only Lithium(7) and Lithium6 as of Lithium isotopes.
  13. Looks like D-T reactor can feed itself with T, if it has Lithium! My fusion plane can fly for 119 days until D runs out. T lasts for over 2 years without refueling Lithium, while molten salt lasts for 6 years! Well with D-T I could leave Molten Salt in Uranium Burnup mode, and its fuel would last for 26 years. I added trough MFT D and T resources into precoolers, also added this 2x Lithium fuel tank. Also can be Lithium can be renamed into Lithium7, so we could know what isotope is?
  14. Why Universal Holding Tank doesn't have Lithium/Lithium6 tanks?
  15. There is weird bug: nuclear reactor (molten salt on uranium burnup mode for extra long longevity) can't keep up with power demand of 1.25m omega fusion reactor, even if utilization is around 60%/70% (utilization increases, as radiators heat up). This causes fusion reactor to flicker and engine loses thrust, as fusion reactor cant produce thermal energy steadily. Also Current Lifetime still isn't fixed - it uses products instead of fuel to calculate current reactor lifetime.
  16. And how high temperatures during reentry carbon fiber can endure? Won't it erode on collisions with superheated oxygen in atmosphere?
  17. I wonder if we could have for example 1:20 - 1:50 mass ratio for spherical container, that can hold liquid resources.
  18. We could make upgradable pressurized tanks. I wonder if at unified field theory we could have max pressure of 1000 - 2000 psi. With that theory we could simulate EM forces with great accuracy and detail enabling us to create even better materials. At this tech we have black hole reactors, warp drives, quantum vacuum engines and other 23rd century stuff. Since lower gas temperature means lower pressure we could make them cryogenic - keep them at 250 or even 200 k. Wonder if 100 k would be possible for these tanks.
  19. Hmm so interstellar would first use normal tanks, and after upgrade these carbon fiber tanks. Standard spherical fuel tanks have mass ratio of 1:10 That would mean for Xenon, that it would be very efficient when it comes to mass ratio. BTW stock ore with SMURFF has mass ratio of 1:20 while interstellar ores have mass ratio below 1:5
  20. SMURFF may be meddling with stock gas tank. For other gasses mass ratio is much lower than 1:1 Looks like IFS/SMURFF/MFT have different views on proper mass ratios.
  21. Okay Also stock gas tanks have mass radio higher than 1:1...
  22. Well all gasses except hydrogen have mass ratios of 1:0.4 First I wanted to switch tank type, but it glitched out, and then tried to switch resource, and it instantly crashed.
  23. Why pressurized gas tank has mass ratio lower than 1:1? Also Universal Holding Tank crashes game when changing resource.
  24. @FreeThinker Since drill has ore buffer and ISRU has resource buffer, can we get gas buffer for air scoop?
  25. General tank: Same as before, but with sanity check. Resources: LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, LqdHydrogen, LqdHelium, LqdNitrogen, LqdOxygen, LqdCO2, LqdCO, Water, HTP, LqdMethane, LqdAmmonia, Hydrazine, SaltWater, HeavyWater It also can contain combinations of fuel/oxidizer: LiquidFuel/Oxidizer, Lqd(Hydrogen/Methane)/Oxygen. Heavy Duty Cryonics tank: There are already 3 cryonic tank models. We could choose shortest tank, and change 2 others, so they would have length 2x and 3x of standard tank. Resources: LqdHydrogen, LqdDeuterium, LqdTritium, LqdHelium, LqdHe3, Hexaborane Can contain fusion mix settings, that don't have lithium in them. Pressurized Gas Tank: It would be 2x, 5x, 10x and (these vanilla tanks are very...flat) length of stock xenon tank (we can just add IFS patch to stock xenon tank), it would actually look like stock xenon tanks stacked on each other. Resources: NeonGas, ArgonGas, KryptonGas, XenonGas, SolarWind Ore tank: Stock ore tank with IFS patch, and 2x/3x length variants - same length variants for solid/radioactive tanks.. Radial ore/solid tank wouls be based on stock radial ore tank. Resources: Ore, Hydrates, Alumina, Borate, Silicates Solid Resource Tank: Resources: Lithium, Lithium6, Aluminium, Boron Radioactive Resource Tank Resources: Monazite, Uraninite, EnrichedUranium, UraniumNitride, UF4, ThF4, DepletedFuel, Actinides Normal/Cryonics/Pressurized/Ore/Solid/Radioactive tanks could have radial variants. Radial radioactive tank would looks like one of these KSPI radial tanks. Inline versions could have 2x/3x length variants. Solid Resource tank would be grey, and radioactive tank would be dark green (or looking like radial KSPI tank) with radioactivity symbol plastered on it. Liquid fuel tank, 2 cryostat tanks and all but one radial tank would be removed from game. (leave antimatter radial tank) Water tank would be reporpused to fusion mix tank - it could have settings and ratios like on fusion reactions table on main post. (fusion modes: D-T, D-He3, T-T, D-D, p-B11, D-Li6, He3-He3, p-Li7, p-Li6, p-p-p-p, Microfusion (D, HE3, UraniumNitride) There could be inline fusion mix tank - would be grey as water tank. Fusion Mix Tank would be unlocked with fusion, and more modes would be accessible when these reactions are unlocked. Same thing would be with fusion mix modes in heavy duty cryonics tank, but it wouldn't contain any lithium reactions. Here is example how tanks would look like: 10x pressurized gas (length of X48 inline tank): 3x (length of X48 inline tank) Ore/Radioactive/Solid tank (Solid could be grey, and Radioactive would be either dark green, or like KSPI radial tank. 3x Cryostat Tank (length of x48 inline) I want to see tanks based on these tanks in pics.
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