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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Yes, I basically make a much better sort by function tab out of them. This is my current setup. CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Command and Crew icon = stockIcon_pods SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Pods icon = RDicon_commandmodules PARTS { part = seatExternalCmd part = mk1pod part = Mark1-2Pod part = landerCabinSmall part = mk2LanderCabin part = cupola } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Cockpits icon = R&D_node_icon_aerospacetech PARTS { part = Mark2Cockpit part = Mark1Cockpit part = mk2Cockpit.Standard part = mk2Cockpit.Inline part = mk3Cockpit.Shuttle } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Probes icon = R&D_node_icon_largeprobes PARTS { part = probeCoreHex part = probeCoreOcto part = probeCoreOcto2 part = probeCoreCube part = roverBody part = probeStackSmall part = probeStackLarge part = probeCoreSphere part = kerbnraptest part = HECS2.ProbeCore part = ST.SurveyTransponder part = mk2DroneCore } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Crew icon = R&D_node_icon_evatech PARTS { part = mk2CrewCabin part = mk3CrewCabin part = crewCabin part = MK1CrewCabin } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Fuel icon = stockIcon_fueltank SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer Tanks icon = stockIcon_resource PARTS { part = adapterSize2-Mk2 part = adapterSize2-Size1 part = adapterSize2-Size1Slant part = fuelTankSmallFlat part = fuelTankSmall part = fuelTank part = fuelTank.long part = Size3LargeTank part = Size3SmallTank part = Size3MediumTank part = mk2.1m.Bicoupler part = mk2Fuselage part = mk2FuselageLongLFO part = mk2FuselageShortLFO part = mk2SpacePlaneAdapter part = mk2.1m.AdapterLong part = mk3FuselageLFO.50 part = mk3FuselageLFO.100 part = mk3FuselageLFO.25 part = adapterMk3-Size2 part = adapterMk3-Size2Slant part = adapterSize3-Mk3 part = adapterMk3-Mk2 part = fuelTank3-2 part = fuelTank2-2 part = fuelTank1-2 part = fuelTank4-2 part = toroidalFuelTank part = fuelLine part = miniFuelTank } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Liquid Fuel Tanks icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced PARTS { part = MK1Fuselage part = mk2Fuselage part = mk2FuselageShortLiquid part = mk2FuselageShortMono part = mk3FuselageLF.50 part = mk3FuselageLF.100 part = mk3FuselageLF.25 part = noseConeAdapter part = miniFuselage } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Monopropellant Tanks icon = R&D_node_icon_advflightcontrol PARTS { part = RCSTank1-2 part = rcsTankMini part = RCSFuelTank part = mk3FuselageMONO part = rcsTankRadialLong part = radialRCSTank part = KIS.evapropellant } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Xenon Tanks icon = fuels_xenongas PARTS { part = xenonTank part = xenonTankRadial part = xenonTankLarge } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Engines icon = stockIcon_engine SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer Engines icon = stockIcon_resource PARTS { part = smallRadialEngine part = liquidEngineMini part = RAPIER part = Size3AdvancedEngine part = Size2LFB part = microEngine part = radialEngineMini part = liquidEngine3 part = liquidEngine part = liquidEngine2 part = radialLiquidEngine1-2 part = engineLargeSkipper part = liquidEngine2-2 part = liquidEngine1-2 part = Size3EngineCluster part = toroidalAerospike part = SSME part = vernierEngine } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Liquid Fuel Engines icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced PARTS { part = JetEngine part = turboFanEngine part = nuclearEngine part = turboJet part = miniJetEngine part = turboFanSize2 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Monopropellant Engines icon = R&D_node_icon_advflightcontrol PARTS { part = linearRcs part = RCSBlock part = omsEngine } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Xenon Engines icon = fuels_xenongas PARTS { part = ionEngine } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Solid Fuel Engines icon = R&D_node_icon_basicrocketry PARTS { part = solidBooster1-1 part = solidBooster part = solidBooster.sm part = MassiveBooster part = sepMotor1 part = LaunchEscapeSystem } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Command and Control icon = stockIcon_cmdctrl SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Stabilization icon = R&D_node_icon_flightcontrol PARTS { part = advSasModule part = asasmodule1-2 part = avionicsNoseCone part = sasModule } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Communication icon = R&D_node_icon_advunmanned PARTS { part = mediumDishAntenna part = longAntenna part = commDish part = RTLongAntenna3 part = RTGigaDish2 part = RTLongAntenna2 part = RTShortAntenna1 part = RTGigaDish1 part = RTLongDish2 part = RTShortDish2 part = HighGainAntenna } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Structural icon = stockIcon_structural SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Structural icon = stockIcon_structural PARTS { part = structuralPanel1 part = structuralPanel2 part = strutCube part = structuralIBeam2 part = structuralIBeam3 part = structuralIBeam1 part = trussAdapter part = trussPiece1x part = trussPiece3x part = strutOcto part = Mk1FuselageStructural part = structuralMiniNode part = launchClamp1 part = strutConnector part = stationHub part = KAS.Strut1 part = KAS.Pylon1 part = kis.concreteBase1 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Adapter icon = cs_size3 PARTS { part = stackPoint1 part = adapterSmallMiniTall part = adapterSmallMiniShort part = Size3to2Adapter part = largeAdapter part = stackTriCoupler part = stackBiCoupler part = adapterLargeSmallBi part = stackQuadCoupler part = adapterLargeSmallTri part = adapterLargeSmallQuad part = adapterEngines } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Aerodynamics icon = stockIcon_aerodynamics SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Wings icon = R&D_node_icon_aerospacetech PARTS { part = wingShuttleDelta part = wingShuttleStrake part = deltaWing part = airlinerMainWing part = delta.small part = CanardController part = structuralWing part = structuralWing2 part = structuralWing3 part = structuralWing4 part = sweptWing1 part = sweptWing2 part = sweptWing part = wingConnector part = wingConnector2 part = wingConnector3 part = wingConnector4 part = wingConnector5 part = wingStrake } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Winglets and Tails icon = R&D_node_icon_stability PARTS { part = AdvancedCanard part = R8winglet part = winglet part = basicFin part = wingShuttleRudder part = winglet3 part = airlinerTailFin part = CanardController part = tailfin } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Control Surfaces icon = R&D_node_icon_aerodynamicsystems PARTS { part = wingShuttleElevon1 part = wingShuttleElevon2 part = StandardCtrlSrf part = elevon2 part = elevon3 part = smallCtrlSrf part = elevon5 part = airlinerCtrlSrf } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Nose and Tail Cone icon = R&D_node_icon_advaerodynamics PARTS { part = pointyNoseConeA part = pointyNoseConeB part = noseCone part = rocketNoseCone part = standardNoseCone part = airplaneTailB part = airplaneTail } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Air Intake icon = R&D_node_icon_heavyaerodynamics PARTS { part = nacelleBody part = radialEngineBody part = CircularIntake part = MK1IntakeFuselage part = ramAirIntake part = shockConeIntake part = IntakeRadialLong part = airScoop part = miniIntake } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Speed Management icon = R&D_node_icon_survivability PARTS { part = airbrake1 part = radialDrogue part = parachuteSingle part = parachuteLarge part = parachuteDrogue part = parachuteRadial } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Utility icon = R&D_node_icon_generic SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Cargo icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-highPerformance PARTS { part = fairingSize1 part = fairingSize2 part = fairingSize3 part = mk2CargoBayS part = mk2CargoBayL part = mk3CargoBayL part = mk3CargoBayS part = mk3CargoBayM part = ServiceBay.125 part = ServiceBay.250 part = mk3CargoRamp part = fairingSize4 part = KIS.Container2 part = ST.InlineStorage part = KIS.Container3 part = KIS.Container1 part = KIS.ContainerMount1 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Heat Management icon = fuels_oxidizer PARTS { part = HeatShield1 part = HeatShield2 part = HeatShield3 part = radPanelLg part = radPanelSm part = foldingRadLarge part = foldingRadMed part = foldingRadSmall part = radPanelEdge part = InflatableHeatShield } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Separation and Docking icon = R&D_node_icon_advconstruction PARTS { part = stackDecoupler part = stackSeparator part = stackSeparatorMini part = stackDecouplerMini part = size3Decoupler part = stackSeparatorBig part = radialDecoupler part = radialDecoupler2 part = decoupler1-2 part = structuralPylon part = dockingPort2 part = dockingPort3 part = dockingPortLarge part = dockingPort1 part = dockingPortLateral part = mk2DockingPort part = GrapplingDevice part = radialDecoupler1-2 part = smallHardpoint part = KAS.Hook.Anchor part = KAS.Hook.Magnet part = KAS.Hook.GrapplingHook part = KAS.Hook.Harpoon part = KAS.Winch1 part = KAS.Winch2 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Electrical icon = R&D_node_icon_electrics PARTS { part = FuelCell part = FuelCellArray part = largeSolarPanel part = spotLight1 part = spotLight2 part = solarPanels4 part = solarPanels3 part = solarPanels5 part = rtg part = solarPanels2 part = solarPanels1 part = batteryPack part = batteryBank part = batteryBankMini part = ksp.r.largeBatteryPack part = batteryBankLarge part = LgRadialSolarPanel } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Legs, Wheels, and Gear icon = R&D_node_icon_advlanding PARTS { part = miniLandingLeg part = landingLeg1 part = landingLeg1-2 part = GearFixed part = GearFree part = SmallGearBay part = GearMedium part = GearLarge part = roverWheel1 part = roverWheel2 part = roverWheel3 part = wheelMed part = GearSmall } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Resources icon = fuels_ore PARTS { part = RadialDrill part = ISRU part = OrbitalScanner part = SurveyScanner part = SurfaceScanner part = LargeTank part = SmallTank part = MiniISRU part = MiniDrill part = RadialOreTank } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Mobility icon = R&D_node_icon_advexploration PARTS { part = ladder1 part = telescopicLadder part = telescopicLadderBay } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Science icon = stockIcon_science SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Experimentation icon = R&D_node_icon_advsciencetech PARTS { part = sensorThermometer part = sensorAtmosphere part = sensorAccelerometer part = sensorGravimeter part = Large.Crewed.Lab part = GooExperiment part = sensorBarometer part = science.module } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = SCAN icon = R&D_node_icon_largeprobes PARTS { part = SCANsat.Scanner24 part = SCANsat.Scanner part = SCANsat.Scanner2 part = SCANsat.Scanner32 } } }
  2. The tracking stations are perfectly realistic. As for having some more unique designs, would have been nice, but not really necessary and I am just grateful @RoverDude and the team re-evaluated having them at all. Maybe sometime in the future when they have more time.
  3. Danny breaks the game in unrealistic ways. With a game this complex sometimes the solution to an odd behavior is to stop doing whatever causes that odd behavior. The testing is not intended to find those kinds of bugs.
  4. A functional one? How would that be possible (without a mod)?
  5. 3 will cover it though, however it will take 6 to eliminate all blindspots.
  6. Well, that's really an opinion. Personally I find stationkeeping anything in solar orbit to be tedious. It takes a year to make an adjustment!
  7. That isn't really possible. He is talking about making a PAPI system, driving lights out there wouldn't do that.
  8. Sorry, I missed this. What it means is the theoretical 'Lagrange' points aren't very good for satellites. If your satellite is directly orbiting the Mun it will be fine, however in orbit you will need at least 3 satellites to get a guaranteed equatorial signal (more for polar orbits). However, it is theoretically possible to place a much more cost effective network with only 2 satellites, instead of being inside the moons SOI, it would be just outside it in front and in back of it and orbiting the planet at the same speed as the moon. Therefore maintaining relative position. This would get you almost complete coverage, though there may be a blind spot on the surface, everything in orbit should see it. The problem is lagrange points don't actually exist in KSP. If they did, the gravity pull from the planet and moon would keep your satellite in place, not it's orbit. In fact the satellite would sort of orbit around the Lagrange point itself. In this case we are simulating one by having the satellite orbit identical to the moon only slightly ahead and behind, and that is very hard to do even with an orbital period readout from KER it is nearly impossible. In the end, either or both of your satellites will catch or be caught by the moon's SOI and collide, capture, or be ejected. For that reason, I don't recommend this method. The solar network would be similar but instead of a moon orbiting a planet it is a planet orbiting the sun, as you see in the image above. However, instead I would recommend if you need a solar network you should just use 3 relay satellites around the sun with the same orbital period. In that case the drift would be so small it would be nearly irrelevant.
  9. Yes, it should, but not the same orbit, the same orbital period (i.e. the speed at which they orbit the sun). Orbit is irrelevant as it is possible to have a different orbit with the same orbital period. However, as I said, it's really difficult to keep them in sync with the planet in my experience. It shouldn't be, but for some reason it is.
  10. Yeah, that would be a good start. Similar to the cargo ramp angle and cargo bay deploy limiter would definitely work for some parts, like hinges. You could also do that for rotation, but in terms of degrees. However, it depends on what purpose you are targeting. If you want something like a canadarm, you need an easier way to move them to make it useful. IR uses push buttons on a window form, but I think there should be a keyboard interface method. A control method that allows you to assign keys to a hinging/rotating part. This would require you enter a separate control mode because most of the keys on the keyboard are already in use.
  11. This has been asked for quite a bit, but to be honest I don't feel like Squad wants to alter existing Tier 3 space center assets any further. (that is not something they said, just my gut feeling)
  12. I believe there is a place for moving parts but I do not like the interface in Infernal Robotics for making them move.
  13. Mission To Mars Fifth Element Stargate Thor Guardians of the Galaxy Avatar District 9 Spaceballs Who could forget Wall E... (other than the fact forgetting Wall E was the plot line of Wall E) If you want a classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind... ... and Cocoon. Does Men In Black count? Also, Apollo 13, based on a true story but still Hollywood. Does that count? If we are including Anime, Bebop is one of my favorites, and also admittedly I'm a Gundam fan, either Seed or Wing... it's a tossup. The problem with Anime is there are so many good ones that could be on this list, it might get a bit long... Blue Gender, there is another one I just thought of.
  14. No, it's just my perception of what a 'strut' is. To me it's a braided steel cable, that can't stand up and support something rigidly.
  15. Oh, that sounds kinda strange. But I guess you can do that already with the Move tool, I won't do that I think it's cheaty, but that is my opinion.
  16. It's a left over feature that simply hasn't been removed yet. Because it isn't all the nice or realistic. It's actually meaningless. Why would you close your air intakes in the atmosphere? That is when you use them. Why would you close them out of the atmosphere? They can't cause drag there. Even on the old system in the high atmosphere they made little effect at all.
  17. I agree. These engines do that quite nicely IMO. We just need them in the game, and the other parts to be re-done.
  18. You misunderstand, I'm not saying they should be the same, I'm saying they don't match.
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