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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Yes, sort of, and it's because of Altitude. The effect is a combination of speed and altitude, it's created by water vapor (in real life of course) in the air and if there isn't enough water vapor you wouldn't see it. Specifically it is the effect of air temperature dropping below the dew point. So if you accelerate slowly and get too high before hitting mach speeds, it just doesn't show.
  2. If you want all of your settings you need to copy most of those settings files, not just SectionLibrary.xml. Section library only contains the layout elements of the section you see in flight, which is a big part of it, but your other settings are stored in the other files there. I think HelpStrings is the only one that isn't really a settings file.
  3. Yeah, I'm sure that is part of it, but the description of the book seems to indicate that it will also teach construction. Plus it's hard to teach how to orbit before teaching how to build an orbiter.
  4. Even the basic can be obsoleted. I can just imagine a line in the book that says "You need a heat shield so click on the Aerodynamics tab...." - already wrong.
  5. You are mostly talking to a bunch of people who would have no use for it. If you want to make a free book that teaches the basics, go for it. But most the people here on the forums would not need it, we know how to do most or all of what you would be writing. So I think you are seeking interest from the wrong audience.
  6. I say good luck to them, but I wouldn't waste money on a paperback that can be obsoleted in 3 months. Even with a release date in October, I doubt it will have the 1.2 ComNet features, and all the things that are changing so rapidly, even the 1.2 pre-release videos from a week ago don't have a lot of the new stuff that has been added.
  7. I've always recommended books over online resources for initial learning. Online resources are great for reference. Easy beginner books IMO are the Teach Yourself series from Sams Publishing. You can get them digitally or paper. The latest appears to be C# 5.0 which is actually not current (2015 introduced 6.0) but given the beginner nature of it, 99.9% of it will be the same. C# 6.0 (for that matter every version since 2.0) introduces all high level stuff that won't be covered by the book. Stay away from Head First books. They use this method they call "Brain Friendly" and it is anything but. It is confusing and hard to follow and it's as if it were written by someone who suffers from ADD because it jumps all over the freaking page trying to explain one concept. To answer the question, a plugin can have a GUI, or not. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is just something the user interacts with. You use them every day, everything you typically 'see' in Windows is a GUI, what isn't a GUI is the stuff behind the scenes. In KSP the VAB part menu is a GUI, the buttons, those are part of the GUI. In a mod like KER, the display screen is a GUI. Source Code is the uncompiled program. That is, it is human readable and not machine readable. So anything you write will be your source code. The compiler will transform that into machine readable programs.
  8. You say that as if they aren't rather silly now. Has anyone ever failed the "Launch our first vessel" contract?
  9. @nightingale Contracts don't get broken if you remove science. You can get science in sandbox mode now, it just doesn't do anything. So if a contract requires you get science, you can still get science... without the points.
  10. Yes, more of those actually do work than don't. However the Mk1 does not (the Mk1 Inline does, on both sides), and neither Mk2 cockpits, nor the Mk2 crew cabin work.
  11. Or just presets like the current difficulty options are.
  12. I feel like there may be some confusion over compiler vs. CLI. You can use the Microsoft Visual Studio to develop C# plugins for KSP. However that is not in itself using .NET. You are only using Microsoft.NET if you include and use Microsoft's references. For example here is what a default .NET Class library looks like in Visual studio. Pay attention to the references, you have Microsoft.CSharp and System. Now lets take a look at my tiny little plugin. Notice something different? No Microsoft, No System, No Mono, nothing but Assembly-CSharp (which is the core of KSP) and two Unity references. There are a few others that can exist in plugins, but they all come from Unity and KSP and can be found in your KSP_Data\Managed folder. To my knowledge no plugin ever uses .NET or Mono.
  13. All of that is great but a plugin doesn't use Mono or .NET, it uses Unity.
  14. The stock method isn't horrible, it's just intended for one singular purpose. As for KAC, we may see a similar functionality yet now that TriggerAu is on the team, but he just got hired not long ago and it will take time. I doubt it will be a verbatim copy just because addons like that really do not match the game UI. You will likely see something a little more integrated.
  15. It is the only proper choice. You can only make a KSP plugin in C#.
  16. They don't own HyperEdit and it is licensed under GPL. Under the terms of GPL, anything that includes a GPL work must also be GPL. So they would have to license KSP under GPL and that isn't happening. Same for KER.
  17. You know how many mods there are? I have no way of knowing what you even have installed unless you tell me, but ultimately you are going to have to remove them a few at a time until you find the right one.
  18. Doesn't appear to be stock. Do you have any mods installed?
  19. I'm not sure this is a good idea. In the real world we've found ways around this complication that KSP can not emulate. So there is no way to make it go away later in your career when you would have developed the work around. The Shuttle sent a signal up to a relay satellite through a hole in the plasma created by the design of the craft which was then sent back to mission control. Understanding the phenomenon as we do now, we can design all re-entry vehicles to do that. So it's only applicable to the early space program before we learned how to get around the issue.
  20. Most of that artwork was taken from the various video produced during early access. https://www.youtube.com/user/KerbalSPOfficial/videos
  21. Some employees are leaving others are being hired... one might think Squad was running a business or something.
  22. You don't have to dig in your save files. It's an option in the settings.
  23. The problem with this type of system is that it is time based. Why bother doing it for n days when I can timewarp that and more. You might as well just give me the science in an instant, which is what the game does. I've considered the possibility of this type of system before, but in the end, time based mechanics do not work in KSP.
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