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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. @maculator That is a known KSP issue. If you research a part and then change it's tech location it will appear in both for that career. We saw the same thing happen in 1.2 pre when Squad moved parts around. It has nothing to do with ModuleManager.
  2. For all those interested, I've just added an array of patches which will extend the line of structural station building components.
  3. It should and does, but if omitted in the original part, the node size defaults to 1. Setting it like the others using indexing causes errors in module manager because it doesn't exist and can't be changed. I tried using % instead of @ to add it through indexing but it failed. In the end I just copied the original and changed the node size. Scale factor still applies to the node positions even when I change them (though I'm not really changing them).
  4. So when you say 'capture' you mean actual docking in flight mode, not in editor mode?
  5. Well I disagree with that, I think the DMP-style play works just fine, but I think it should be server operator's choice. There is no reason not to have 2 time warp modes to choose from.
  6. @Psycho_zs can you elaborate on what that first patch does exactly? Trying to figure out where best to put it. Also, FYI, I made a small tweak to your fuselage. The rescaleFactor is not applied to node strength, and yours were still a 1.25m node. My tweak adjusts it down to the 'size 0' node.
  7. There isn't going enough demand for LAN-only play. Very few people would actually use it.
  8. The Synchronous or Subspace decision isn't something that necessarily has to be decided by the developers. To me that is a decision that a server operator would make, the game should give either choice.
  9. Three. This is my 70 ton lifter at 114,000. A 7 Orange Tank/Mainsail combo costs around 137,000. So you are throwing away about 23,000per launch using asparagus (and my design is most likely not the most cost efficient either).
  10. Fuel flow doesn't change, fuel efficiency changes. That is why each engine's stats has a listing for Vacuum ISP and Atmospheric Sea Level ISP
  11. I agree with what 5thHorseman said. As far as getting to orbit goes, radial LFO engines just add a huge cost compared to an SRB. A pure SRB is also going to be cheaper but that is a little further extreme as it will be a bit harder to pilot and harder to balance just right, especially if you want to do a hands off turn. Your simplest balance of piloting vs cost is to have a 2 stage LFO center stack with SRB's radially. Why 2 stage if I said LFO engines are expensive? Because eventually fuel costs do add up. LFO engines in KSP can be simplified into 2 categories. Low Atmosphere and High Atmosphere/Space. As you ascend you will transition from one category to the other. Low Atmosphere engines will chew through fuel the higher you go and so you will need a lot more of it, which just makes the whole thing heavier and you need more engine. It's a problem that feeds on itself and just gets more expensive. Having a small kicker stage with a vacuum rated engine for final orbiting maneuvers is a better balance and easier to fly. So in short, 1 kicker stage for final orbit, 1 lower stage, radial SRB's as needed to augment fuel and/or thrust. Asparagus is not totally useless though, it's very useful for dropping mass on interplanetary burns when SRB's aren't practical.
  12. Too late, I already killed it. Though to do it I had to fork the repository, remove it's activation, and recompile the mod. It sure would be nice if sarbian would just give us an off switch.
  13. It was put out as a press statement that Porkjet left several weeks ago. So this is at least partially fact.
  14. In two days we are almost half way to the same number of replies as the Hype thread in a month.
  15. This is true. Especially online where a simple background check could show it. An NDA is not powerful enough to force people into silence as you suggest. That isn't what is keeping them silent. EDIT: At least from the standpoint of U.S. Law, I don't know the laws of every country. In our country there are very few things that can limit your freedom of speech, and NDA's have to be very thoroughly proven in court before lawsuit against a violator will succeed.
  16. NDA's are also don't apply to salaries or reasons for quitting FYI. They only apply to intellectual property that has not been released or is "known" through other means. For example, the former devs could discuss 1.2 all they want because we already know what it has and therefore doesn't qualify. I went through this whole thing with a lawyer not to long ago when I signed for a severance package. (I'm actually under an NDA until March in fact)
  17. That is so incredibly incorrect. Companies usually use NDAs to protect products in development so their competitors won't steal the idea before they put it on the market simply by hiring an ex-employee with knowledge of it.
  18. I agree with this. 1.2 is going to be fine. That's good to know.
  19. Maxmaps said on Squadcast several times that it was coming but was going to take a long time.
  20. We splintered off into jokes about No Man's Sky. That quote was something Sean Murray told Stephen Colbert, but it never happened and there is no multiplayer in NMS. KSP Multiplayer was confirmed several times by Maxmaps in twitch streams, but I doubt it is happening now.
  21. And there will be multiplayer, but don't go looking for it because you won't be able to find it.
  22. Well, the new game from the devs that left Star Citizen is Decent Underground, and it's great! I doubt Star Citizen itself will ever be released at this point.
  23. No, but if those 8 developers get together and make a new game, it's gonna feel a lot like StarCitizen.
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