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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Oh, yeah I forgot about rovers, I use my flight stick throttle which takes care of that problem. I wonder if there is a way to simulate an analog like a throttle using a 3rd party software. Or maybe you could build a control with a trim pot and a USB input adapter pretty cheap.
  2. Why would you want this? Wouldn't that just make your rocket spin?
  3. They just pushed another prerelease that fixed quite a few issues. The good news is the last few builds are getting only bug fixes and no more tweaks and additions... but my guess is not this week.
  4. This WIP Addon is for KSP 1.2 Only AdvancedTweakablesButton is a VAB/SPH app launcher button that toggles the state of the Advanced Tweakables game setting without leaving the editor. Its effects are immediate, it even works if a tweakable menu is already open! License: GPLv3 Source: Included (for now, later Github) Download
  5. I expect balancing to happen with the rocket revamp. Doing it now would be wasted effort (unless it's part of a 1.2 feature)
  6. No no no. I'm not talking about in-game items. Not only is that not what I'm talking about, it's a rotten terrible idea to withhold beautiful artwork from everyone. It took us long enough to get the old rocket parts re-done.
  7. Oh no, I didn't mean giveaway items in-game, I meant the contest would take place in game as opposed to drawing names from a hat from a list of people who answered questions right from a web poll.
  8. It would be neat to see more sanctioned community contests like we used to have. Not just giveaways but actually something in-game. It doesn't have to be developed into the game though, remember the World Cup contest? Something like that, but actually somewhat related to KSP and not soccer.
  9. So, if I'm understanding this... in a nutshell, The milestones (and resulting payout) are the reward for accompling a task, and the explore contracts payout are the reward for accomplishing it on time?
  10. Is this thread supposed to be a joke? Just in case it isn't. No, I want to see anything vomit.
  11. A cargo ramp kinda implies driving something into the cargo bay. Even the smallest rovers would have difficulty doing that on the Mk2.
  12. The drop shadow was just added in order to add contrast in varying backdrops. It was worse before. It's
  13. Not in all specific cases, just an overall loss or more loss than gain as is the case with this mostly inferior software.
  14. I would like to renew this request now that we have downgraded the forums. Is this still not possible?
  15. Oh, lol. I thought it was really strange, it wasn't even close to what I said.
  16. I made nor implied any such statement in what you quoted or anywhere else. I don't attack strawman arguments, I just point them out.
  17. The stock method is just fine for testing design ideas to see if they would work before launching a multi-year mission going to the outer solar system. That's what it is for, it needs nothing else to accomplish that goal.
  18. @The_Rocketeer So you just want to know what is enjoyable about KSP in general then? Didn't you say you have plenty of first hand experience?
  19. Ok, well have fun trying to play this game on an iGPU and not getting overly frustrated with it. I did that when my video card died last year and ultimately I'd just rather never play KSP than play it like that again.
  20. Are you sure about that? I would guess at least 75% of PCs sold in the last years couldn't play it effectively. Most of them are laptops these days, and they share RAM with the video card. Very few laptops have the necessary dedicated video RAM (or processor!) to play Minecraft, let alone KSP, and they market that as a good thing! Most manufacturers are taking advantage of Intel's built-on iGPU to reduce costs and size, this works fine for Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer. However, that isn't really going to play KSP very well.
  21. I don't have a console version, but as I understanding it the console version is nearly identical to the PC version with a few exceptions. (Not counting bugs, which will be fixed). The main one is the lack of mouse & keyboard support despite the consoles actually supporting such devices. The interface from the videos I've seen is still very much tailored to a mouse and keyboard, especially in the editor. Moving a mouse cursor with an analog stick doesn't seem appealing to me. The advantages are simply that not everyone has a PC beast they can play games on. Kids in particular often have consoles but not PC's, or at least not game capable ones. There are very few laptops capable of playing games, and many do not know what they are shopping for when they buy a PC, but they can be certain that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and even Steam (which actually plays the PC version) have built these boxes for the expressed purpose of playing games. Unless you are a PC builder or buy a higher end computer, you may not have access to the PC version.
  22. Must have, I just tried and it's not working.
  23. No, what Laie is suggesting is a form of throttle controlled balance. If your pod would yaw to the right during translation left, then the force of the rear right jet would decrease and the force of the front right would increase to maintain translation balance. I'm kinda back and forth on this myself. On the one hand I like the challenge, but on the other hand it is translation controls so you would think it would translate and not yaw, pitch, and roll. Maybe if it were a late tech tree part that was more intelligent than the early tier RCS it could work. But it inherits a lot of complication. What if there aren't two jets on any one side?
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