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Everything posted by Freshmeat

  1. Congratulations on getting a working prototype. I like your approach of doing things a little along the way. The micro can handle your needs for a long time, if you buy some shift in registers to handle the lack of pins. A lot cheaper than a new arduino, and that little fellow is quite capable.
  2. @boolybooly Thank you for the acceptance. I apologize for the poor documentation of the fuel transfer, I used Ship Manifest to ensure that both recipient tanks got equal amounts of fuel, and the numbers are blurred in the resampling of the capture. Below is a screenshot from the footage just before transfer, as confirmed by mission time: The part holds only LF, but the mass is the same as the standard orange.
  3. Here we go again, mission OCV-001. Given that I needed a new reason to fly, I set out to make an SSTO capable of carrying one orange tank to orbit. It took quite some tries, but after looking for inspiration on the forum I came up with the Grey Goose. She is rather difficult to fly at maximum payload, dipping some 20m after take off. Further, a poorly executed ascent required a 100 m/s correction of inclination, and I landed with 16 units of LF left out of roughly 6000. No IVA this time, but I delivered my cargo and came back to the runway, this time in one piece:
  4. If you need more lifting ability, RoverDudes Konstruction! mod has several PAL cranes and lifters. Apart from being cool, they also argument the lifting ability of nearby Kerbals on EVA when using KIS. (IgorZ, sorry for spamming your thread)
  5. @boolybooly Cool, hold the entry. I'll do a proper mission soonish.
  6. Are you inclined to share your code to extract RPM info screens. It would be of immense value to several other hardware modders around.
  7. The very first time I tried to go interplanetary I got a Jool intercept instead of the Moho intercept I was aiming for.
  8. Today, I edited my video entry for the K-prize, based on yesterdays launches: Five vessels made LKO and one retuned: Mobile drill for Eve mission, Habitat for Eve mission, Gilly refuel vessel with ISRU, Command craft for my interplanetary craft, and additional crew for my interplanetary craft. I already have a relay sat constellation, mobile lab, decent/ascent vehicle and aforementioned interplanetary craft ready to leave orbit, with ten days to the transfer window. Now I just need a single refuel mission to go, and we're ready to conquer Eve. A few shots to show of the beauty of mods below.
  9. I would like to submit mission OIV-003, using the Sparrowhawk spaceplane for crew transfer to interplanetary vessel Freya, bound for Eve in a few days. As I read the rules you are allowed to use non-part mods, and the Sparrowhawk is indeed a stock craft. However, I fly IVA and use quite some informational mods, as well as an external control panel for additional information. Two notable incidents during the trip: A solar panel is lost to overheating, and touchdown happens a few meters before the runway, coming to a halt on the runway. Still, I would like to apply for an advanced precision reward, first class. Below is the edited video of a roughly 30 minute flight. An additional shots of the Sparrowhawk, showing off how beautiful KSP get with enough eye candy mods: EVE, Textures Unlimited, KS3P and Scatterer:
  10. @MikeO89 You have probably already checked this, but if your KIS is the wrong version for your KSP, you cannot drag into an inventory. I had the same problem just recently and was on the verge of witing for support when I figured that one out.
  11. I have The Adventures of Ford Fairlane and Conan the Barbarian on DVD. In the evenings, my wife often plays Jane Austen audio books. I find it most agreeable. One of the above things would probably qualify the other as a guilty pleasure, depending on your own preferences.
  12. The demo sketch in the first post is throttle and a few warning LEDs No further libraries needed.
  13. I would not be able to say, but usually used usb keyboards are like $2-3 at recycling stations, so I would not bother if it is just that you are going for. Or directly buy a keyboard IC, it goes for less than $5 and is easier to work with. I can find the specific IC you need when I get home.
  14. @wile1411 If you cannot access the function through the options screen, you might be able to do it with KSPSerialIO, or kRPC which is more powerful but somewhat more cumbersome. What do you want to do? @KerBlitz Kerman The joystick I mentioned operates like the switch stibbons pointed to. I am not certain what you are asking about the mac.
  15. I installed Poodmunds Calm Nebula skybox: The vessel itself is nothing special, but the it showcases the combined efforts of: KS3P by @The White Guardian, using Subtle config by @Osmium (delete all refs to eye adaption, chromatic abberation and color grading removes the errors) Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage with stock overhaul configs by @Electrocutor The vessel is in LKO, and the reason it is visible is due to reflected light of Kerbin. The above mods are quite lightweight, I have not noticed going into yellow except on the descent tests on Eve (Hyperedit) of above monstrosity. Once I get support up, I plan to take of to Eve at y13d190-210 or so. Fleet will consist of: Eve D/AV (above), rover, ground based miner with Pathfinder hab modules, Gilly based miner/refuel craft, relay comms sat, and crew transport vehicle equipped for interplanetary travel (living space and TAC LS)
  16. @Joshua A.C. Newman Most of the controllers are build using KSP Serial IO, which does throttle rather easily. It has a quirk with Windows 10, but it only affects some boards - knockoffs use a different UART which fares better, IIRC. And it sends a lot of data back, which can be used for all sorts of neat stuff.
  17. @KerBlitz Kerman I have been looking at something like this joystick for the purpose. Right now I use a homemade joystick made of a piece of stick held between two microswitches I had lying around.
  18. You can assign 32 buttons to one HID controller. I think the problem is a lot worse for people who use off the shelf controllers, we can design around the limitation.
  19. You're on a roll This is pretty much "can't live without" from I tried it first time.
  20. Drag in the atmosphere goes like the square of the objects velocity, and linear with atmospheric density and cross section of the object. So high speed slows down rather quickly, once the atmosphere get dense; and once you deploy a parachute, you are suddenly very large compared to your mass. Note that once you get to an airless body, there is no drag to slow you down. Prepare to use your engine to slow you down.
  21. @JebIsDeadBaby I have a similar amount of RAM on the GPU, and the symptom is the same, i.e. massive harddisk activity (98% in task manager). However, I think I still had plenty of RAM to spare on the mainboard so I am a bit at a loss here. Another difference is the grain, but I do not know how much RAM different parameters use. My time will be limited until weekend at least, though, but I will keep an eye on this thread if you come up with something.
  22. @JebIsDeadBaby It could very well be that it is the subtle.cfg, I installed it recently. And after removing it, problems stopped. I have no idea what to make of the different values, so for now I just stick with defaults. Perhaps @Osmium can shed light on this? I run an AMD R9-280/i7-8600/Win10 Enterprise 64 bit.
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