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Everything posted by iFlyAllTheTime

  1. Hello there, Another avid fan of this mod here. Lately, I'm trying to solve any issues before they make it unplayable for me. I'm hunting down any NREs I get and reporting them to the mod creators in hoping get the issue solved. I'll be posting in a couple of other threads as well. Looking through my KSP log, I see the following: [EXC 00:55:07.073] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MissionControllerEC.OrbitalPeriod.OnUpdate () Contracts.ContractParameter.Update () Contracts.Contract.Update () Contracts.ContractSystem.UpdateContracts () Contracts.ContractSystem+.MoveNext () Here are the logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yo6s47374cxyrpj/AABF9xjnb2DOWcUoU8PJLnj9a?dl=0 Is this normal? Is there a fix for it? PS: Presently, I do not see any issues while playing. I wanted to learn about these NREs and how to fix them, but it was suggested to me that all I could do is report it to the mod author.
  2. Hello there, Another avid fan of this mod here. Lately, I'm trying to solve any issues before they make it unplayable for me. I'm hunting down any NREs I get and reporting them to the mod creators in hoping get the issue solved. I'll be posting in a couple of other threads as well. I do not have kOS installed, but I'm still getting the following pop up in my KSP log: [EXC 23:38:36.347] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object kOS.SteeringHelper.GetThrustTorque (.Part p, .Vessel vessel) kOS.SteeringHelper.GetTorque (.Vessel vessel, Single thrust) RemoteTech.FlightComputer.updatePIDParameters () RemoteTech.FlightComputer.OnFixedUpdate () RemoteTech.ModuleSPU.FixedUpdate () Here are the actual logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yo6s47374cxyrpj/AABF9xjnb2DOWcUoU8PJLnj9a?dl=0 Is this normal? Is there a fix for it? PS: Presently, I do not see any issues while playing. I wanted to learn about these NREs and how to fix them, but it was suggested to me that all I could do is report it to the mod author.
  3. Hey malkuth, I have a very, very small, non game-breaking bug (for the lack of a better term) to report. I started a new career save and completed the Vostok 1. I now have Vostok 2 launched (keep it in orbit for 12 kerbal hours). While I was waiting for the 12 hours to pass, I went on to complete some other contracts. One of the parameter for Vostok 2 is to land back at Kerbin. When I landed one of my other craft on an entirely different contract, the Vostok 2 "land on Kerbin" parameter shows as completed. This is not a major concern at all. In no way does it hinder my enjoyment of this awesome game and equally awesome mod. Keep up the good work.
  4. Thanks for the reply guys. @ slumpie: I followed the instructions and force selected nVidia card. loaded up KSP, looked at the log, it still shows Intel onboard. Checked in the nVidia control panel, KSP is still selected. Funnily enough, my desktop is also running the Intel GPU and not the nVidia I have. Its an nVidia GT 740M Any more ideas about how I can force my software to use a certain GPU?
  5. @anarkhon: wow! That was better than what I could come up with. Although, I'll be quick to join the others in pointing out the limitations of that approach.
  6. Hello all, I'm not sure if this is a good way of going about this. I recently got all my mods installed on Logs First, an easy one: The log file I've attached mentions an Intel GPU. How do I force it to use the nVidia GPU on my laptop? (I have chosen the nVidia one as my default, still no joy) Second: I've personally looked through the log file and I get about 17-18 "NullReferenceException". About 14 of those are related to clouds (EVE mod) I don't know much about coding but I know that it signals some trouble. Where can I learn more about how to interpret this info and more importantly how to resolve the issue? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hopefully "they" don't get a mixed message. As Fourjays said, it's best to give an honest feedback. I first saw this thread but made it a point to post the same thing in the other one as well.
  8. So glad that I'm not the only one who is not that excited about this. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome game and I don't think I have, or will, ever spen(t)/(d) as much time on any game. Love it to bits, but being candid when I say that I'm disappointed.
  9. Maybe I'm not doing this right, but no sound in my case. I did notice however that squad folder has "ionengine.cfg" and the downloaded zip gives me "part.cfg" Which file should exist in there for this to work?
  10. @kahlzun I compared to see what Squad's cfg file had compared to the ones you provide in the dowload. In 0.25, Sqaud's cfg has an additional module at the end after the throttle animate module: MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject // nowhere: 0, srf: 1, ocean: 2, atmo: 4, space: 8 environments = 15 useStaging = True useEvent = True }
  11. Shouldn't the MM file be in just the Gamedata folder and not inside the plugins folder?
  12. Agree with Draemora, agreeing with Vanamonde!
  13. You got that spot on! I was about to PM you as suggested, but as I was typing I notice the change had already been done! Why is the rest of the internet not as nice?! Thanks a lot!
  14. Can someone tell me if it's possible for me to have my profile name say "iFlyAllTheTime" instead of "iflyallthetime"?
  15. Here's the file you asked for: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xem477ry0oxkl5d/BuildOverlay.xml?dl=0 I haven't tried to replicate this in the stock but I can give that a try. Speaking of exceptions caused by other mods, I'm going to post a thread with some questions about understanding log files. Thanks EDIT: Should the following setting be set to true? "<SettingItem> <Name>vesselOpen</Name> <Value xsi:type="boolean">false</Value>"
  16. Wooow, how I ended up on page 61 of a 158 page thread, I do not know. I need a break...
  17. Hey cybutek, I'm having the exact same problem as well. Took you advice regarding deleting all the settings and reinstalling. Worked for one launch; the next time I returned to VAB, poof, vessel info gone again. Here are the logs.
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