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Everything posted by Feradose

  1. Eert: A life supporting (oxygenated atmosphere and surface ice) terrestrial giant planet. Gravity like 6 Kerbins and Atmosphere twice of Eve. Maybe orbits beetween Dres and Jool. Maybe oceans/lakes along the equador. One day is really long. Ecia: "satellite" of Eert. Half the size, orbits at a stationary orbit and is tidally locked to Eert. No oxygen, Duna-like atmosphere, maybe just twice as dense.
  2. Direct rendezvous. If your station is on Keostationary orbit, you can smack your modules to your stations with minimum maneuvering.
  3. Um. Squad made Mk3 like a 3.75m rocket part with its sides cut off. Id like having more lift and a more plane-ish look to it. SO. How about a mk3 cockpit that has those "cut off 'sides'" as up and down, so we can have a meaningful plane with flat top and bottom, while being wide?
  4. I dont know, everytime I unlock tech, it wants me to test it which I find.. almost logical. However, the starting contracts go for a long time, after orbiting Kerbin, you get Flyby the Mun, Orbit the Mun, Land on the Mun kind of stuff. The only problem is that the contrafts are cluttered with rich tourists that dont give a good money unless you have a SSTEverywhere.
  5. The whole kerbin systen needs to get nerfed in science. And the whole KSP needs better, more fun-ish science gathering. I dont know still how this science system (temperature from Mun surface... pressure from Eve oceans.. a bit of Jool gas.. here, have your Rapier and RTG.) works, but this science gathering would make the game 100% more livelier on every planet. I love this! Gives my giant science tanks a purpose. Maybe the scatter should be destroyable too? I would love to just move on them and smash them to bits with the tracks I have. It wouldnt be that hard, X amount of kinetic energy (not mass, not velocity) applied should make them "sink and disappear" like the building models.
  6. 2.5m RAPIER? 3.75m Nuclear engine? Maybe even a 1.25m pulse rocket because thats really cool
  7. I have been designing smart and kerbally "realistic", and most of my plane designs from 0.90 still work. Look at Aeris-3A, its been there for a long time and still works very well.
  8. You take it too hard on yourself. I use FAR, I am not the brightest guy around but really, you can make cubes, umbrellas or even one winged planes fly. Even, one can do a makeshift SSTO in a few minutes, and flying with FAR is 300% easier. And with the SQUAD updating the aero engine, it should be a lot simpler to convert to FAR.
  9. Since thermodynamics are a thing now (a better thing at least), and Moho goes through "Cycles" (thats how the atmosphere got removed wiki says), it would be awesome to have lava and a burning hot atmosphere (at least uncomfortably warm).
  10. SCANsat, Remote Tech 2 (Warning: This might make you hate probes and make you want to strand kerbals) And maybe if you plan big, Station science mod? SCANsat adds planetary mapping and resource locating. Remote Tech 2 adds probe network and gives you a lot of juicy new antenna parts. And your probes wont function as well unless you have direct connection (and no connection is no control) to KSC. (It adds signal speed on top of that which can be disabled).
  11. I have more ideas! Im hoping to see folded tin foil (extra rugged!) radiators, just for our new heat mechanics! Edit : to clear it up, Ill add that those are static, fin-like radiators. I dont expect poor kerbals to fold a folding radiator
  12. I grew tired of the tripod, and made it a hexapod. Pics coming as soon as possible (as soon as it walks without ka-blooing) These IR joints are wibblywobbly.
  13. On the 1st picture, every wing does its job perfectly. On the second picture, it looks like the upper right wing doesnt generate any drag at all. And really, it doesnt, causing the airbrake to lean on to left.
  14. I made this will add electricity system Edit: Ok, three points make a plane and I cant lift one leg to move it, it just leans. More torque wheels? Edit2: Even with more torque wheels, without a good tripod sequence I can only move it 500 mm/s. Any pro help?
  15. Bumpidy, all of my reentry probeshells suffer from this. I either cant deorbit, or deorbit and burn up. I think engines should be able to burn inside the fairings too, for user experience their engines should blow up with their fairings. No need for this limitation, no sane user would activate an engine inside a fairing.
  16. I forgot to put a parachute on the new version of my reusable rocket (older versions couldnt do a mun return so I needed some weight savings. After part removing and reducing weight then replacing essential parts) for my new All-Kerbin-SSTO rocket. After countless quickloads, I managed to land it on a plain with rocket power.
  17. Your experiment seems off. The intakes dont really have the same mass do they? Its reasonable for them to veer off. Try using monopropellant ballast in a cargo bay/service compartment which is in the middle, and align CoM with CoT to get better drag results?
  18. Will this work with 1.0.2 atmo? And ofcourse the great jet change..
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