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Everything posted by Feradose

  1. Okay try turning off the angle snap and use the gizmos on "local" mode by pressing F, it should help placement a great deal, you might still have to rotate it too
  2. kOS is a mod where you program stuff into stuff like we do in real life so you dont have to mess with RT's delay, and you can program the probes in the launchpad with orbit programs so you wont ever need an antenna if you can program very good.
  3. If Im remembering it right, one of the devs told that making the KSC was hard because it was sideways. (Kerbins equator, not pole so its sideways in universe plane in game) so it might really be unity applying gravity to it. Great find!
  4. kOS works very well with Remote tech, also youre missing FAR and DRE
  5. Only pineapples are true. Bananas are false. Is it legal to read a newspaper that someone has read before?
  6. Im sorrt but it was long ago (two months) and I cant say that I remember anything. There are wikis and youtube videos that can help. Maybe if you tell me the objective Ill try to remember...?
  7. I quite like not being able to change tanks to pure LF now. It is a Nerva, it should be using hydrogen and hydrogen isnt that dense. Giving less fuel per tank. Just like a tank with removed LOx, it just feels like a low density tank. But the dry weight.. I personally wouldnt mind low density LF tanks that arent atmosphere optimized, but, are space optimized girders with insulator sheet layer for minimum dry weight. What iwould really suck is boiloff. It would be really annoying.
  8. The 'blue' state of the parachutes, like when you deploy them in space and get rekt big time
  9. Why use missiles when you can use drone cruise missiles that use turbojets and descend from upper atmosphere, or ICBMs carrying dozens of RTGs, dropped from orbit or high suborbits, irradiating everywhere near your target? (LV-N for a warmer glow!) Your craft, can be your weapon.
  10. That game is really, REALLY hard, even with all those tutorials, it depends on timing, luck and placement as much as designing. I unlocked all the levels but with skipping some and I only managed to complete 80% of it maybe? Me not understand multicells.
  11. Wooooooooo oooooOo!!!!

  12. How about some extra durability chain wheels like you see on some rovers? They shouldnt 'pop' but break the chains, causing it to lose a lot of grip, if possible. It could make high speed vertical landings a bit more easy given a good suspension. They should be extra heavy too.
  13. Usage of reaction wheels, SAS activity, gimbal motors, RTGs, cargo bay doors, any kind of lights, toggling landing gear, toggling antennas, transmitting data all should generate a bit of heat in my opinion to make gameplay more realisticer.
  14. Thats the problem, the reason I needed this is because some of my crafts are so heavy and big, they dont want to rotate. I know I can rotate them better now, but, during landing, all rotation is in vain when I pick up some horizontal speed because of my horrible piloting skills and slope detecting skills. Oh also the fearsome burden of necessary orbital construction and docking..
  15. Yeah Im no good at cfgs but it sounds fairly easy. How can one balance it so it matches 909's performance better? Having a 0.03t 120kN vernier sounds OP in my opinion.. Balancing is hard stuff ---Also which size would be okay for such an engine?
  16. These mods look really nice for stabilizing offcenter thrust and changing orientation, but do they translate the vehicle? (Downloaded anyway because major life saver for launching space stations for dres)
  17. I know they are there but.. I find them too small, too inefficient and too weak. I use Lv-909 mostly. Maybe a better vernier engine that is bigger, heavier and much more efficient with more power? Can I copy the rcs part of cfg file of vernier engine and add them to engines I like? ---and if it could keep the gimbal for CoM/T offsetting as the fuel runs dry
  18. As my landers got bigger and turning them got harder I started adding LFO engines pointing sideways to help turn/translate, but it gets really tiring and confusing after you roll a bit and I end up exploding all over the place. Is there a mod that when I activate RCS, detects engines giving thrust sideways and uses the engines properly to change attitude/translate? Also, is this even possible?
  19. It doesnt seem to land stuff.. It automatically recovers them. I guess the landing bit will be with another mod in the future. Did SanderB mean actual landing or recovering?
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