"Our lives would be so much easier without this gravity, imagine flying through the skies like birds!" "..landing behind the sun where it doesnt shine.."
Im using this rocket and its not slowing down, not heating up or blowing up, F12 shows no aero indicators and parachutes dont work, did the atmosphere disappear?
You could try moving the tail fins further back for more stability, it seems its yaw unstable ^ nevermind that, I just noticed the staging, well, a bigger fin on the back?
Can someone explain how can a public stunt cause a kerbal to be stranded around jool orbit? She got gravity assists and fell to jool anyway. I really love that their orbits arent always stable, and might do a SoI change, and fall. She would be a good astronaut.
Standard, one OKTO2, two smallest inline batteries, eight round monopropellant tanks (batteries are slightly inside eachother, MP is ultimately clipped to fit perfectly) and two OX-STAT panels (moved to the "doors" to cover the ugly thing up)
Having to get ascending and descending nodes right while transfering beetween bodies, and the rendezvous and docking will be a whole other form of doom. The learning wall is steeper and spiky then.