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Everything posted by Tahib

  1. Incluced in Asmi's ECLSS Revived Reviving old thread here, but i think it's still interesting, at least it was for me. It's not documented in Asmi's, but vessels do consume power while inactive in 0.25. I did search for it before, and had no clue it's already in my current game.
  2. Kraken! Bugreport. Hi, i just installed Tac Fuel Balancer, because it's quite annoying to balance rcs between multiple tanks manually. I have had Tac Fuel before, at my last play-through with 0.23.5. I got a lot of Kraken back then, never knew why. I did not get a single Kraken in 0.25 before today. First run with Tac Fuel, Kraken again! It is (and always was) the Hell Kraken with crash. I got the Kraken when i tried to load an unmanned vessel in Kerbol Orbit. If you need more, aka vessel / save / etc, just tell me. I did a copy of the whole ksp folder. Windows 64Bit (16 GB Ram), KSP 0.25 32Bit, Tac Fuel Balancer, downloaded directly through your alternate download github link. Logfile Download: output_log-kraken-tacFuel.zip List of installed addons: xScience!, Toolbar, AntennaRange incl. ToadicusTools, blizzy Achievements, Diazo Landingheight + RCSLandAid, dmagic Orbital Science, EditorExtensions, KSP-AVC, Asmi's ECLSS Revived, Mechjeb 2 + allvessels, ScanSat, Stationscience, TacFuelBalancer, KerbalAlarmClock, Universal Storage Core + ECLSS incl. USITools/Converter
  3. Your Zombie PLan Your Ebola Plan? I have no idea.
  4. I love the new feature, showing science already on Ship. But i keep getting smalll freezes whenever i do a Gravmax, then xScience shows xp on vessel, then i may click on keep result. Looked into F12', its throwing red exceptions. Have a Log file for you, look at line 58248 (there i watched it, that it's when i do the Gravioli. I had 28 of them to finish Minmus Log File: output_log-xScience3.0.zip Just discovered another, xScience shows me theres science to do when its not, and shows me science on ship when i do it (while i get 0 points for it actually). I had this only on 2 Experiments at 2 Biomes so far: Orbital Telescope Oobservations and Broad Spectrum Analysis (both Orbitalscience), @ Minmus lesser Flats and another Flats one i dont remember. I guess only 2/4 give Science, not 4/4 you probably assumed. edit: Minmus's Flats and Great Flats give Science, Lesser Flats and Greater Flats don't.
  5. BTSM Science would be great, it's one of my favourites. I'll probably do another run of btsm in the future.
  6. thankyou, both of you I like Paul's eclss rebalanced, because regenerator now need 5 times the energy, while making o2 last 10 times longer (instead 3 times). Tanks getting bigger too.
  7. sorry not true, just tried it out. i guess co2 is just there to be able to recycle. No need to bring CO2 Tanks without recycler then. thanks dtoxic, that did it.
  8. is it just me, or doesnt work the rebalancer mod in the op properly? Pods doesnt have storage for CarbonDioxide. cfg's need to be changed, he's using CO2 where he should use CarbonDioxide.
  9. Rivers?? Ok there seem to be some: http://www.kerbalmaps.com/
  10. Nice You were right, i like the UI more than ScienceLibrary, plus its outdated (no live tracking of UniversalStorage Experiments). There's now only one thing left i'm missing in xScience: a hot list, which experiments on ship are available currently. Picture explains what i'm trying to suggest (Science Monitor is part of Science Library):
  11. seems to be an issue with xScience, long story there: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96000-0-25-x-Science!-Ingame-science-checklist-v1-1-%282014-10-11%29/page4
  12. I have significant performance issues with xScience (freezes in vab every x seconds, freezes at descend, 10 part rocket). It was in the last batch of addons I installed. Then I uninstalled them piece by piece, tried to nail the problem to a specific one. I know about the F12 debug log, but never used it. It seems that when loading VAB from main menu, xScience interferes with Squad's Building Code, many yellow lines. Log file:output_log.txt xScience 1.1 Kerbal Space Program 0.25 32Bit Windows 7 64Bit, 16GB DDR3, i7, GTX 560 Other addons installed: Achievements, AntennaRange, Asmis ECLSS, ContractWindow, DMagic_Orbitalscience, EditorExtensions, KerbalAlarmClock, KSP-AVC, Landingheight, Mechjeb, Module Manager 2.5.1^, RCSLandAid, ScanSat, StageRecovery, StationScience, Toolbar, UniversalStorage Core+ECLSS, USITools (requirement UniversalStorage), ToadicusTools (requirement AntennaRange). edit: oh and i'm playing career mode
  13. I just got massive performance hits in VAB, like a freeze every seconds. Last time this bad was with a 1500part vessel in 0.23.5, but not with a 10 part vessel. Not sure whats going on, your mod was just the only one that made a significant difference (a freeze only every 5 seconds), when i closed the window in vab. ContractWindow [email protected] here. edit: nevermind, seems to be an issue with xScience, long story there: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96000-0-25-x-Science!-Ingame-science-checklist-v1-1-%282014-10-11%29/page4
  14. Ok, have to backpedal a bit. Nice you got the same idea and just started to make it on your own. When i wrote my comment, i just came back from Banished forums - 5 different modders all have their own german translation mod and noone even tries to work together. I was concerned about a similiar situation in ksp community. Oh, and i will try out your approach, maybe its better for me too
  15. Sometimes i get false positives, showing available science when nothing left. But overall, it does work in 0.25.
  16. The USI Tools you are packing with US_Core 0.9.1 are outdated. New Version here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1fsuzvl35s2gppt/AAD8kNgBm6rO9m4paXmwuqA0a
  17. Just like any other mod. Kerbal Space Program Folder\GameData\Mechjeb2\stuff
  18. I'm sorry to say that, but i dont get the point for this mod. Did you ever looked at Science Library? It offers the same and more. Science Library 1.2 together with blizzys Toolbar 1.76 both work in 0.25
  19. I want to timewarp for, lets say, 100 days. I click in that field for time @ warp helper, mark everything, type in 100d, and guess what i get? 1 day. Just try to enter different values in that field. I dont know how you do that.
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