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Everything posted by Tahib

  1. How to put a Kerbal into the MKS-L Agroponics? I have 3 Kerbals at the Station, but crew transfer doesnt recognize the Scout Agricultural as available target.
  2. Any Update to this issue? Right now using Precise Node's Hotkeys, but would love to have a display somewhere about the distance to targest at closest approach. Would love to have that in Kerbal Engineer Redux, but it offers time to closest approach only. Kerbal Alarm Clock is able to show that too, but only when setting up the alarm. Do not want to install whole' mechjeb purely for this. NavHud doesn't show it either. Any Ideas? Maybe i missed something?
  3. I'm trying to calculate the usefulness of Nom-O-Matic 25k and Fertilizer. Do i guess right thats it changes rates dynamically to support up to 10 Kerbals, while the little one support only 1? Please confirm: 1 Kerbal = 1,08 Supplies/Day 1 Kerbal + Nom-O-Matic (Greenhouse)= 0,54 Supplies/Day 1 Kerbal + Nom-O-Matic (Greenhouse+Agroponics)= 0,27 Supplies/Day + 0,27 Fertilizer/Day
  4. It seems the Legs do work most of the time, but sometimes they get bugged. Not working at all in extreme conditions, ok, but i got 1 ship which exploded after F9 with Kerbokatz Legs, send several kerbals and missions to hell. I'm still trying to recover this but theres no command module on that ship (jeb on a rover), even with cheats on its no easy job to rescue the save. Sorry but this means i will uninstall the Legs asap.
  5. AutoBalancing LandingLegs does not work for me. How do i activate them?? http://imgur.com/YHKVGyn
  6. Just telling you, 8GB Ram should not be a problem at all, at least not with xScience. My 3 last crashes (i'm playing ksp at least 4 days a week mostly for hours.): KSP 1.0.2 Crash 1: Start 6/8/2015 2:49:51 AM | Crash 6/8/2015 4:34:03 AM | System out of memory! Crash 2: Start 6/14/2015 3:44:43 AM | Crash 6/14/2015 5:19:41 AM | System out of memory! Crash 3: Start 6/16/2015 5:05:12 AM | Crash 6/16/2015 8:45:10 AM | System out of memory! System: Windows 7 64, CPU Core2Duo E6600, GPU GTX 560, RAM: 2 GB DDR2 Running only a limited set of addons to reduce framerate issues and keep stock feeling: xScience, AnomalySurveyor Contractpack, EditorExtensions, Firespitter, Kerbal Engineer, ForScience Continued, NavHud, PreciseNode, Taurus HCV, ScanSat, SapceY, TacFuelBalancer, ThrottleControlledAvionics, Trajectories, KerbalAlarmClock, USI Lifesupport, Waypointmanager, Wider Contracts, Module Manager. Updated to KSP 1.0.4 today, finished completion of 1.0.2 missions at the weekend. Ah, no OpenGL-something. greets, Tahib
  7. Hi, really love this mod, finally this made docking for me enjoyable since my ol' mj autodock noobish times xD But, i'm missing some stats: Closest Distance within 1 Orbit and Time to closest Distance. Please add them!
  8. Hi, i'm missing some stats, please add them! Rendezvous: Time to closest Distance within 1 or more Orbits, Closest Distance (for now i have to have AlarmClock open to get this values) Vessel: Total Part Cost (to estimate if its worth to send chutes to deorbit entire stations) Have to say i love this Mod since i dumped mechjeb for ressource hogging
  9. it appears kerbals at the outside seat dont starve and dont use supplies at all. for years starved kerbals magically come back to life for another 14day if touched by kerbin atmosphere while aerobreaking - is this intended?
  10. pretty sure* its in stock now (fuel cells only produce energy if batteries not full and not enough solar panels). so what does this mod do for me? *haven't tested without mods yet but as far as i know none of my installed mods change fuel cells behaviour
  11. Is there any way to make ScanSat less hardware hungry? I do love this mod, but it seems it needs more cpu power than ksp itself. I'm playing on a really old rig (core2duo e6600), and while ksp is doing good, trying to work with the big map in scansat is a pain. Please add some sort of map cache, so that rendering work needs only to be done once.
  12. Thanks for clarifying this. Didn't tried it yet, but i guess its cheating the system until all mulch is gone? I mean, produces 1 food - kerbal 1 eats, produces another 1 - another kerbal got more hungry and so on.
  13. great lifesupp addon. i do not see why this is called alpha. please convert textures to *.DDS for faster loading times. you may use this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter i didnt checked your other addons but may help you i'm not sure i understand how NomOMatic5000 works. I added it to a vessel, no additional food containers. 3 Kerbals started eating while on their way to minmus, at some point i switched it on. After a while, supplies got empty and 87 mulch was there. Why is there mulch when it should get converted to supplies?
  14. please convert textures to *.DDS for faster loading times, as squad and most others already did. you may use this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter
  15. This means something went horribly wrong. I'm using CKAN for most of the mods, yours too. CKAN tells me, newest version (1.5.1) installed. Readme in Folder tells me, 1.5.01 installed (with old 110 thrust value). Downloading 1.5.1 manually from curseforge: the real 1.5.1 (1.5.01 gone in readme like it never existed). please make a new release to solve this. no problem for me as i know now, but maybe i'm not the only one. edit: uninstall / reinstall via ckan solved this, so ckan do know the new version. wondering why i got 1.5.01 before.
  16. 3.75m Nuclear Engine "rs-2 tiny" seems to be too weak. Max Thrust 110 does not fit to a 15 ton engine; stock nerva has 60 thrust @ 3 ton. 15 ton payload + large mk3 liquid fuel fuselage + rs-2 tiny results in 30 min burn time for 4663 m/s. 4 Stock LV-N nerv instead do 4714 m/s in just under 14 minutes. since bigger engines should be always a bit better than smaller ones, i would suggest to adjust thrust to ~300.
  17. Anyone knows which other mods do this? Thought its kind of a stock bug, since i noticed that too without using SETI Tech Tree, but some other addons (xScience, ContractConfigurator, AnomalySurveyor, KerbalEngineer, kOS, SpaceY-Lifters, WaypointManager, WiderContractsApp, Module Manager)
  18. sounds good, at least it would do the job
  19. There's a problem with the C Key. In stock, it enables/disables angle snap and at the same time switches between snap mode / fine control for offset and turn gizmo. With EE, this still works somehow (showing whatever angle EE is set to +1 or -1), but missing some indicator if fine tuning = on or off. When clicking on a part with offet gizmo in snap mode on, it changes part position and may not be reversable. It 's better to activate fine tuning (turn off snap angle) first then click on that part. But i never know if its activated or not, because standard snap angle icon is gone.
  20. Found another like this, does auto-collect http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220264-for-science
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