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Everything posted by Tahib

  1. Hi, I'm cleaning up my dead ships in tracking station, playing in career mode. scansat works quite nicely together with btsm. Do i loose Map Data or Science Points if i delete all ships orbiting a Moon/Planet with ScanSat equipment installed? Some of them have nearly scanned the whole surface but no electricity left. Do i loose something if all existing devices are disabled? If i clear my current flights to zero?
  2. Hi, have got some problems with exploding solar panels at ascent, using Mods BTSM and Deadly Reentry. I assume its a G-Force limit. Can you add "show g-force" and "limit g-force" functionality? Would be pretty nice. It seems that it get calculated by acceleration, not sure about that. Limiting terminal and acceleration to 35m/s² (or terminal alone to 40) does the job with my current vessel, but thats only a workaround. Btsm and Deadly Reentry seem to utilize a different terminal speed table too. edit: nevermind. seems the limit is exactly at 30m/s². -- cfg file inside mechjebs directoy with @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final { MODULE { name = MechJebCore } } adds mechjeb functionality to every vessel without the need to add the module. I believe this really should be there by default.
  3. Did some testing. Sorry for reviving, but the overheat tip is genious. maybe a bug? I'm not entirely sure the thrust plate is the better way to go. My biggest Payload so far was 144 t only 2 struts per asparagus tank. Test results a) 1 Strut and TT-70 Radial Decoupler. Not very stable, but does not fall apart. Another Strut at bottom adds a lot more stability. Vessel mass: 381 t, 60 parts 1 Panel, Beam, Strut, Stack Decoupler. Not possible without additional Strut at the Bottom. Bit more stability, more parts too. Vessel mass: 383 t, 79 parts Edit: BTSM Mod adds some Weight i think
  4. Tahib


    Ich krieg noch die Krise bei diesem Drecks Spiel. Ich weiß nicht wie oft ich schon Raketen neu designen musste weil irgendwas nicht gepasst hat, und mir dann der VAB wieder reinpfuscht. Sub-Assembly der Trägerrakete laden, alle Stufen durcheinander. Beim nächsten Mal vorm Speichern der Sub 30 Stufen dazuklicken. Dann muss was geändert werden, also Pod her, Sub laden. Vorm Speichern wieder Stufen dazuklicken. Zwischendurch hat man n Teil an der Maus, weil's durch den Button aufgenommen wurde. Dann verschwindet der Montierpunkt ins Nichts. Mehrmals am Tag stürzt die ganze Scheisse ab, und wieder von vorn. Inzwischen speicher ich nach jedem Schrittchen und benutze für alle größeren Teile Subs, die fertige Rakete hat am Ende 500 oder mehr Teile. Das Spiel macht vielleicht süchtig, aber die Bedienung ist teilweise echt das letzte.
  5. My first Ion craft, and first visit to minmus surface. Im pretty new to ksp, it's a work in progess. v1 circularized Minmus, v2 got landing legs and skycrane. thought i need it to get back to orbit.
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