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Everything posted by FennexFox

  1. I don't understand the cloud aligning thing. I opened EVE manager in tracking station and there's nothing like Alto shadow 2D layer.
  2. Any plans to make nuclear turbojet into multipurpose engine like SABER? Heating external air and heating liquid fuel seems not very different to me, so I think that would make sense.
  3. sounds great, have you any plan to implement a regression of nodes and rotation of apsides which enables Sun-Synchronous Orbit? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98033-Realism-Overhaul-Discussion-Thread?p=1954843&viewfull=1#post1954843
  4. Hello fellows, I'm currently working (exactly learning) on making DCSS Partspack, and I think it's done more than a half if I could set aside the texturing things. That's why I have these two questions... #1. Can I have a RO-compatibility certification on my works? As I started this work to teach myself enough skills and knowledge to contribute a real thing to RO community, I wish my partspack could be qualified enough to be accompanied with RO. Actually I have no plan to make my partspack playable without RO, so just make it's CFGs directly for RO, don't make MM configs. The problem is, the MM configs are the very major part of RO, and as far as I know making MM configs and qualifying them is how the RO development works, so my way (not to make MM configs but to make a mod itself compatible) doesn't look normal. I want my partspack to be inspected by maintainers of RO and qualified as one of the "suggested" mods. Would it be possible? #2. Could RealFuel cryogenic fuel vaporization inhibited by sun shielding? Once I complete my DCSS partspack, then I might gonna work on ACES and Cryote partspack, since I'm interested in modernizing full STS program, including fully reusable crew shuttle(F9R), chemical space tug(ACES + Ctryote), nuclear interplanetary ferry(Copernicus?), etc. That's why I'm curious about the Cryote concept could work on RO condition. As far as I know, the newest DRE separates the skin temp and internal temp, so it seems available but not sure because I don't know how RealFuel vaporizing works. I'm so sorry for my bad English, it was never good but this time I feel it's worse then ever because I'm too tired now.
  5. It feels so lucky to start my modding with a full permission of a skilled modder, like standing upon the shoulder of giant. XD
  6. Oh, I used your texture on your parts, and have no plan to use your texture on my parts . That's stealing I think, isn't it? BTW I found that the texturing is real thing, much harder then modelling I think
  7. Colliders fit well, Nodes are in position, CFGs are almost done, so the only thing left is texture I guess. E: I made an Youtube to explain how it works. Wow! It seems that my 'memo's are not shown in mobile. If you see this vids in desktop, you could see the whole credits and explanations.
  8. Holy crap you guys make the career mod more complete then ever!
  9. Silly question: If I wanna make a antenna which can't transmit scientific data, then will this be enough? MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 1000000 }
  10. Thanks! I was confused since the OP says it can varies to conditions.
  11. So one liter of SVM store how much kj of electricity??
  12. Wow, Hyper-fast and accurate reply! E: I started my way from the thread, but first time it was too overwhelming for me to understand so much information without any experience, even in a foreign language! (I'm not very comfortable with English, obviously.) but now, Wow, the information on the thread is marvelous! It feels like suddenly my eyes are opened. Thanks a lot for giving me the link to remind me the thread!
  13. Weekly report, again! Generously Blackheart612 permitted me to modifying his models themselves, so I spent this weekend with tinkering his models to make a proper-looking 4m DCSS parts, not just scale editted ones by cfg modifications. So I have full bunch of new models, so I have to re-write and clean up some cfg and MM configs into new ones. I'll do that next weekend. Problems: I didn't touched anything about textures but they are gone! Things to Learn 1: How to make engine-faring things with Unity? I mean, the parts not visible unless they're attached to something. Things to Learn 2: I made low-poly colliders for my models, and unchecked the "mesh renderer" setting in Unity, but it's still shown in-game. How could I make it invisivle? To be done: initail cfg making, node editing, and some more research to make it's parameters more realistic. I found that node editing is a real pain in the ass. It really takes much time to make a properly sited node...
  14. Sorry for delaying! I was too busy last few days. Checked your models, and they are fantastic as always! Since I can't run unity and ksp until weekends, I could only check the models themselves, but it seems prefect. Always thanks to your help and generosity!
  15. Thank you for saying so! Since it's my first mod, every single comment cheers me a lot. BTW, I'm afraid that my mod wouldn't fit well to your purpose. My goal is replicating the Delta Cryogenic Second Stage in all the two diameters(4m and 5m), since we have only a 5m version of it, which is identical to ICPS: we have the gorgeous ICPS in glorious Aerojet Kerbodyne mod. So actually what I'm doing is downsizing it, rather than upsizing it. - - - Updated - - - Argh, that's why I couldn't find them! Well, I'm only working at weekends, and I'm so much a noob, so I'll be very appreciate every help you might give. And I consider this mod only for Realism Overhaul, so I have to rewrite cfg whatever those parts have, so whether it works well or not doesn't matter. Frankly, your models are great in detail, so I hope to get yours!
  16. Always really thanks for your generosity and useful help! I'll get the method this weekend. BTW, yes I recall you made the MRM-106Ds, since I was who requested you to make them XD but I can't find the mu file in your Aerojet Kerbodyne mod...I downloaded yours from the dropbox link on your release thread.
  17. Hello e-dog, I'm a noob who wannabe a modder and I have a question: can I implement this awesome plugin to make some presetted but switchable fairing? I could have implemented this plugin into my own payload attaching face, and got rid of fairing base resizeability, but that's all I could do. As I'm making a historical replica of something, I don't wanna the auto shaping our manual adjustmenting feature of this awesome mod, but only generating the proper fairing. Yes, it would be better to make my own fairing part for this purpose, but I wanna reduce part counts in VAB. Best regards FennexFox E: I was hit by an idea that I could do this with fairing parts, not with fairing base part, but I can't figure that out until weekends.
  18. My grandmother passed away some days ago, so I had really no time this weekend. I'm back here to report anyway. As I said before, I modeled all 4 PAFs of DCSS, and now am working on PLAs. I'm only modeling now, set texturing aside. and made some CFGs to make them work as intended. PAF with Procedural Fairings module, PLA with decoupler, etc. Problems: I don't get how should I align my model on blender. I made "set origin to geometry" and locate the model (0,0,0), but it seems not aligned properly. Curious: Can I make a preset with procedural faring module, and set nodenumbermodifier & autoshape off? I have to get to the procedural fairing thread, obviously. To be done: much, much mores...
  19. There's no such form factors in RO, in real rockets. Is DCSS in what form factor? What about CST-100, Orion, Dragon? All the three capsules have different diameter. The rocket makers in real life don't consider the volume of payload in those way. I think there's no point on discussing the actual form factor right now, especially when we're confusing on kerbal scale and real scale. Anyway, your works are really cool!
  20. SmokeScreen is shipped with RO, AFAIK. - - - Updated - - - Good news, I'll check it out on this weekend. BTW, Did I things correctly?
  21. Yes, that's what I wanted! But as this is a branch of Kerbodyne, it's better to match the scales with Kerbodyne and then scale it up, I thought.
  22. Bigger, as it's a MM config for RO. I have to make a ksp sized part into real sized one, that's roughly x2. Yes, scales for each axis are not equal but roughly equal, that's decided by maintainers of RO. They sized up the adapter between tanks from Kerbodyne mod by those scales. I don't know why, but I presume they decided it to match the real scale. So I have to write the scale line outside of model again? I did the model resizing few times ago but that was never required before.
  23. Ok, I have really no time to work on this today, so this is what I got: There`s tons of things to be done, but anyway, I got my own part in game! Look at the shiny tank adapter! but the problem is within MM config. I think everything blocks my way. !MODEL {} @MODEL { model = AerojetKerbodyne/Parts/ICPS/43A scale = 1.94975275, 2.0, 1.94975275 } Yes, MU is replaced, but scale isn't working. I have to use TweakScale instead to scale this adapter up. I have no idea why this is happening...
  24. WOW! Now my problem for last few days are solved at once! Really thanks!!
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