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Hary R

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Everything posted by Hary R

  1. Oh someone is defending windows, let's all keep our calm. Well indeed, win 10 is not bad at all, it's a pretty easy to use OS and it's good enough for people who don't really care.
  2. The mandatory dial up sound: wow, we were communicating with alien at that time. I will never forget that sound.
  3. The legacy is the old animation component, it's not supported anymore but KSP still use it. In the new part tool Squad created a work around so you cant use unity 5 to create your emissive but I didn't use it yet so I don't know how it work exactly. nli2work said the part tool required unity 5.2.4 to work properly so be careful about that.
  4. depend, if you use the new part tool (for 1.1) i suggest you read this thread: if not, you can't, you have to use the 4.2.2 version of unity and the legacy animation.
  5. you should have tried to decode the hexadecimal he gave at the end...
  6. It is quite useful when in flight you know how much DV left you have but for planing a mission, no.
  7. I always watch a movie knowing that it will never be accurate, so i never get a movie to be spoiled by bad science 'I even laugh at it) hard si-fi or not. The only time I screamed at the screen was in Elyseum (yeah watch it recently) when the mercenary use a puny little rocket launcher with it's puny little RPG's to shout down a spaceship that was already in ORBIT!!!!! That was to far, even for someone like me. This, I watch a movie for the plot not the science in it.
  8. No as no one will defend Windows. And most people that have posted here are Linux user.
  9. No I can't (store buyer and proud of it) and in all fairness, didn't really care about the pre-release, I don't have time to do a third job for free right now.
  10. I guess it does hurt but we have been through this already, we know why it was done like that, don't pure salt into the wound it's not worth it.
  11. Yeah i was thinking about it after i posted. time to try the new toy.
  12. Good, to bad I have to wait for 1.1 real release before being able to test it. Well "c'est la vie" Still i can get myself prepared for the next part of my mod. time to get back to work
  13. Hary R

    Imgur Down?

    no it work for me.
  14. Nice one, I like the premise. But a well equipped modern army (Ok JSDF is not exactly an army but that's beside the point) with a lot of supply will crush any medieval army easily no matter the number difference. The scenarios here is different in that that they are ill equipped and don't get resupply or reinforcement, their technological advance will still give them an edge but when they will run out of bullet, thing will get bad (if a war occur of course)
  15. A fly can fly dozens of kilometers to annoy you.
  16. Our own history have shown some possible scenario, 1- The FTL on are like the European of the colonial time i.e. "we are here to claim this land as our. What! You were here before us, we don't care". This will lead to a war. Think of the spanish conquistadores. 2- If they are more like us now days, I remember about the "sentinel island", we just observe them from afar and try to not interact with them. They can do that to, observe the elves from a far hidden behind their technology study them and maybe try to communicate after a while (they are also not willing to bring or be infected by some nasty virus i guess). This is two of the many possible scenario i can think of if the FTL one detect the elves first. For the other way around. I guess all those magical technology will freak out the first to see the aliens. Then again, it depend on how the lord of the elves will react, how their beliefs thought them to react. Again our own history shown us some example, some will just try to destroy the magical beast at all coast while will just try to understand what are those weird creature in their strange outfit.
  17. Well, outnumber, without reinforcement before years that also mean no resupply before two years. This is a game changer, the FTL guy are here for a tough fight. If they still have a space ship, they can have a safe mobile base in orbit and lunch military operation from there and have a chance do do a lot of damage and may be enough to break the locals moral. But if all they have is a ground base, soon or later it will be overwhelmed. Holding it for two year is impossible even against sward/bow and arrow army.
  18. If war is unavoidable then: The FTL one will win: 1- they have better communication device and can travel long distance in time that the native one can't even imagine (aircraft). 2- They certainly know that they are outnumbered so they will not engage in a frontal confrontation, they will use a guerrilla strategy. Do they have air personnel transport? If so then they can strike far beyond front line and return in the security of the sky, unless the native have some kind of aerial vehicle. 3- They can send a message home to call for reinforcement.
  19. De facto, my original question have been answered and the post above is more of philosophical question than a science one as their is no way to be sure who is right unless an alien life form come and demonstrate that what they have a different vision of math. (or the same) PS: by the way, the question was more, "can we understand the same math done with a different number system".
  20. I was in France when that happened and as you said, different people adapt at different pace, I was fortunate be be one of those of think: euro it is now, no need to think in franc anymore. But I know some people from back then who needed to convert first. Off topic, do you know the jock about a french guy who want to buy something in Spain, he first convert his french euro in franc, then convert it to spanish peseta and finally he convert it to the spanish Euro.
  21. This here is wrong, you can't just have Electric charge as propelllant (there was a thread about that but i don't have time to look for it), it need a fuel (air intake or xenon or anything else) or you need a plugin.
  22. This is interesting. In the tread that inspire me the question here (and this is a simplified version of what i really had in mind) I said that alien measurement system will be nothing like what we have. It's just a speculation but the chance of it to be true is far greater then the opposite. Here you add that even the concept of math might be different, that our understanding of what math is might be different of that of a different civilization, a different spices that evolve differently. bottom line is we can't be sure until we meet another intelligent life form.
  23. here, the album id wcuER in your case, you just copy paste that in the imgur album button
  24. Yep math is math no matter what. The interesting part is (and guys I knew it from the beginning), the result is in fact the same, the number may have change due to the system but what it represent is the same whether you use decimal, octal, hexadecimal or any other system.
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