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Maelstrom Vortex

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Everything posted by Maelstrom Vortex

  1. Thanks Turtle, the issue has been figured out. I somehow.. and I'm still trying to parse this.. overlooked the button's presence repeatedly. Even though I knew it should be there. Currently I'm writing it off to sleep dep as Kerbals was the last thing I was running at the end of a 24 hour stream. I thought, "I'll do the best thing I do at the end of the day because I can do it in my sleep." I underestimated the power of lack of sleep. I managed to get my power station up to warp 6 on the QSR and so it'll be on its way to eve tonight. The button was literally staring at me and it was like my eyes saw everything EXCEPT the startup button.
  2. I apparently am. Wow, I can't believe I kept missing it. I knew it was supposed to be there. It was like 5 am when I was trying it. Oh well, write this one up to PEBKAC. I did get it working last night after I found the button present after a reinstall. I also realized I wasn't looking at the charging as much as I should have or I would have realized that it was absorbing power to start up, not just dieing on itself. That's what sleep dep does for you. I was on a 24 hour stream at the time. Remind me not to try flying complex space craft on no sleep. I did finally figure it out last evening after a reinstall of warp-plugin and got the emitter array and even the warp engine to work so I'm back to all cylinders. Very embarrassed right now . It's funny how lack of sleep can totally circumvent your ability to recognize the obvious. Still kicking myself for being so absolutely oblivious. I was awake, but apparently the brain was not at the keyboard.
  3. I solved the issue with the QSR. Apparently the 5-6ths reinstall of the warp plugin fixed it?
  4. It probably is pretty complex. I imagine you'd have to divide the power received by the receiver by the number of engines, then count the node hops between each engine and the source to reduce the amount of thermal supply to account for distance and then apply that power to the engines. Then if you used multiple receivers you'd have to do some sort of nearest-path routing to the nearest thermal engine to link the right receiver and engine.
  5. @ss8913 If I were you, I'd check out the source code repository on github and perhaps put your suggestion files here or as a suggestion on github.
  6. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/204311263 Here's what I'm experiencing in full detail. Time starts at 6 minutes at construction, testing lasts til about 1 hour when I give up. Beginning to suspect an interaction with a mod that changes how the right click menu is displayed, but which one I would have no idea. The start button works in 1.3.0 The charge field is even clearly visible, but is not populated. @FreeThinker Should I still be manually removing the USF/NF patch or should I use that with patch manager and would removing that patch cause this behavior? Because that's the only manual modification I make to the warp plugin install.
  7. The start up button never appears.. at all.. even before anything is pressed in the reactor control window. Perhaps I haven't made that clear. I've started and stopped fusion reactors a bazillion times. i know where it should be located and how it should function. I have one of the most extravagant beamed power array relay systems in any campaign I know of including conversions between different bands of power and using multiple reactor types. This isn't a, "This guy has never started a fusion reactor or similar reactor" issue, this is a "the startup button is NOT on the menu at any time" issue for the QSR in 1.3.1. Before anything is even touched, on load, there is an activate reactor button on the right click menu as you see on my last screen shot where the deactivate reactor button is displayed in that image. There is no startup button at the top as one might expected. That is the only thing that hints at turning the QSR off or on from the right click menu in 1.3.1 as far as I have seen. I have seen 0 start up button as in 1.3.0 and when I hit activate reactor it has the same duplicate effect as if I were to hit activate reactor inside the reactor control window.. nothing. So the ability to charge the reactor appears to be missing altogether.
  8. There's an activate/deactivate reactor button that I've been using, but from what I've seen it does not initiate any charge functions or anything like that. The same button is present on tri-alpha, but tri-alpha's start in the active state. I've tried restarting tri-alphas, and that works.. some of the time.. using the activate reactor button. I think something's missing from the operational code for these reactors.
  9. The singularity reactor's control windows is in the upper left. It shows active, but 0 power produced. Even when the transmitter is turned on. The start up button I have seen on other fusion reactors is not present on the singularity pop-up gui, but there is a button to activate the reactor. I hit it, but it literally just goes into an active mode and does not appear to produce power. Here's an image link that displays the interface:
  10. I know the button you speak of from other chargeable fusion reactors. The button does not appear to be present in 1.3.1 and I am not under acceleration at the time that I check for it. There is an activate reactor button and yes, fuel is present. Please, please please.. I provided a clip, all the questions you are asking would have been answered with even the most briefest of a glance.
  11. Is the charged particle electrical generator supposed to be capped at 4 GW output no matter its scale? If it isn't, how are you ever supposed to access even a fraction of the power potential of antimatter and singularity reactors? Tweak scale may not be scaling the generator output, from what I have seen in previous comments, it is supposed to.
  12. Testing it now on my stream, in 0 G, no atmosphere, power pre-reqs met, still no output. Trying to use it to power a broadcast antennae for a far-hard x-ray. https://www.twitch.tv/maelstrom_vortex If you want to see my test rig and tell me what I'm doing wrong. Here's a clip of the test rig I have set up that will not produce power from the singularity reactor. https://clips.twitch.tv/ResoluteBetterGoblinBloodTrail
  13. Still cannot get the singularity reactor to work and that was with a 14 GW Tri-alpha reactor for a power source for a scale 5 singularity reactor which posts a maintenance demand of 6400 Mj, not sure what I'm doing wrong or if the reactor is bugged. Ah, nevermind, I just saw freethinker's prior post. I'm not testing it in 0 g. That may be the last trick.
  14. Is anyone besides me having trouble getting a singularity core to start and stay started? Can someone tell me if other than a charge to electric converter if there are any special requirements on the singularity generator?
  15. Thanks Mine_Turtle, I will reinstall CRP tonight to see if it restores things. If that's all it is I'm going to be quite happy. (I suspected the same, but wanted a third party confirmation.)
  16. All reactors and isru are currently throwing null reference of an object errors when their management windows are opened. Not sure of the cause. Temp drop-box link to log file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xd184kww8ykitew/KSP.log?dl=0 Looks like somehow the resoruces are missing?
  17. I built a Gen 1 transformer shuttle known as Sky Lynx using KIS/KAS and Infernal Robotics based on an old toy model. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/202799948 His shuttle mode is ssto-capable, dragon mode can fly at very low speeds in low kerbin orbit but is.. challenging to remain stable.
  18. Here's an explanation and example config of an orbital beamed power array with full planetary coverage: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/175835316 Things that are necessary for proper integration: In the VAB all wavelengths must be set identical for receipt and broadcast. For example, I use Long Range infrared. Once set you only have to hit transmit on the deploy-able antennae and then link for relay on any satellite in range of site to relay. They will not show they are part of a linked network until you turn on your eceiver. When you turn on a thermal receiver that has specific LR IR band or is a multi source such as the mk1 and mk1x2 thermal receivers.. they will show they are in a network as long as that receiver is in site of either the original transmission source or the satellite. Remember the satellite must be facing the broadcast antennae so make sure facing is 1 and unobstructed by craft parts.
  19. Am I the only one getting broken interfaces on some reactors and ISRU?
  20. Serious problem with some ISRU equipment not having a functional management window and some reactors. Tri alpha is fine, but Tokamak and salt reactors both seem to have broken reactor management interfaces and I've yet to find an ISRU other than the the resource harvesting atmospheric intakes that has a functional ISRU refinery window and that is with me redownloading and re-installing the warplugin mod to verify not a corruption issue. Repeated on two streams. Clip below to show situations it occurs in: https://clips.twitch.tv/NaiveGlutenFreeDragonfruitAliens Please note I had both windows open, neither had an interface. This is what i got on the salt reactor and the tokamak as well only a title bar with empty content. I suspect there is a possibility that on some parts the 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 may have been interchanged. Want to resume the old campaign and continue to showcase what is possible with KSPIE, but I need it working pretty badly to be able to make that happen in a live setting.
  21. Anyone know if any parts of b9 already work on 1.3.1?
  22. Tried to install GPP using the instructions on the 1.5.3 link on 1.3.1, only getting a black screen on load, anyone know what may cause that? Using most recent Koppernicus version 1.3.1 no other mods present other than eve per instructions. Update: Discovered main game file corruption, over-write using original KSP folder resolved.
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