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Maelstrom Vortex

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Everything posted by Maelstrom Vortex

  1. Brothers in planetary exploration, the duna flyer, and the duna rover. The flyer has an exploration wound from a rough landing.. its nose lacks a canard, but turned off, it still flies nice and stable.
  2. I suspect you may be snagged and bouncing on the support girder
  3. The safest 130 m/s rover on eve, even stays firmly pressed to the sides of mountains. Might be able to be flown if I pay more attention and give the flaps a bit more authority. Going to test tonight.
  4. Does eve's atmosphere completely block beamed power at the surface if delivered from orbit?
  5. Please note, I do not intend on maintaining this OP. You will have to search the thread to see if a given mod is compatible by appropriate search terms. The concept is this, if you know a mod that works in 1.3.1, please list it here so that we know if it can be added safely to a 1.3.1 install. I know that many mods will update to let us know when they are, but some may already be and not everyone may be aware! So, if your mod is 1.3.1 compliant, please post its full name here for easy reference, or if you are a user who knows it is please post its name here, double confirmations are completely okay! I'll be testing mods tomorrow and will add my findings here. You are encouraged to do the same and I'd encourage a sticky for this thread as an index of 1.3.1 compatible content! It's also safe to use other terms that a mod may be known by aka, aliases. Example: Kerbal Space Program Interstellar Extended as KSPIE. Try to make the mod as index-able as possibly by as many generally known canon names you may know.
  6. @FreeThinker The error with the deployable mirror relays has been repeated by a different user: I've noticed that the solar panel behavior information seems repeated in the information dialogue for the deployable mirror types and this may indicate the source of the error. The reason it's beaming to Ike is the Mirrors simply are not acting as relays at all when toggled.
  7. Thank you for double confirming my suspicion, none of the deployable mirrors are working properly in relay mode. There's some form of bug with them that has the solar panel behavior being called twice.. I had the same issue with the IR variant so it must be specific to the mirror types. I replaced my mirrors that were not working with bulb phased arrays and they worked normally for relaying IR, but the mirrors simply wouldn't pick up anything. I'm unfortunately not sure the Bulbs can be configured for UV.
  8. You have my sympathies free thinker. Fortunately, my backup sustained my campaign. I am creating an experimental directory to try to sort things til it is figured out what's broken and what is not.
  9. Praised the IT gods for good backup practices so that I did not lose my campaign to new patch.
  10. @tmbomber I really need to make a much cleaner version of my SR relays. They're very clunky. SR actually stands for short range. I have a new X-ray sat that you place in high orbit and can collect any wavelength, (so all your ir works) and thermally converts it then fires it into deep space. Takes a lot of radiators, but I had 300+ MW of power well outside 1.5x the radial diameter of the kerbal solar system on the X-ray band. (Started with around 37 gw received from ground).
  11. I thought about it a bit and I might know what's causing this. FreeThinker, how does the beamed relay system calculate its shortest path and what does it weight and in which priority order? If it's giving priority to relay size over range considerations it may want to use the SR satellites at Kerbin first because they are larger even though they're at a distance that would render the long range infra-red impotent.
  12. I already checked for that. verified visibility to the mirror relay system to the primary transmitter. Something else going on here. Given it's gilly the next relay satellite is literally not to much more than 30 KM away because the orbital ring is only at 22 KM altitude with each of 4 sates separated by approximately 1 hour in a 4 hour orbital period. The deployable IR mirror part is acting like a solar panel and doesn't appear to have any received IR power, if possible please enable some means of checking beamed power relay amount on mirrors to validate whether they're operable at all.
  13. Getting weird effect out of beam powered network where craft receive power relayed from sub-optimal locations when better positions are available. Confirmed auger issues resolved. Testing other changes. Update: The HAL AI may also not be working. Confirmed, no Ai cores are functional as of this patch. Possible issue with IR mirrors not relaying long infra-red and circular rectennas not properly receiving after dock/undock with craft, a lot like the reactors. That or shortest path function is not working correctly. Notice the distance to gilly, notice the calculated path, there are 4 ir mirrors in orbit of gilly. Information note: The Power Relay Satellite SRs are located in orbit of Kerbin so the GIlly station shouldn't even be using them as they're billions of meters away, but it is despite alternate paths being available in the ir mirrors around Gilly. I see this behavior out of Ike's beamed power as well periodically, despite being aimed directly at duna and visible, it will bounce off Kerbin instead for some weird reason at times. Pathing needs adjusted to remedy this or it will disable all local power broadcast around non-kerbin systems. Also, can any wavelength penetrate to eve's surface or are they all completely opaque? Cryogenic space deploy issues have not been fixed as previously reported: Instant boil-off of LFO at release. May not affect every cryogenic tank. Please verify all cryogenic tanks have been patched to address this. An entire night's work of ore hauling to gilly station was destroyed in one craft deploy by this tank. Would strongly encourage a refocusing on play-testing and bug troubleshooting rather than additional feature development at this time, the mod is starting to come apart at the seams due to in-operability of some component systems. The beamed power relay system needs to be more predictably reliable and documented. Cryogenic tanks need a lot of work to ensure they're not boiling off an entire payload of fuel on any brief power failure either during deployment or warp situations. The mod is fun to play, but moments like this can be a real downer. The craft was recycled with no way to recover the fuel/oxidizer lost but to make additional trips to gilly. From what I'm seeing the IR mirrors are trying to behave more like solar panels and aren't really reflecting any beamed power at all, or are not reflecting all bands of infra-red as advertised. The whole "electrical systems frequently fail to work on dock/undock also really badly needs resolved. This is affecting reactors and rectennas and the IFS capacitor all 3. At this point I am spending more of my game play time fighting these bugs than I am actually playing which does not bode well. Please do interpret the above as instructive criticism. I love the mod and any tone perceived is not intended to be harsh, but simply a conveyance of information regarding the status of the mod as I have been playing it and I think I've taken it to greater depth than many. Reliability is the underpinning of any good mod and right now the repetitious reliability and re-usability of some of KSPIE parts needs work. PS, the EM drive is absolutely amazing. Patch version used at time of error detection:
  14. Mmm.. not necessarily. Koppernicus adds a lot of functions and it may be WAD but still consume more memory. But I will watch the logs. Problem is with memory leak crashes is that you may not get error reports if things are working normally. This isn't a bug report yet, this is an initial observation and I'm checking if anyone else has had this experience or if it's been isolated to me. In summary, I haven't fully qualified a problem yet, just checking for secondary validation of a potential issue.
  15. Since updating to most recent Koppernicus, (only change) rate of mem leak crashes has doubled in periodicity from 3 hours to 1.5, no other changes made other than mod update. Wondering if anyone else has seen a similar pattern? 16 GB ram here.
  16. The Deployable phased array translever has a missing bandwidth selector bar. Only microwave is an option on the top listing. No selection drop down/slider. I believe this in error as other parts have this selector.
  17. Anyone know a way to make the Utilitron sampler functional again? My probe could really use a working utilitron..
  18. Built a space plane in orbit of Ike via EPL and refueled it from Ike via a mining extractor, then flew it to DUNA on an EM drive using no fuel, and landing on thermal ramjet again using no fuel. Lithium on board purely for thrust based axial control and to periodically help keep the nose up on Duna's ultra-thin atmosphere. Could theoretically fly from atmospheric world to atmospheric world indefinitely, only uses lithium for rcs control, but SAS handles most situations. Will be going up on KerbalX soon.
  19. Does flouride gas being produced by refinement have to go into a container to be used to produce UF4/TF4 or can it be used for direct processing?
  20. Discovered a possible bug where it appears HAL develops an unexpected 90 degree offset when reverting from a flight to run way or to space plane hangar. This has caused me to temporarily suspend usage of the HAL core. At least, I don't expect this is working as intended. So if I launch HAL from runway for example and is flat to horizon, when I revert to space plane hangar or runway from a flight then on the runway it will be vertical 90 degrees right orientation from runway with blue on right and brown on left. Video for Free Thinker of the event: There initially was no flight control on the first launch for on apparent reason, then on the second launch I discovered before lift off the horizon was skewed by 90 degrees. Second time this has happened on two distinct craft. First time I wrote it off as a brief glitch, but it's now been repeated. Please note the orientation of Hal's eye in the cargo bay towards the very top of the craft on both launches is identical so the part is not rotating.
  21. This is going to be 90% of your problem. I woudln't be able to use half the mods I do in 32 bit. I'm on an I5 system with 600 MHZ dr3 16 gb of ram, I can operate 3 hours without crashing (on average). Frequent screen switches will also increase the rate of degrade. Minimize them. One way you can do this is getting the mod that lets you access mission control anywhere. Unfortunately am at work as of this post and I forget its name offhand. CPU is still so old I do have performance issues around particularly large vessels, cannot wait to upgrade.
  22. Installed this Monstrosity on Mun. 26k rocket parts to assemble at orbital station. Primary fuel is Lithium.
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