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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. .... . .-.. .--. / .. / ..-. --- .-. --. --- - / - .... . / ... .... --- --- - ... You asked.
  2. Being KSP is a commercial product, and under copyright, they should have listed some note of its use in the credits... maybe even royalties involved? Do you recall the name of the program/series this was in?
  3. This is an easy one, I can answer this..... because it's Monday.
  4. Yes, MIT is one of them... but people should be aware you'll obtain no formal degree from them. Other than that, it's a great idea. The Kahn Academy is another, one of several worthy. https://www.khanacademy.org/
  5. How come we don't have such baffling inside fuel tanks in KSP?... I can't think of a better way to increase part count (draw vectors). lol
  6. Made my Eeloo window last night, with successful polar orbit insertion. Today, I've begun mapping...
  7. I can't say much about contracts because I'm playing a Science_sandbox game, close to vanilla (only two mods). I've run out of EVA fuel several times in the past though, it's a pain. These days, I try not to rely on it, only using it for emergencies... like once when I EVA'd down into a crater, and discovered I couldn't climb back up and out - EVA jetpack to the rescue. I wonder, and find it hard to tell really, if it's faster to walk (be it on Mun or Minmus) or hop your way along... which covers more ground faster? Below is a picture of my latest rover, on the Mun. My first one used the TR-2L wheels, but I found they had too much torque and would flip the rover. This one I've reverted back to the Rovemax Model M1's, which in my opinion perform better for my Mun/Minmus missions. There are twin Stratus-V tanks on the rear, with O-10 Mono engines mounted atop the SC-9001 Science Jr. ... they are each assigned to an Action Group key (the Mono engines), so that if I flip the thing (and it doesn't get destroyed) I can use the Mono engines to flip it back over. The Mono engines also come in handy when I've got a hill to climb which has too steep a grade for the Rovemax wheels to manage (and vice versa). The rover can return to it's MPL-LG-2 base/complex, drive beneath it, and the docking port magnetics pull it up and dock it... then I can process the Science. I'm sure there's better ways of doing all this, but I'm having fun with it. This rover works great, best handling one I've done yet.
  8. Kind of looks like a Cicada (aka Seven Year Locust), or a Grasshopper. Need a clearer image. *edit* Here's my 'shuttle moth'... all he needs is moar boosters.
  9. I went hiking once, miles deep into a state forest, and I underestimated my time before nightfall. The only thing I had with me was my digital camera, the kind that has a viewscreen on the back. The light from the viewscreen in menu mode was what got me out, enabling me and my friend to see and read the trail markers... which wasn't easy, because the LCD light changed the colors somewhat of the markers.
  10. Gimp actually has some excellent tutorials. Ya'll should check them out. http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
  11. Sorry, I don't seem to have this problem (?). If I go EVA on a planet/moon, I first check my map while still onboard the craft... I make note of the direction I want to head, and then note the stars in the sky... and a look-back for the return trip is a little helpful, but the vessel marker showing kind of eliminates the need. Compass not needed.
  12. sniff ... sniff ... sniff What the heck is that I smell burning?!? Oh... it's Jeb. Almost (almost) missed my window for Eeloo. I'd been rovering around on the Mun, good thing I thought to check the probe's progress. I made a successful burn(s) and insertion into Eeloo polar orbit... with fuel to spare. Yay for seat-of-the-pants construction and flight planning. My SCANsat is now mapping Eeloo, lo-res right now. Once finished I'll boost altitude and do hi-res. TokiTech, I'm going to place my bet that it's the Engineers who don't want to fly. lol
  13. I'm more interested in the findings of the Dmanisi human skull (Skull 5), found in the Republic of Georgia, which is showing that all early Homo species were one... and that such 'men' existed over 1.5 million years ago, putting early man (essentially) out there among late dinosaurs in the early Pleistocene period... and turns the 'out of Africa' theory on its head.
  14. Does this mean that if I sent two ships, each with a claw, and they both grabbed the same asteroid - it would go poof?... or the ship(s) would?
  15. I've wondered about that myself, and not knowing for sure, have been building as such to avoid it. Good to know!
  16. No, in one state only reaction wheels work... in the other state only RCS thrusters work. One or the other. - - - Updated - - - Yes, I understand that. But being that can't be done, I figured the next best thing was to reduce the 'turn this on that off, then that off this back on' to one keystroke. :/
  17. Curious about this, I just now tested something out... and it worked. I assigned all reaction wheels (capsule, SAS) to Action Group 1, and then assigned all RCS ports to Action Group 1 also. Then, out on the launchpad, prior to launch, I manually clicked on the capsule and SAS and toggled them off... actually, I had to do it twice... but the end result was (with RCS "R" key and SAS "T" key turned on) I could toggle the states - one on with the other off - with a single keystroke. Does that help any for what you're looking for?
  18. I've only a few things left as far as the tech tree goes, almost there. I made and keep the spreadsheet anyway, my personal goal is to sample all biomes at least once... it helps me keep track.
  19. Very little, just now and then to review or make notes on the list of vessels I keep (staging, action groups, etc)... and to keep my science spreadsheet updated.
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