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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. LOL! I don't draw anything, just visualize it in my head and then start building. Same with 'calculations'... none... SWAG... likely not very efficient, but I get there, and back (90% of the time anyway). Seat-of-the-pants rocketry.
  2. Ah... yes... my Subassemblies can be found in the Advanced Mode tabs. It only took me 15 minutes to figure that one out. doh! :/
  3. While I have Claw's EVA ejection fix (installed in v.25), I've not installed it into v.90 yet. I just tried EVA's on an Mk1 capsule and an MPL-LG-2 in orbit around Mun... no ejection, only minor (slight) ladder slide (normal). I'll keep trying.
  4. I've not tried it fully yet (docking with another vessel), but selecting a docking port and activating the camera does open up the camera window (all 3 sizes). I'll go test out a ship I've got floating around the Mun. BBL. *Edit* Everything seems to be working fine for me, no problems with port or target port selection, no problems with the camera display. I'm a happy camper. I should note that my v0.25.0 Science game was copied into v0.90.0 before I tried this.
  5. I too am testing it out. Brought my v0.25.0 Science game over into v0.90.0 and check my SCANsats first thing. The big map is not available. I reset all data. Big map still not available. Also, noticed that "Instruments" when clicked/selected isn't showing either. I've not check the BTDT yet.
  6. Ok, thanks. That sounds pretty straight-forward, unlike what was required to go from v0.23.5 to v0.24.2 ... which didn't work for me. I'll give it a whorl.
  7. You can order it and buy it online... pricing is about the same as what I'd pay in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire were I to walk into a store and buy it there.
  8. You seem to be the only one here who has caught on to the issue I brought up. About 5 years ago this was an issue, as I understood it. Not that rocket engine exhaust was depleting the ozone, it was punching a hole, a gap, an actual area void of ozone... which would over time close up. The fact it created a 'hole' however was a concern. A few universities and publications such as National Geographic and Nature touched the topic. I do believe NASA itself also addressed the issue, but it seems to have gone away because there was no appreciable actual "depletion". However, I myself wonder this issue, now that so many agencies and nations are doing launches. It seems almost every day (not literally of course) that someone is launching a new communications or weather satellite, or resupply to the ISS, or whatever. With the increase in these launches comes an increase in these 'holes'. And while one of you (Streetwind) mentions the exhaust from the liquid fuel rocket engines is not much more than water vapor, the solid rocket boosters ever-so more prevalent in use these days do indeed contain exhaust elements which deplete the ozone... although the amount of depletion from such is still cited as being less than tenths or hundredths of a percent - which in time, and with increased launches on a regular basis, will rise as a contributing factor. I'll note here the failure of NASA to successfully launch the QuikTOMS ozone monitoring satellite in 2001... and unless I've missed something somewhere along the line, there's been nothing launched since to replace it. So, where are these images? Even the ESA has (at least) addressed the issue somewhat... http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Engineering_Technology/Clean_Space/What_about_ozone/%28print%29 I'm not looking to be an alarmist or some kind of Eco-nut, but this was (still is) an issue and I do from time to time wonder why it's not been given notable attention.
  9. French toast = better for you ... all natural ingredients (can be made so), unlike 'processed' waffles... unless your waffle/pancake batter is one you make yourself from scratch. French toast FTW!
  10. All the launches that have been going on... NASA, ESA, Russia, China, India... what happened to all the concern and hoopla over rocket launches punching holes in the Ozone layer? Has this become a non-issues these days? Just curious.
  11. I've got quit a bit in my v0.25.0 Science_sandbox game going on, and I don't want to trash it. I've downloaded the new v0.90.0 Beta and unpacked it, and I've played with it a bit... it's going to take a little getting used to, some of the things anyway. I'd like to try to resume my v0.25.0 game in the new Beta version... is that possible? How do I go about moving it over? Thanks.
  12. Newsflash! Special enhanced image processing has revealed the Chang'e 3 rover has made an amazing discovery!... ...Should the rover return the science sample, DNA analysis may confirm what we already suspect, and will also award the Chinese team major science points! [sorry, I couldn't resist. All joking aside; Great imagery, and many kudos to the Chang'e 3 team. ]
  13. A dirty-water Coney dog eh? Dare I wonder if you live in Brighton Beach? lol Yea, they're yummy, but I'll take good juicy hamburger any day (if not almost every day lol).
  14. Nothing else compares to "real" Maple syrup. I've a friend who lives in Maine, taps her own sugar Maples in her yard and boils down her own... talk about good stuff!
  15. I didn't update, did a fresh download instead. I'll try it out concurrent with 0.25.0, I've got missions in progress. I'll unpack it in a minute... can't wait to see. Thank you, Squad, splendid effort. Of course my next question will be: How do I import my current 0.25.0 Science_Sandbox into Beta? lol
  16. As I do with solar panels, I tend to put 'toggle' COM antennas in an action group... it makes my life easier not having to try and deal with right-clicking.
  17. You can also do that via a subdomain name redirection in cPanel.
  18. While waffles are good, I'll go with french toast... I make the best. On the other hand, Waffles! is (was) a codeword ... but none of my MJ's or FoK brothers are around here to see it.
  19. Nice! It's been a long time since I've been there. Any new major highlights?
  20. I must be getting old and forgetful. I resumed Mun missions today after putting up two space stations... one around Kerbin, the other around Mun. The Mun mission used a new lander I built, which flew fine, loaded with science experiments. Once on the Mun (East Farside Crater), I realized I forgot a COM antenna... blunder #1. Getting back up into Mun orbit, I bypassed the space station and redocked with the launcher for a return trip to Kerbin - no point in using the lander without an antenna. Blunder #2 came as I was about to a final burn for Kerbin reentry (close to KSC)... I discovered I forgot to put chutes on the capsule. So, after a crew recovery mission, I'm back to business. *sigh* I'll now keep a check-list in Wordpad open during builds. I've also made a document noting every rocket, with it's intended staging and all action groups defined (what does what). But, yes, I'm still having fun lol.
  21. I posted in the original thread. That's what I did today.
  22. That must have been one vicious fart. Was Jeb eating bean burritos again?
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