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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Hey wait a minute!... I like vi / vim... you can find it on every Unix/Linux box in the world. lol
  2. I was thinking that, being he just installed Ubuntu, it wouldn't matter... he's not done anything with it yet (created data etc). But, yea that ^
  3. My initial thought is that a Windows Recover disc will fix your problem... boot it, let it find your Win install and repair the boot manager. Then, if you want, you can try reinstalling Ubuntu the proper way, by letting it know you want a dual-boot option but with the Ubuntu system residing on that 2nd drive. *edit* Oh, and, do you actually have 2 physical drives? Or is it one drive with 2 logical partitions?
  4. The money I 'waste' on cable/tv brings me a multitude of 'entertainment', if you call endless reruns and 'lead the sheeple' news entertainment... but there are a few channels I enjoy, and for those I find the expense worth it. For the price of a theater ticket I bought KSP... which provides me far more entertainment, endlessly no less. I'm not about to list 100 things for you, you should be able to get the idea I'm putting across... but here are a few: model rocketry (for the price I can build and launch one), entry/parking fee for a state park where I can spend an entire day photographing wildlife/birds/etc, dinner out with friends and great topics of conversation, a tank of gas/petrol for the car and cruise to and visit places I've not been to before, etc. Then there those times when I spend that money on needed goods and supplies for animal shelters, food banks, etc.
  5. What version of Windows?
  6. I got my Kerbals rescued and put my station back up. I really don't know how it got trashed in the first place... hit by debris (my best guess based on all the debris I had in orbit, junk left over from Mun missions in high elliptical orbits) or maybe SAS caused it to torque itself apart? I'll never know. The docked ship brought up the final shipment of fuel and RCS...
  7. I was in your shoes, still kind of am. There are plenty of tutorials (as mentioned) and videos to check out. I like hands-on and tinkering with things however, and sometimes that's the best way to learn - trial and error. I think that's what part of this game is about, just experiment, make notes, learn from others examples. Most importantly though - have fun. Welcome to the forums.
  8. I have 3 so far... versions 0.23.5, 0.24.2, and the current 0.25.0. I only play the 0.25.0 these days though.
  9. *edit* Once the rocket settles and stabilizes on the pad (zero'd on the navball) I usually enable SAS & RCS and then go full throttle and hit spacebar... seems to work best for me. A few times I tried firing the rockets first at half throttle, then throttling up until I could see the rocket tugging at the clamps ... then released the clamps. That never seemed to work out well for the passenger(s) onboard.
  10. It bulges all over, high and low pressure zones etc. I don't know what you've been trying to search Google with, but try "visualize earth atmosphere", you'll find some results. For example: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=4180 Or maybe this is more helpful? http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/giovanni
  11. I am waiting... oh so very patiently (not)... for imagery.
  12. You should have cited some of the article along with the image, for those speculators out there - "... The circular feature is nearly 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) wide. It looks like a circular island surrounded by a "sea" of smooth-looking lava flows. The Athabasca region contains some of the youngest lava flows on Mars. Therefore, it is highly possible that volcanism played a role in creating this feature. Perhaps lava has intruded underneath this mound and pushed it up from beneath. It looks as if material is missing from the mound, so it is also possible that there was a significant amount of ice in the mound that was driven out by the heat of the lava. There are an array of features like this in the region that continue to puzzle scientists." - http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA18932 And what is it you think you know of Masons? smh
  13. I used to play Sim City 2000 for a while (no mods). My best city was called Lauren, it had a 4 billion surplus in the budget. I'd like to play it again sometime... SC4 is better than SC5? Is that what I should go with (SC4)?
  14. Rescued my 5 stranded crew, and am in the process of rebuilding the space station. I also 'cheated' and removed all of the orbiting debris from prior launches. Most of the junk were radial decouplers, so I think I need to rethink my builds to reduce the junk I produce in the process.
  15. No, you're not, I've not seen it yet either. I don't go to theaters anymore... I can think of 100 different better more fun ways to 'waste' money. I'll just wait until it come out on cable/tv, or even better - when the DVD shows up at my public library... where I can then take it out and watch it for free.
  16. I used to keep ferrets as pets, I had 8 of them. One of my girlfriends jokingly referred to me as the 'lord of the ferrets', and the name stuck. I began using it online going back to somewhere around 1987-1988. The second occurrence/appearance of the name was by some guy who was an artist, he had created an account on DeviantArt under that name with an associated Yahoo email account, sometime around 2002. Now there's quite a few out there... but I am the original "LordFerret". My profile picture has been, and always will be, of my first ferret "Jeep".
  17. Oh no no no no no! The new space station I was working on... after building and launching my version of the Orion vehicle this afternoon... I get up into orbit to find my new station a debris cloud. Apparently it met up with some orbital debris from another launch (likely my old Algernon project). Now I've got 5 crew stranded in orbit in 3 separate sections to rescue and a station to rebuild. My version of Orion... What was my new station...
  18. To come within 6200 miles? Should make for some great observations/pictures!
  19. Ummm... what unit does '*' represent? lol
  20. Appears there's a gap in the 41 to 50 year olds... must all be busy working?
  21. My next trip will be to the Republic of Georgia... many friends and places I really want to see!
  22. That's an idea that might be well worth the investment!
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