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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. That's an idea that might be well worth the investment!
  2. I vaguely remember, but honor, Yuri Gagarin. I vaguely remember Alan Shepard making his flight in the Mercury capsule. I clearly remember John Glenn and his ride in the Friendship 7. I watched the Apollo Moon landings, all of them, live on tv. For those who don't believe it, I offer this..... During the Apollo 11, 14, and 15 missions, laser reflectors were placed on the surface of the Moon. These reflectors were used to give us the most precise Moon distance calculations to date. Not only did US researchers use these reflectors for experiments, Soviet researchers did as well - to confirm both the data and the claim. Now, if you disbelieve we went to the Moon, I challenge you to acquire the appropriate laser equipment yourself and repeat the experiment - because the reflectors are still sitting on the surface of the Moon... and they are still to date used to check the distance. I'll also suggest you get an education and a job. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Laser_Ranging_experiment
  3. Being I scrapped my Ion ship, Algernon, I decided to recycle the project name and dedicate it to a new Space Station in Kerbin orbit (300km, fairly close to the plane of Mun). The Cupola is a nice touch. I'm about 1/2 way through the build... a very parts-conscience build this time. I added 1 'lifeboat' to it today. The crew will need to draw straws should there be an emergency - but I don't know how civil Kerbals are, so things could end up every Kerbal for himself.
  4. I've seen a few of the races on tv/cable. Looks like fun, except it appears the cement(?) track they run on is too uneven/bumpy. Are all the tracks like that, or was it just the series I saw? Back in the day (1960's) I used to go with my father and watch 3/4 midgets run... super small oval track, lots and lots of wrecks... but really fun to watch. I had my favorites I'd root for. The cars used (I think?) snowmobile engines. Good luck!
  5. I think putting up these constellations is cool... but is there any benefit as far as KSP is concerned with having such satellites with COMs on them? Does it enhance communications or something, or is it just a personal challenge? I've not seen anything in the documentation about that (yet).
  6. I didn't have chutes, just Ion and Mono. Once in the atmosphere, it really slowed itself down. Just before entering the atmosphere... Hitting atmosphere... Just dropping, approx. 95m/s... The Kraken reaching up to get me... slowing to just under 20m/s... 250m... BOOM! lol
  7. I got down as far as 250m before I met the Kraken. That was in v0.23.5, I've not been back since.
  8. I found it annoying to work with, so I dumped it. Maybe I'll try it again some other time when I've more patience. lol
  9. Yes, I problem I just spent several days pulling my hair out over... and as of last night, abandoned the project. :/
  10. I've abandoned my 'Algernon' project. It's long story, but it boils down to a parts count issue... things didn't go as I'd hoped. I have a few pictures I was going to post, but I'm rather displeased with Imgur... I find it a pain in the butt to use. So, apologies for that as well, as I've deleted the Imgur account, so anything I'd put up previously is now a dead link.
  11. I've done the same without ever giving that a second thought. I have no idea how to revert it. Does that really matter/have an impact on the game?
  12. I seem to recall just recently that SpaceX had a major setback, as did a recent Ariane launch from Wallops... boom... so much for modified engines. Elon Musk had stated that Ariane 5 wouldn't be able to compete, but I do wonder (even if he attains re-usability) where he'll stand with Ariane 6.
  13. I remember reading once, a good few years back, about some cosmological study being done of distant interstellar 'dust' clouds... and how one had been discovered with a 'molecular signature' of biological components - the irony of which was the indication was that it was a cloud of 'vinegar'. Go figure that one. So, like, we're salad? lol
  14. Dogpile is a metasearch... just brings you results from multiple engines. Still good however... Arfie rules lol. Somebody made a post about Google (big business) being our masters. They are only if you allow it. What you allow is what will continue. If the they are your masters, it's because you buy into it... hook, line, and sinker. Just gotta have that latest phone, computer, tablet, car, shoes, clothes, etc etc etc ... they play to your false sense of "I need this" and your vanity. You are the enablers. Think about it.
  15. Ixquick I'll guess is similar... they don't track you or profile your habits, and they user their own proxies. I bounce back and forth between it and Google. https://www.ixquick.com/ I've also used Dogpile in the past... http://www.dogpile.com/
  16. I ran across this article a little while back (Nov 19th), which I found very interesting. Just thought I'd share it and see what the interest here might be about it. Spooky Alignment of Quasars Across Billions of Light-years VLT reveals alignments between supermassive black hole axes and large-scale structure As Spock would say - "fascinating".
  17. That last segment on the Bagel Rabbit vid... an actual model rocket launch?!? Freakin awesome! Nice job. I used to be into model rocketry, until they changed the laws about launching them in my state. Very cool. You'll have to tell me about the equipment you used, I'd be interested in hearing. *Edit* Oh, and I've subscribed.
  18. Yes, I understand... I used to code, I was a real-time data acquisition systems developer (among other things). The real difficulty you're hinting at, is data sharing between the processes and cross-process communication. I just wanted to know where the current stand-off of the situation was, on KSP's side or Unity's. Thanks for pointing out those threads... heading off to read them now.
  19. I don't care for Chrome, I'll stick with Firefox ... which is actually 'IceWeasel' from Linux.
  20. That's for an asteroid outside of Kerbin's SOI (still, very useful information). For all intent of purpose here, the asteroid he's dealing with is within Kerbin's SOI... so the approach to take would be the same as you would with Mun or Minmus..... match direction and plane and plot an intercept. Yes?
  21. I'm running Win8.1 and Firefox... all I'm getting when I open your example is nice big black box on the screen.
  22. I know KSP offers a 64-bit mode, but is it a version truly written 64-bit or (exactly as stated) just that - a 'mode'. Unless it's written 64-bit, you'll not receive the benefit of the power a 64-bit processor would offer.
  23. Yes, I could see that would indeed be a task. Maybe after Beta? I know both C++ and C# are capable of multithreading... but then again, parallel processes introduce a whole new set of problems and considerations.
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