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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Yes, I guess that pretty much is the situation. My construction efforts, trying to be wise about strut usage, tends to yield me low wobble when maneuvering... so I guess it's up to me - my bad for attempting to rely on SAS for the job (?)! Thanks for passing that on (link), Jouni, it does explain and make more sense of the behavior of things. I think you've summed it up for me, as I stated above to xtoro; No quick stabilization. *sigh* Thanks for the input.
  2. Unfortunately, this is (again) about racial tensions and perceived inequalities. As far as things political however, we're a mess at the moment... common sense is desperately needed by all, both sides of the aisle. Dodgey, just Google "Ferguson".
  3. I think that's their attempt at humor?
  4. There's a lot of bad stuff going on tonight here in the USA... protests... riots... violence. Do not be a part of it people... violence only begets violence. Indeed, talk and express your feelings, but listen to and respect the feelings of others as well... both sides of the coin. We as a people are better than this - prove it to the world, as all eyes are upon us tonight.
  5. Not seen that one. A knockoff of Sco Unix? Have you looked at Peppermint? Supposed to be lightweight and web/cloud centric. I played with a live disk of it for a little, but didn't interest me.
  6. Mine was DOD (Day of Defeat), a mod for Half-Life. I can't even total the hours I've spent playing it - thousands. I got started with it around 1999/2000 or so. I belonged to a clan called Clan FoKKeR, I was known as [-FoK-]Gen.LordFerret ... FoKKeR was one of the oldest surviving DoD clans out there ... many old friends from that era. Got hooked up with a gaming community known as MammaJamma's ... we had the #1 rated 24/7 Avalanche server in the world (GeoRanks) for like 5 years straight, fast respawn and gun mods. I eventually became a moderator for MJ's, and then after a few years one of our 4 Uber-Administrators. I also used to host two different DoD servers, one of which was the 20-player Old Skool Customs - a super fun hit ... nothing but the best of custom maps. This was all pre-Source. I still hold the domain name for MJ's. I still have the last set of forums backups before the site folded (2008/2009?). I miss it. Most of all, I miss my clan brothers. MJ's forum banner... Clan FoKKeR emblem... Ferret's warning (lol)... Honorable mention for a valued friend: RIP [-FoK-]Lil-Shyster ... you will never be forgotten.
  7. I'll have to try the probe core/center-of-mass suggestion. I use plenty of struts during construction, no doubt about that. It's not that my ship 'wobbles', it's more as if the SAS doesn't have brains enough to know how to null out motion... a 1 second burst of RCS in this direction is cancelled by an equal 1 second burst of RCS in that (opposite) direction.
  8. As crazy as it sounds, I've rebuilt a number of decent laptops via the help of Ebay. For example, the Toshiba Satellite P105 I have sitting here beside me. It had taken a serious tumble off a friend's kitchen counter onto a stone tile floor - smash!!! She was going to throw it out after I recovered the data from the HD for her new MacBook Pro, so I took it off her hands. I bought a replacement screen for it (from that source I shared), as well as other various parts (broken casing, broken lid, broken DVD, etc) by buying up other broken "sold as-is" same model laptops CHEAP on Ebay... worthy only as parts.
  9. Just for giggles, you should burn and check out a live disk of AV Linux ... it's all that and more. http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html
  10. Ubuntu is popular, but I like Mint better. If I'm recalling correctly, Mint is not a monolithic kernel (at least one of the releases anyway), so it's not such a hog on lightweight machines.
  11. Just curious... why were you meddling with your xorg.conf? Graphics drivers?
  12. Another, different, issue... In using Debian, at various times I noticed unnecessary hashing of my drive with certain software I was using (Celestia being one). After a bit of research I ran into an answer... wondering if you've ever run across the same or knew of this already. I suspect that KSP might be impacted by this. In having to do with the way your drive(s) are mounted, using 'relatime' as a mount option. It is NOT used by default (unless they've finally changed it in current kernels). A simple edit of your static drives in /etc/fstab solves the problem. Good explanation found here: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/01/30/installing-linux-on-usb-part-4-noatime-and-relatime-mount-options/ I apologize if I'm a bit out of date on this. Ferret
  13. You're welcome. If that connection is spot-welded, you could carefully try to pry/pop it off. Soldering the new one in place shouldn't be a problem were that the case, it's not like it's a 'structural' load-bearing component or anything lol! I've many trials in the past with repairing broken laptop cases... the plastics used aren't very friendly to 'glue'. The two things I've tried that I've had success with were (don't laugh) Marine epoxy (has fiberglass fibers in it and is waterproof lol) and something called JB-Weld... another epoxy... stuff adheres to anything. You might also try scuffing the surfaces a little before apply epoxy, gives it more to grab onto. Good luck.
  14. Greetz! Waffles!!! LordFerret here, aka Ferret to my friends. I'm overdue posting here... should have been my first post (sorry). Glad to be here, lots of fun KSP stuff in discussion... learning something new about it every day.
  15. I find it annoying when SAS is fighting me... but that's only my fault for forgetting to turn it off. I always manage to forget about the IJKL HN keys, and just toggle modes instead - force of habit now. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this (most annoying feature); Your ship is out in space, a big monstrosity, and in maneuvering about and setting your course, you do your best to manually null-out any further additional pitch/yaw ... SAS on ... but SAS sits there ENDLESSLY wagging your craft back and forth, never settling down into 'position'... in essence, doing it's best to burn off as much of my RCS as it can. Shouldn't it NOT be doing that? Isn't that the whole purpose of SAS/ASAS's existence?!? grrrrr!
  16. Refueling: answer = yes. Using docking ports, you can dock two ships together and transfer almost anything - fuel, mono, xenon, and Kerbals too. If you're already putting satellites and such up into orbit, you're already half-way there to Mun and Minmus! Try building a simple autonomous probe and do a fly-by of Mun... don't forget to bring some science to do with you. Welcome to the forums.
  17. Something else I forgot to mention with regard to the conversation between steve_v and White Owl... I've had this happen to me a number of times in Debian, and I always seem to forget about it. For example, opening a root terminal or Synaptic / updater (especially), the root password is required (naturally) and you're prompted for it... but I then must run/issue the command again a SECOND time because that first go around only opened the privileges allowing me access. (am I explaining that right?) What I usually do if I'm to be tinkering with my system, is to start off opening a root terminal right from the git-go, allowing my user root privs - to remain effective for the rest of that session. Problem solved. Also, I seem to recall that if a user is to be allowed to 'sudo', they must previously been allowed such privileges in(?) /etc/sudoers file? Bah... it's been a while, my bad. Without such permissions, that might be what was causing your chmod change to not go through.
  18. Duke23, The laptop screen place I deal with is https://www.laptopscreen.com/ I'm sure there's plenty of others out there, but I've had good luck with this place so I've always stuck with it. steve_v's correct about the CMOS batteries... just make sure you use a low wattage soldering iron (like maybe 4 watts) - and a good heat sink. Also there's plenty of sites out there that offer replacement batteries for the main battery... I was actually able to find one for my old Compaq Armada - cheap! Google.
  19. That's something I forgot to mention... you can try out nearly all of the distros via a live disk (burnt to DVD for example). I would suggest that. KNOPPIX comes to mind lol.
  20. I would suggest that anyone new to Linux, carefully evaluate the options as opposed to the hardware you intend to install it on... no matter the flavor, the build/desktop differences (Gnome, KDE, Xfce, LXDE/LMDE) will have a performance impact as well as be a factor in the headache you'll have (or not have) in accomplishing your task. The nice thing about pretty much all distros is that they're pretty well documented about what hardware they'll work with - just do the homework first!
  21. I've got this little gadget that I bought online which has proved a life-saver for me on several occasions - data recovery from drives where the computer went entirely belly-up. It's made by "Newer Technology", a USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter. Allows you to connect to almost any drive, plug it into your USB and suck the data off of it. They now have them for USB3 as well. Worth the investment if you fiddle/fix a lot of machines. http://www.newertech.com/
  22. I've got a link saved on one of my other machines I'll have to dig up for you... it's a place that sells replacement laptop screens (anti-glare 'satin') with 100% no dead pixel guarantee. Most of them sell for around $125-$130 US. I've bought several from them, decent outfit to work with. Swapping out a screen isn't that difficult, just time-consuming.
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