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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Are you serious? I'm impressed. Kudos. I'm still, and ever shall be, at least a pot a day. You should try M'Lady's coffee, Georgian style. It's this finely ground (powder) really strong Turkish coffee. No filtration, nada. Just drink. You might as well shoot it in your arm. It will put hair on your chest. And if you already have hair on your chest, it will strip it right off.
  2. True, but I didn't want to leave him/her short on it.
  3. Call it a play on words. Instead of 'liking' posts, now people are 'reacting' to them. In my life's experience, when people have a 'reaction' to something, it's along the lines of hives. Then again, reacting could be vomiting all over the place... or finding ones self short of breath... or Tachycardia... etc. Take your pick. Anyway. My take is that many have been thrown off by the change in terminology. Myself, in a quick breeze of the drop-down notifications text, it's easy to miss the fact that someone has 'replied' as opposed to 'reacted'. It's settings. They might change/fix it. They might not. I don't think it's up for a vote.
  4. This isn't a package, it's not 3rd-class mail (junk-mail) either ... it's a standard postcard which is viewed the same as a 1st-class letter. It gets delivered. You're really hung up on this guy's YouTube videos eh? I have about as much faith in his validity as I do "Adam Ruins Everything", especially his new series where he's teaching us US History. @adsii1970 (shudders)
  5. All I needed to see was "PCWorld" ... no need to read any further.
  6. No, same here, no noise. Hives - https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/hives-urticaria-angioedema#1
  7. Why? Don't bring it back to Earth. Do all your science up in space, at the ISS.
  8. If you really want to annoy the hell out of someone, in light of making demands, send them a postcard every day with your demand printed on it... here in the USA, the postage is only $0.35 (a mere $2.45 a week). For most of you, that's more than you'd spend daily on a coffee or soda. You can have plain paper postcards pre-printed with your message, and labeled, with pre-paid postage even. Trust me.
  9. I don't know, but people are breaking out in hives all over the forums.
  10. "Children should neither be seen nor heard from - ever again." - W.C. Fields
  11. Here to complain about having to now click twice on the thumbs-up icon for a like.
  12. Because the mouse, the most counter-productive tool ever invented, became easy to use for those who couldn't type or spell. And despite all the efforts to move away from text anything, here we are in the 21st century using crap like Twitter... which if you take time to examine it, still shows that people can't type and most definitely cannot spell to save their lives (non-native English speakers exempt of course!).
  13. I have no idea if the statistic is true still today, but at one point in time, as 'popular' and touted as Windows was, nearly every network file server you ran across (on the web as well) was running Linux (or some blend of Unix).
  14. Unix (in all its many flavors over the years) was out there long before Windows existed. Linux is Unix. There was no switch. If anything, the switch was my being 'forced' to work with Windows because that's where everyone went in the process of being led about by the nose.
  15. Wow. That's a big word, even for these forums. Come now, admit it... thesaurus at hand. Right?
  16. My bet would be its an old drive. Time for new. I asked about the HDD thrashing under Linux, because there is a situation responsible for this related to journaling... which, I believe, is on by default in Debian (and likely others). This would make an old drive definitely very tired and show errors.
  17. More than likely, if there is a negative impact on your drinking some, the first sign(s) will probably be diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea... that being the case, go see a doctor. If a 'ragtime-inclined alien' comes bursting out your belly ..... you're on your own dude, cause I'm outta here.
  18. Two apparently, as that's how many times I had to click on the 'like' button for that thumbs-up I gave you before it registered. Forums have been very wonky lately. I would make the statement 'things have changed', as 'updated' tends to imply new and better functionality ... which ain't so here.
  19. I'm guessing you're asking how long the respawn time is for a dead/MIA Kerbal? That I don't know. It might not be time related at all, but rather when you exit/restart the game? Then again, you could be asking how many times can/will a Kerbal respawn? That, I think is infinite. Someone who knows better will come along with an answer, I'm sure.
  20. I stand corrected. The history of WON/Steam pretty much spells it out... see here. Count me as one of those 'disappointed'. Maybe just to put it as 'a long time ago' would suffice.
  21. @p1t1o I'm not doubting it. I like what I've seen so far, a lot. However, I'm not inclined to run with v1.5 ... I would much rather buy into v2.5, but I'm not hardware ready for that just yet.
  22. Which is but one reason why I dumped Steam back in 2000 and never looked back. Some people just never learn. Make that 'sheeple'. You beat me to it. TTWO is having issues, so I'm sure that's got something to do with it. Can you say Fortnite? TTWO's hope (only hope at this point as I see it) is Red Dead Redemption 2 ... lotta pros and cons on that one. Smarts are saying time to buy. We'll see.
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