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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. A cycling Wombat you say?
  2. Plenty of resource on this out there. Nice design by the way. https://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/companion-planting-guide-zmaz81mjzraw
  3. Indeed... ... yes, cow dung.
  4. I think in the real world, the closest approximation would be something like this - Munchkins - only they're not 'green' ... Not to be confused with ...
  5. I seem to be missing something here.
  6. Discussing wingnuts are we?
  7. It used to be, I used to do it... but they really complained about it... they do not like having to give you money, just take it from you. If I recall correctly, if your refund is in excess of x-amount of dollars (for me it was over $1000) you're penalized for not taking the proper exemptions. Go figure. Curiosity got the cat. I went and looked it up. "The erroneous refund penalty is 20 percent of the excessive refund or credit amount claimed." @adsii1970 You haven't lived until dealing with multi-state taxes in the northeast metro area. Living in NJ, working in NYC. Fed taxes were one thing. You also had NJ state and NY state taxes to worry about, as well as NYC taxes. Problem was, to file NJ, you needed NY done first... but to do NY, you had to have NJ done first. No joke.
  8. http://imslp.org/wiki/The_Planets,_Op.32_(Holst,_Gustav)
  9. Say!... I've been to that restaurant! Ah ha! You didn't know one of the moderation commands these guys have is "Shuffle Posts".
  10. It must be, because I do the same... sometimes 2 pots. By pot, I'm talking the 12 cup deal. Although, what they consider to be 12 cups turns out to be 6 cups with the manner of cup I use. So maybe pots and cups are all like relative. Let's just say we drink a lot of coffee. I'm good for Columbia's economy! This is similar to what I have... even appropriately named... Presto! Coffee! Got you covered.
  11. Could be Thing 1 or Thing 2 ...
  12. Wait... is it this, that, or the other thing?
  13. Highway to Hell ... my friends in their covers-band used to do this, awesome job of it too. Kiss ... long story, but I (we) met them back in the mid-70's at Electric Lady. We didn't know who they were at first - bunch of white boys in sneakers, jeans, and tee-shirts... no makeup. Were they ever loud. The reason for this post... Saw the new Oreo Thins tv commercial. Have to laugh, because all the 'kids' are talking about the soundtrack being attributed to Notorious B.I.G. (the song Hypnotize). Wrong! Guess these folks never heard of Herb Alpert and Rise! The original...
  14. We can take this a step further... I had similar problems with my Mun rover. I made all of the above suggested adjustment - brakes, traction, steering enabled/disabled, etc. Still, I found myself with many a time where I'd be flipping my rover. Reducing your speed prior to attempting to make a turn is a big help, but there are moments when this has no bearing or help what-so-ever, like when your rover makes a hop (takes air) over a bump or crater rim. When that happens, the slightest change of direction due to the landing can end your ride quick. My solution was to carry some liquid fuel and place LV-1R Spider engines at strategic points on my rover... fore / aft / port / starboard... and map the engine toggle to action keys (in my case: 5, 6, 7, and 8 respectively). With thrust pre-set prior to starting off on my cruise, if I did find myself in the midst of a flip, I could tap in some thrust from an opposing engine to prevent the flip. Didn't always work, but it saved me more times than not. It also came in handy when trying to ascend / descend a steep crater wall, adding a little extra 'oomph'. If you look at the image below, you'll see how I placed the Spiders, up top on the Science Jr... Good luck with your venture!
  15. I would also throw in; You can hire a 'professional' to rewrite your cover letter and resume for you. Such a person knows how to take those points about you and put them into an attention-getting presentation. Keep in mind... one page, and one-sided at that. If you're going to do this all on your own, search the web as there are plenty of examples of what a good resume should look like. In fact, I believe there are even a few free websites which assist you in creating resumes.
  16. RIP, Sir~ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/15/obituaries/r-lee-ermey-dead-actor.html
  17. Yes, not to diminish, but I do this all the time... space stations, relay constellations, and such. I use RCS, usually, and even thrust limiting the main engine(s) for gentle burns; It depends on the situation.
  18. SAP should not be a problem, not any more than VBA. The top-right of this page has a little flag symbol... switch it to whatever language fits your need. https://www.sap.com/training-certification/free-training.html And while you're at it... http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/50_essential_resources_for_esl_students/
  19. This sounds like a recent divorce. As for the cooking; The hell with it, cook for 4, freeze 3 meals individually... look at them later as 'tv dinners'. Works best when you own a microwave. Other things; Not that I'm complaining, nor you (yet), but this might surely torment someone's day... https://www.kongregate.com/games/mastermax/planet-platformer
  20. There is a far bigger picture involved, much of it political... poor trade regulations (though now changing), EPA, unions, pensions, cronyism. As for Musk and Tesla and his other ventures; The guy is in financial troubles, and his Tesla product just isn't going to cut it. Without going into a lot of details, he will not be able to stand up against the likes of BMW, Mercedes, Nissan, Kia (and others) ... if they take the full electric route ... and once China gets its program rolling they'll put him in the dirt.
  21. Well you know me, I'm the odd man out. So, ..... .....Vivaldi
  22. Does Chacha count? Whew! Oh my! I have several liters of it home here, gifts my friends bring back with them when they visit home. It can be made using any number of different fruits. The two I have; One is made from Saperavi, and the other Persimmon. While it is available for sale for tourists, all of what I have is homemade.
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