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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I'm not seeing any 'official' death tolls yet. But I'm sure they'll follow shortly. There's no question or doubt however, that the game is the cause of several reported deaths, injuries and arrests. An interesting article: Pokémon Go might kill you. Here's how.
  2. Weather. Pfft. They're telling us what's going to happen to Earth 50 years from now (climate stuff), yet they can't tell me accurately if it's going to rain here tomorrow. Yea. Uh huh.
  3. I would hate to think NASA spent all that money just so that they could ..........
  4. This I mentioned because of the fact so many are (already) looking to lawsuits because of injuries sustained while playing the game. It's actually become newsworthy in the mainstream media lately.
  5. Rather than reply here, refer to my PM. Back on topic... Pokemon Go T&Cs strip users of legal rights
  6. I have news for you, the only thing stopping people from bettering themselves is themselves. The key to self-improvement is self motivation, perseverance and dedication to ones self. If you're true to yourself and have and practice those things, then nothing I say will matter nor stop you from your goal.
  7. Pretty much likewise. From what I'm reading of Hotel26's post, that's pretty much my approach for Mun and Minmus landings now. But I'll be giving his procedure a try later on this afternoon.
  8. Oh my. How could I have let this happen? I wasn't paying attention. I got distracted. I had a ship coming back in to Kerbin from Mun. Before I realized it, I'm in atmosphere and I need to stage the capsule and orient for reentry. The booster followed me in, right on my tail, preventing me from slowing down. The booster eventually vaporized from heat, but the capsule couldn't bleed the speed fast enough and slammed into the ground at over 600+m/s. There was no point in even trying to deploy chutes. RIP Camfry Kermin, pilot extraordinaire. This is the first Kerbal I've lost in a long, long time.
  9. What a shame, that it took a game on a phone to get someone out of the house to see these things... let alone walk 6 miles.
  10. Where I live, it is in essence close to a ban. The issue is that dog owners tend to walk their mutt down the block and allow it to poop on the lawns of other home owners. So to fight this, we have "pooper-scooper" laws, where you must pick up after your dog. Too much fun if you ask me, following your mutt around picking up after it. Cats Ferrets rule.
  11. I'm getting a real kick and laughing my butt off at all the idiots (yes, idiots) playing this game on their phones and getting hurt as a result of it... not to mention those who are also breaking the law as a result (trespassing on private property, and breaking & entering) and ending up getting arrested and jailed for it. Just today, some fool ran his car into a tree while driving and playing the game, staring at his phone. And then there's this idiot - Man Quits Job to Become a Pokémon Go Hunter Darwin awards are forthcoming. The list grows by the minute.
  12. When she walks into the room and says "Well?!? Are we going or not?!!" Game over.
  13. So I built another lander. I put it out on the launch pad all by itself, its landing gear down, so I could check out my action group assignments ... solar panels, ladder, BTDT scanner, etc. I got distracted and stepped away from the computer for a few minutes. When I returned, I discovered the lander had slid off the launch pad towards the west. Huh?!? Another one for the list.
  14. Actually, no, it's not Somali, it's Georgian (Republic of Georgia). In the Georgian alphabet, it looks like this: გილოცავ დაბადების დღეს. If you plug that into a translator, it should yield better results. It means of course - Happy Birthday!
  15. This is one I'll have to go dig up and read through lol. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/code-got-us-moon-full-jokes-pop-culture-and-shakespeare-180959754 Edit: Link to the source code is here.
  16. Today I sat and watched what should have been a stable orbit around Mun gradually decay ... the Pe dropping steadily with each passing minute, for no obvious reason. I thought this was fixed.
  17. I think the study you're referring to was about SUVs, those all-wheel drive sport utility vehicles. They've become the favorite of the 'soccer mom'. Pickup trucks on the other hand, most of the owners I've ever known use them for what they're meant - hauling stuff, be it work or for sport.
  18. I'd put a science space station in orbit around Mun. With 3 modules docked to it, and not thinking very clearly, I went to change my view VAB style and I hit throttle up (Shift key). That did not go well.
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