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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. It was the northern ice cap. A suborbital flight, I hadn't even made a successful orbit of Kerbin yet.
  2. If you want it in a big city, like NYC, you could look just outside of NYC at the Liberty Science Center in NJ. The whole place is geared for kids / young people as everything there is meant as a hands-on learning experience. I have no idea of the costs, but considering they host anything from a birthday party to a full blown convention - there might be viable options. Filling out a simple form gets you an idea of the price for such a venue.
  3. Stock Bug Fix Modules Yes, used to be able to undock from either. I'm thinking maybe the whole thing revolves around which vessel is first designated docking target. Observe this when station building.
  4. Just for giggles, something you could try... Go Control Panel / Network Connections Find your WLAN connection, right-click on it, select 'Properties' Click the 'Configure' button of the wireless network adapter, open the 'Wireless Networks' tab ... then delete your network from the 'Preferred networks' list. Then close it all and let XP detect your network again. You'll need to reenter your password. That would also be something I'd suggest.
  5. It could be the wireless card in the PC, and the 802.11 standard its driver supports. I've had issues with this before, and the solution was having a driver update for the laptop to support 802.11b/g/n. What exactly was the router's firmware upgrade for?... what did it do?
  6. That would be where the end of the runway (either end) meets the turf. Except for your flair just before touchdown, your last inbound 150m or so should be nothing more than a 10-degree descending coast in... already lined up start to end with the runway. Works for me.
  7. There's a TON of science to be collected just around KSC itself! I don't know who created this map or how old it is (I just grabbed it from Google), but it's pretty close to my recollection. Check it out. Rovering around on Mun is one of my favorite things to do! In the past: from a centralized 'base', I've driven to and visited all the anomalies while grabbing biome data for science along the way. It was a task which kept me busy for weeks (literally). Now with this new upgraded version of KSP (and reworked anomalies), I think I'll have to give it another go.
  8. Ooops! Megan wasn't very careful when putting her lander down... a bit too hard of a landing. Make that a 'planting'. Problems! To make matters worse, while out on EVA to investigate the extent of the damage, she slipped and fell between the lander's main fuel tank and side auxiliary tanks. She ended up impaling herself on a piece of... rebar?... ouch! That's going to leave a mark for sure. She appears a bit panicked, ya think?!
  9. The game has been fine (term used loosely) up until now... but starting today, this afternoon, I notice some graphics weirdness going on. Like... what the... ?????
  10. I don't care where it takes me. Just yum!
  11. I've been told (by three different 'independent' filmmakers) that anything longer than 10 seconds and the viewer loses interest, the eye begins to wander. So scenes are kept to 3 to 5 seconds. This all stemmed from research done back in the 60's and 70's; The concept started with commercials, and has since extended itself into full length features.
  12. 2001: A Space Odyssey... monkey throws the bone.
  13. I love the original series. The ones following took some getting used to. In my book, DS9 shouldn't even be considered 'Star Trek', and Voyager treads dangerously close on that same ground. What I really don't get, and indeed at that - it does irk me, are all the remakes. I mean, come on, how do you remake Khan?... not to mention all the others. Poor Ricardo Montalbán, he must roll in his grave every time one of those remakes airs again. This is Star Trek, they have a whole friggin galaxy and beyond to work with, and the best they can do is remakes? This just shows how Hollywood truly has no talent what-so-ever any more. Don't get me started on Star Wars either, don't even go there. And the new "Iron Man" ... where does it end. What the hell is wrong with people these days???
  14. As for the poll, I don't see it a big deal. I don't necessarily see it as a marketing ploy either. Remember, a little beagle named Snoopy was the first.
  15. I remember all of those, and the advertising which went along with it - aligned to space program activities. You forgot "Space Food Sticks" (http://spacefoodsticks.com/) and "Shake-a-Puddin". There's something we had back in the 50's and 60's that we don't have today, it was key (one of them) to the success of our space program... it's called national unity. To get back there, ya'll have to get over yourselves and lose your labels.
  16. That is a Troll (Three Billy Goats Gruff). LOL! Ah, bridges...
  17. When you say 'my room', is it really your room? Do you own it? Do you rent it / lease it, and is that in writing? If you do, does your contract allow subletting?... if not, you have no right, and could face penalties by law (depending on where you live). If your contract does, then there are other legalities to consider, like if it's considered 'public space', taxation (are you running a business), etc. If this room is attached to (say) your parents house, and you are considered legally 'a minor' (depending on where you live); then no, you have no rights, none what so ever... clean your room, do your homework, and do as mom and/or dad tells you - when they tell you. You'll be better off for it in the long run.
  18. In all the time I've been playing, I've used quicksave only once ... and at that, when I restored, it bit me in the butt. So I've never used it again/since. That puts me in the play without category 100% of the time.
  19. Forest Gump coined it - stupid is as stupid does.
  20. Minmus is ok, but Mun = Fun. Rovering around on Mun is a blast (and a bit tedious and nerve-wracking too). There's quite a few 'anomalies' to visit, the Armstrong Memorial, arches, and monoliths... use SCANsat to find them. Sure, you can fly to each of them and land there, but you could also rover which is far more of a challenge (and fun) if you ask me. There's also an abundance of biomes for those playing science games (which I do). This was one of my Mun bases. I had two rovers running around doing science and visiting anomalies which were assigned to this base. This was back in v0.90.0
  21. I guess it's high time I go visit them all again then.
  22. People have been asking Squad to 'fix' the monoliths, for quite some time now. So Squad fixed them. They're now on the ground instead of below ground. They're not resized bigger or anything, they're just raised up to the surface. They're the same as they've been since I started playing, only more visible now. Those who want to seek out all the monoliths (on Kerbin and elsewhere), I suggest getting SCANsat as it can show you where all the 'anomalies' are.
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