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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Taken at face value, it doesn't look like a joke... it looks like just another idiot posting stuff on the internet, much like these people. You're not really an idiot, are you? I didn't think so.
  2. Care to rewrite that in English for me? Try some punctuation too.
  3. Well, I crashed 4 planes and 2 small rockets (using the same Wide Angle Cam)... no program crashes or lockups. As soon as the ships crashed (into buildings), the scene immediately jumped back out to the default view. I was able to press the Esc key and get the menu to move on. That's enough for me for tonight. Now I need to go back and rebuild all those buildings I decimated.
  4. Yes, it does, it did that in previous releases too. Like I said, it's a minor issue, although for those not aware of what's happening it could cause alarm or confusion. Maybe make a note of this in the DockingCam docs, that all ships in cycle proximity (able to be accessed by the '[' and ']' keys) will be subject to this. Now I'm going to go try and crash a ship like @siliconworm did and see if I get the same result. Does it apply only to jets, or rockets too?
  5. It seems I managed to not copy over the ModuleManager file. With that now in place, they work fine. Something I have noticed however; When I cycle through the views, which in this case should only be 2 (Docking Port & NavCam), after displaying those 2, continuing cycling takes me through all 24 docking ports on the space station as well. A minor issue.
  6. Trust me when I tell you, dad wasn't too happy about the big burn mark in the driveway (melted asphalt). "You trying to burn down the house? " Sticks for swords, or for guns for that matter... these days they're throwing kids in jail for pointing their finger like a gun. People don't know what fun is anymore. (political stuff yada yada yada) I'm a survivor of all these "bad things". So are ya'll.
  7. Wow. Did I know you?!? lol We did the same, the whole gang. And then somebody found a book of matches......... Realism at its finest.
  8. Not SciFi, but Mister Roberts was an excellent movie (among many). Now you've gone and reminded me of an old B&W I had as a kid, on 8mm films no less, a 15 part series called "Bat Men of Africa" (1936). Talk about cheesy movies.
  9. I was going to post the YouTube Plutonium Nyborg clip in here, but for sure I'd get a whacking from one of the Admins/Mods.
  10. Humm... apparently docking cameras aren't working. At least, I can't get mine to work. Everything else looks great though. Edit: The BoosterCam seems to have inherited the DockingCam reticle/crosshair, but without any data readout.
  11. EVA the Kerbal, then right-click on it ... select "Activate Camera". Press "Backspace" to deactivate the view. I suggest doing this in space, as walking around on Kerbin ... well ... the view can be quite dizzying. lol Also, if you right-click and drag while in the view, you can 'look around' a little.
  12. Let's pull another one of those oddities out of the hat here ... Heavy Metal. Good animation. Good stories. Great soundtrack. Edit: Ok, last one. Really out on a limb here. This is actually a cult classic ... very small cult. This one's a parody of just about every SciFi movie there is, was, or ever will be. It's also the cheapest budget SciFi movie that's ever been made (that I know of). This is a must see if you've never seen it. Dark Star. Let there be light.
  13. No screenshot, but I finished my updated Kerbin space station. I suffered though 8, yes, 8, game crashes today alone trying to complete it. Apparently my build of KSP (Win64) likes to crash hard during staging... which is getting quite old.
  14. I've had no personal experience with that, I don't use Win10. A quick Google however looks like it's quite doable for a Debian install, and AVLinux is a Debian build (custom). Edit: I use AVLinux, here and there. I think it's a great build. There's a lot offered there (including Blender, as someone here suggested). If nothing else, it's at least worth your time to burn a live disc and boot it up and test drive the offerings. If you find you like it, I'm sure there's a way to fit your needs.
  15. Holy cow, thanks for that reminder. I saw that, of all places, in a drive-in theater with some buddies from high school. I'll spare the details of our drunken charades. And what an excellent quote from Harlan Ellison. He was such a great and prolific writer... it's too bad more isn't done with his old stories. I'm willing to bet folks have no real clue of the influence his old stories had on countless classics of today.
  16. I don't have Win10, but if you go Control Panel, check out the Ease Of Access Center... Make the keyboard easier to use. In there you'll find an option to disable the Sticky Keys popup. Check on YouTube for some tutorials. They'll give you ideas about Munar landings and types of crafts to build and use.
  17. My personal favorite: @adsii1970, these two also... "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." - Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." - John Stuart Mill
  18. Wow... anti-aliasing needed. Looks like old FlightSim graphics.
  19. Heh... we're the same age. I remember all of those movies, and I especially loved Earth vs The Flying Saucers. There was something special about all those 'old' science fiction movies from the 50's and such, they were especially great to watch on tv during the 60's on those rainy Saturday afternoons when we couldn't go outside to play (you kids these days wouldn't know what that is). The first time I saw Star Wars, I was in college also up in Schenectady NY ... and when the Millennium Falcon jumped to light-speed for the first time, the entire audience jumped up out of their seats and screamed and cheered - they actually cheered. I'd never seen an audience do that before outside of a concert. The movie that did it for me however was 2001: A Space Odyssey. Having previously read all seven rewrites of The Sentinel, and the book itself (2001), which landed in the public's lap before the movie was released despite being (allegedly) written concurrently with the movie, I sat transfixed in the theater start to finish - and I don't believe I blinked my eyes even so much as once throughout. Even though I knew it was science fiction, Clarke's already prophetic record of writing, I thought I was seeing the future. When the year 2001 finally did roll around, I was actually disappointed we weren't there yet - I still am. Thank you Mr. Clarke for that lifelong disillusionment lol.
  20. Indeed!... thank you for this. I've really been missing the docking cameras. +2 for you! Jersey boy rockin!
  21. I don't allow my Kerbals to sleep on the job, that's why they get paid the big buck$. If I catch one napping, they're out on their ear. *whipsnap*
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