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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. The ACES helmet prop or the EMU lights just won't appear when i put them in my kerbals inventories. I'm using the correct suit type, and have the latest versions of both the game and the mod. They only appear as backpacks when on EVA. Is there a button to equip them or what am I missing?
  2. are the rover parts included in the main download or is it a separate release? got the latest version yesterday and there are no rover parts anywhere in the included gamedata folder
  3. Please call me stupid, but I'm obviosly missing something... I add these props to almost every interior, but only some of them work.. FDAI and related, Altimeters, Impact speed etc. are just static, while g-meters and AG switchers allways work just as expected.. But when i download a finished IVA, everything allways works fine, just as expected.. Please tell me, what am I doing wrong??? I thought it was just "drag and drop" style
  4. Anyone else on KSP v.1.10.1 who has the issue of Gemini pod windows being blacked out in IVA? I've tried multiple versions of BDB and same every time. All other pods work fine. So far, I've tried reinstalling BDB, reinstalling KSP, changing IVA model to an older (working) model, changing the capsule to an older (also working) model and .cfg, gone throught my .log and looking at it in Unity. I simply can neither solve or even find what the issue might be...
  5. I currently have the alpha dev from 20-08-07 installed, and I really want this new update, do I need to update my craft files or will they still work?
  6. A WIP, but here you go. I'll add more in the coming days and update them when there is a newer version available https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qr13zylacuy41v1/AAA8jOJznRnSVNJvcjP3HJkBa?dl=0
  7. Downloaded the alpha-dev yesterday and I love the new additions! I'd like to request a yellow/ yellow-black version of the hanging pipes, like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=vandenberg+slc-2w&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=misvn&sxsrf=ALeKk001r_hxmYN-8-_xt0CwZl0GXevu9Q:1595423001882&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZp6zq9eDqAhXDrIsKHadUAZwQ_AUoAnoECAwQAg&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=1.5#imgrc=4HofAHJW8YN9rM I've taken it as a project to recreate most of the real launch sites as subassemblies, if there's is interest I could post a download link later today
  8. I just downloaded this mod.. and I have havo to giva a big THANK YOU! Finally I have a reason to use the stock parts
  9. I made this for Tantares, but i need help updating it for newer versions than 1.6.1... also some bug resolving would be appreciated. https://github.com/Fredde104/Tantares-Soyuz-with-RPM-and-ASET
  10. They work on 1.6.1, so why wouldn't they? Nice work! You want to include a Soyuz IVA with RPM and ASET support?
  11. @Beale, I have improved the command panel in the Soyuz IVA, giving it ASET and RPM compatibility. Test results are successful 9/10 times. Would you want the .cfg to include in the download? Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rHPntVSO0375kjkQxWL300rCBJNq75Mn
  12. I'd like to volunteer to add RPM and ASET props to improve the IVA, if there is interest. I've been playing around with IVAs for a few days and would like to take on an actual project
  13. I just installed Unity 2017.1.3p4 and it's time to install Part Tools... Where do I put it? Google hasn't given me answer for over 30 minutes
  14. Actually solved it a few weeks ago. It fixed some other issues as well
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