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Everything posted by MerlinsMaster

  1. Yeah. That does make sense. Thanks for pointing that out. So are there any ways that you know of for positioning satellites at specific orbital positions on orbits that are different altitudes? I see lots of people with perfect-looking satellite constellations, and I'd love to know how to do that.
  2. Okay, I've used this tutorial before, and it worked well. But today I'm trying to put three satellites into equally spaced in a 600km orbit. I started in a 200km orbit, and raised the orbit of the first satellite to 600km at 0 degrees longitude. I raised the second satellite at 120E longitude, and the third at 120W longitude. But they are not equally spaced at all. In fact, two of them are very close to each other. Is there some important step that I'm missing? I've tried this a couple of times with the same result.
  3. A lot of really great advice from everyone so far! This gives me a bunch of great strategies to use. I think I'll leave this as "unanswered" a little longer, because I'm loving everything that's coming in and don't want to stop the momentum.
  4. It's tempting. But I like the challenge. I just want to figure out how to do it more efficiently.
  5. Hey guys, I started career games a couple of times recently, and I'm realizing that the beginning part of career mode is this really unsatisfying period in which you have to grind your way through some really silly contracts to unlock the upgrades and technologies to do anything interesting. I don't have a problem with the idea that you have to build up your space program, but I want to get to the point when I can upgrade the VAB, launchpad, and tracking station up one level and have two meter parts as quickly as possible. So my question is, which things do I want to do first, and in what order, to get the farthest in the shortest amount of time, to get through that grindy phase of career mode, or as I've heard it refered to by some: the "potato phase".
  6. Thanks. It's possible that may have been a contributing factor, but I think the primary cause was that whatever parts I had using EC were using it faster than the solar panels could replenish, and it looked like they weren't charging. Also, the Remote Tech flight computer had the satellite pointed in a certain direction, and as a result I couldn't turn it. But I wasn't aware parts could block sunlight, so I will definitely keep that in mind going forward. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys, So I just launched a satellite into orbit, and it ran out of power. I have solar panels, which are getting sunlight, but the batteries are not recharging. This is the first time this has happened to me in the current game I'm playing. And before anyone says it, I'm am not running the Kopernicus mod. Please help. Thanks. False, alarm, everybody. It appears .48 exposure wasn't enough to get the batteries to charge.
  8. That sounds like a mod request. Think of it. A mod that gives kerbals skills. Fix a wheel, conduct a goo experiment, have SAS certification, etc. New kerbals would already start out with the basic skills, as well as the basic skills specific to their occupation. New skills can be "researched" at the Astronaut Complex by each kerbal, and with each level of XP they gain, they are more effective at said skill. Fixing a broken wheel at 0 XP will probably result in failure more often than not. Conducting a science experiment will yield much less science at 0 XP than at 5 XP. The more you do each thing, the better you get at it, similar to how skills work in Skyrim. Oh, and the candidates in the Astronaut Complex could have varying levels of skill, effecting their hire price. Less skilled kerbals can be hired for less, but you have to train them before they will be very useful. Highly skilled kerbals will cost significantly more, but are ready for those important missions you don't want to screw up. I think it's a winner. If I could code worth a damn, I'd make the thing myself.
  9. That's an interesting interpretation, but I'm not sure I share it. It seemed to me that by the time the Kerbals are candidates for the space program, they have already had years of training in aviation, science or engineering. But I don't think they are assigned these roles at birth or anything. I like the fact that you need a scientist for some things, and a pilot for other things. I do, however, think that something as simple as fixing a tire or repacking a chute should be part of their entry-level experience. Or a pilot being able to point the craft prograde or retrograde. They should not need additional experience to do the most basic things. Also, it is my opinion that Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val should all start out with a couple stars at the start of the game, since I get the impression that they are an analogue of the original Mercury astronauts, who in my opinion were one step away from being super-human.
  10. Hey guys, So I noticed that ever since 1.0 came out, my planes take FOREVER to slow down once they touch down on the runway. I lock the brake, hardly any effect. I even increase the brake torque to maximum, nothing. It was not like this for me pre-1.0. Is anyone else noticing this?
  11. Does it seem unfair to anyone else that an engineer has to be level 3 to repair a wheel?
  12. Hey guys, let's say I've damaged one of the wheels on my rover, and I have no engineers that know how to repair it. Is there a way to repair craft that are in storage? If there is no repair option, then I am requesting one now. Thanks.
  13. At the risk of sounding like the derpiest noob on the planet, how do I go about doing this? Better yet, is there any tutorial I can find that will explain in detail how to use and make the most of this mod? Thanks.
  14. Hey guys, I seem to be having significant issues trying to use the "recover active vessel" function. Whenever I try to recover a rover that I was using to explore the KSC, it will just flip over and/or explode, and more importantly, NOT go back to storage. What am I doing wrong? edit: I think I figured it out. My kerbal was in a command seat. When I removed him or put him inside the craft, it recovered fine. Did I discover a new bug, or is that already known?
  15. Okay, this is bizarre. I was able to double-click the ship, and I got the set target/focus ship options, then the next time I loaded the game, I couldn't get it any more.
  16. That worked. Thanks. I didn't see anything about setting targets in the list of tracking station upgrades in the wiki, except maybe "unowned object tracking", but that's at level three, and I'm still at level one, and I was able to set a target (after restarting KSP, of course).
  17. Hey guys, I'm trying to complete a contract in which I have to rescue Fredbal Kermin from orbit. The problem I'm having is that I can't select "Fredbal's wreckage" and set it as a target. I tried right-clicking on it a million times to no avail. I can right-click parts of my ship, so I no it's not that I can't right-click anything. At first I thought that the ability to set a target was something that needed to be unlocked or researched, but I see nothing in the KSC upgrades. Could this be some kind of bug? Please help.
  18. Hey Starwaster, would you be willing to get this picked up by CKAN?
  19. Hey man, I'm not sure if this is what you guys are talking about, but when do you think 3.0.1 might get picked up by CKAN? Right now it's got 3.0, and I'm having trouble with that "probe report" thing. Thanks.
  20. Hey taniwha, I just added this addon to Blender, but I'm not getting a KSP mu import or export option. I downloaded the zip from github, extracted it, and put the folder into Blender/2.75/scripts/addons, and restarted Blender. Did I do something incorrectly?
  21. Technically, no. But it's prefered. Anyway, I made the edit, and now, at long last, Musicmute is available on CKAN once again. Huzzah!
  22. Hey spioner, since the 1.0.4 update, this mod is not showing up on CKAN. Would you mind at all if I updated the meta data so that it does?
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