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Thomas P.

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Everything posted by Thomas P.

  1. Libnoise always did that for it's noises. The only noise that needs no clamping is simplex, but that didn't need it in 1.3.0-1 either
  2. Heya, i released two updates today. Why two you might ask? Well, let me explain it: Update Nr. 1 is called 1.3.0-2. It contains a lot of wrappers, that are compensating the changes that were needed to use planet packs on 1.3.0-1 (because of the updated libnoise version). The new values still work, so packs that already updated shouldn't have any problems. Update Nr. 2 is called 1.2.2-7, and it is basically a backport of all changes I made to KSP 1.2.2. The reason is that I made some critical fixes, and I'd like to provide theese fixes on 1.2.2 too. Especially since I've seen some people who want to stay on 1.2.2 Both versions are compatible, but 1.2.2-7 misses support for displayName. Both are available from Github, but until I find the time to mess with the configs, 1.2.2-7 won't be available on CKAN.
  3. Hi everyone, I released Kopernicus for KSP 1.3.0, you can get it from Github Changelog: - Updated to 1.3.0 - Added a config loader for displayName (the name that is displayed in the UI). useTheInName and cbNameLater still exist, but they were deprecated in favor of Properties\displayName - Updated dependencies - Fix a scale issue with the rings - Fix the solar flux mechanic, it now works like it is supposed to - Replaced the stock solar panel module with a custom version to handle multiple stars properly - Added a KSP-AVC version file
  4. I think he just means that you have a 1024x8 pixel texture, and the upper 4 pixels are up and the 4 are bottom. 2 different textures would be nice though. Modularity \o/
  5. Hi everyone, I released a new Kopernicus Version (1.2.2-6). It contains the ring shader fixes by blackrack, some fixes for custom lens flares. The custom clock was removed, but we are coming up with something way cooler than that. You can get the new version from Github as always.
  6. Yes, Hazardous Oceans is added by Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/blob/master/Kopernicus/Kopernicus.Components/HazardousOcean.cs
  7. @Gameslinx I need all files from Logs/Kopernicus, not just Kopernicus.log Also, do you have by any chance modified your settings.cfg to include a custom PQS config? That changes the levels too.
  8. In case you need the actual values, take a look at this: https://github.com/Kopernicus/kittopia-dumps/tree/master/Configs The science values are in the ScienceValues {} node.
  9. They already do that for most of the planets. For example, Minmus is completely procedural, and Kerbin only uses a heightmap as a base. A lot of the terrain is procedural.
  10. It could work by removing one internal PQSMod. But... Kopernicus will refuse to remove it, because of reasons. The name of the mod is PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders
  11. It is land control light. You can add one scatter type, using a "concentration-map" (white is much scatter, black is no scatter).
  12. The only thing you could do is to look at the mod loader code to see what it is loading. https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/blob/release-1.2.2-5/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader/MeshScatter.cs
  13. I released Kopernicus 1.2.2-5 (hey, we never had so many versions for one ksp version ) on Github. It contains a fix for the pretty dumb bug that caused the high amount of lag in the space center, and some other stuff. Just read the changelog.
  14. Depends. If someone moves the stock sun to orbit another body (like the galactic core from GN), do you want to get the sun Kerbin is orbiting, or the *true* central body of the system?
  15. I would appreciate it if you could post questions related to Kopernicus in the Kopernicus thread in the future. Its what it is there for, and it doesnt clutter the forum with Kopernicus threads
  16. Thats not the problem. The problem is the empty description field, because Kopernicus and ConfigNode dont handle empty values very well. You can choose whatever you want for the name of your body. And to be honest @daniel l. and @seanth, code that writes this into the config file should never get released. It kills the configs for everyone ConfigNode cant parse this and fails. And Kopernicus fails too because it relies on the configs being readable
  17. I have no problem with that. I just dont want that someone reads your post as "my mod only generates configs, if they dont work Kopernicus is broken"
  18. a) both of theese logs are useless b) I wont do the support for your mod. If your program generates configs that crash Kopernicus, you have to fix your program, or send me a minimal (handwritten) config that causes the bug + the propper KSP.log and the Kopernicus logfiles I hope you will understand that I am not in the mood to walk through an autogenerated galaxy and spellcheck everything. I will happily take a look at the logs though (the correct ones).
  19. Kopernicus calculates mass, geeASL and gravParameter from each other. That means if you set gravParameter, it calculates geeASL and mass from it. gravParameter is priority 1, mass 2 and geeASL 3. So your mass value overrides your geeASL value
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