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Thomas P.

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Everything posted by Thomas P.

  1. And we have the first bugfix release. 1.3.1-2 is out, and it changes how Kopernicus handles lens flares, since that got changed in 1.3.1. Have even more fun (or something like that.. dunno).
  2. A 32-bit application cannot use more than 4GB of RAM. Run KSP_x64.exe for getting 64-bit.
  3. Hmm, actually, there is a way that this could happen: An issue in the post spawn fixer, or a missing reference body in PostSpawnOrbit. If that happens, the system will be active (still I wouldn't recommend loading anything with it). However, at that point, reverting isn't possible anymore. But in most of the cases, the system should stay at it's original state.
  4. Applying the new system is the last step in the loading process, and it is almost completely failsafe. If that popup comes up, the unmodified stock system got spawned instead of the failing Kopernicus system.
  5. Kopernicus 1.3.1-1 is live on Github. * Fixed the displayName option on Biomes * Added an option to stop Kopernicus from removing the biomes of the template body. (Templates/removeBiomes = false) * Removed the isHomeWorld parameter and set it automatically for the body that is supposed to be Kerbin Have fun.
  6. It uses the same way, but it replaces the system that is actually spawning them. DMP doesn't know about that and just disables it, which leads to either no asteroid spawning or stock style asteroid spawning (depending on DMPs moot). TL;DR: DMP disables anything related to asteroid spawning and emulates the stock behaviour.
  7. While thats true for modded planets, it doesn't apply to stock planets as long as you don't export their textures and re-apply them through Kopernicus.
  8. You somehow manage to get the same configs applied twice. Thats why Kopernicus fails to load: It tries to create a body that is already there.
  9. Hello, I released Version 1.3.0-2 of Planetary Diversity, you can get it on GitHub. Changelog: * Added a module that tweaks the orbits of the solar system bodies * Added a module that recolors the textures of gas planets. Have fun.
  10. I think that means 1.3.0-8 then. *sigh* https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.3.0-8 Thanks to HebaruSan for noticing this bug and thanks to my jenkins that allows me to make this release while driving to school.
  11. Hello everybody, I released KittopiaTech 1.3.0-1 on Github. This release introduces the same versioning scheme I use for my other mods (Kopernicus, PlanetaryDiversity, KopernicusExpansion). In case you are interested in a changelog, here is one: * Added support for editing enums * Added localization (only en-US so far) * Added an option that allows you to select which maps you want to export * Recompiled against Kopernicus 1.3.0-7 * Reworded the license (removed explicit mentions of KCreator as the plugin author) Have fun. EDIT: Released 1.3.0-2 to fix a bug where the Exit buttons of the windows weren't visible.
  12. Hello everyone, I released Kopernicus 1.3.0-7 on Github. In case you are interested in a changelog, here is one: * Added a contractWeight option to configure the amount of contracts generated for the body * Added events to the loader, based on KSPs GameEvents API * Display a warning if Kopernicus fails to load * Display ModuleManagers nCats if Kopernicus fails to load * Solar Panels now select the star they should track based on the ec/s they could generate, even if it is blocked by something * Fix various smaller issues * Added better error messages to some parts of the loader * Added a manual tracking override to the solar panels * Added PSystemBody constructors to most of the Loaders Have fun! P.S: With this version I am putting my backport for 1.2.2 on hold. The reason is that we added so many things that use the 1.3.0 API (especially celestialBody.displayName), that it would be an even bigger pain to change that every time I make a release. The latest version that works on 1.2.2 will be 1.2.2-11 which has the features of Kopernicus 1.3.0-6
  13. Yes, but not from the host star. The host planet can also apply heat to a vessel (if it has got an atmosphere). Thats where it comes from. Of course the heat from the star is also applied.
  14. coreTemperatureOffset is just a constant temperature that is added to the temperature that is calculated based on albedo, emissivity etc.
  15. The old CSS had a small definition that the new CSS is missing. pre { overflow: auto; } This should probably get embedded into the CSS again. Paging @ManeTI as he seems to be the one who is responsible for theese kind of things.
  16. The sun doesn't have a Light and a material node by default. It doesn't have a coronas node either. You need to remove the @ characters in front of "Light", "Material" and "givesOffLight". As for the coronas, you need to add "removeCoronas = true" to the template node of the sun.
  17. cough Kopernicus Backports cough You can use your 1.3.0 config in 1.2.2 without any change, as long as you install the matching Kopernicus mainline and backport versions
  18. Well, as long as there is a Kopernicus that can read the configs produced by TBG, it doesn't have a specific version. And there is in fact a Kopernicus backport for 1.2.2: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/backport-1.2.2-11
  19. That depends on the CKAN team, I am definitely not opposed to it.
  20. Yes, that can happen, but unfortunately I don't have a good idea how to fix this.
  21. Unfortunately I doubt that I am going to have the time or the motivation to work on this mod at the moment or in the future. I mainly made this as a proof of concept to show that such a mod is possible and never expected that a lot of people would play with it, so I never cared as much as I cared for Kopernicus. Also, some of the limitations of KSPs planet system are a real time killer. (Regenerating the whole system cache if you want to test one thing etc.) If anyone out there wants to adopt this mod, either just to maintain it, or to add some cool features to it, feel free to do so. If you need any help with understanding what it does, and how it does it, feel free to shoot me a message in the Kopernicus Discord server, or send me a forum PM. What is this? This is a mod that adds some diversity to the (otherwise static) KSP solar system. It archives that by changing various parameters of the CelestialBody and PQSMod components, but it has the potential for expanding it further, either through "official" tweaks, or tweaks made by other modders. How does it work? Every savegame you create in KSP gets a random number assigned, a seed. This seed is different for every savegame you create. Planetary Diversity modifies the solar system between the MainMenu and the SpaceCenter scene. It uses the seed from the savegame that was loaded to generate random numbers, for example to replace the static seeds in the terrain system. Since most of the planets in KSP are procedural, this changes how the KSP planets are formed. They are a bit different, but the overall look doesn't change, i.e. Kerbin will still be blue-ish, and Eve stays purple. It supports planets made with Kopernicus, however, if they don't have procedural components (i.e. they only have a height and a color map), it won't be able to change them. At the moment it changes the seeds, orbits, color of gas planets, atmospheric pressure, names (hi Sigma!) and it can add / remove atmospheres. Also, it is modular, with an API, so users can implement their own tweaks if they want. However, there is one caveat: When you load a savegame for the first time, with Planetary Diversity installed, it will lock down for a while. The reason is that in KSP, every planet has a low-res representation for larger distances - called "Scaled Space". This scaled space representation needs to be computed, but the computation is rather expensive. Thats why Planetary Diversity will generate the representations of all bodies in the solar system that were changed, and save it into your savegame folder. When you load the same save in the future, the mod will simply load the files from your disk instead of re-creating them every time. What if I want to use a specific seed for my savegame? While this is not possible in Stock KSP, Planetary Diversity adds an UI for this, in the Game Creation dialog. The UI should be pretty much self-explanatory. It is also localizeable. Does this depend on Kopernicus? No. It is completely standalone. However, if you have Kopernicus installed and the OnDemand texture loading feature is enabled, Planetary Diversity will integrate with it and load the planet textures only when they are needed. But I don't want to have <insert Feature here> changed! Don't worry, all tweaks can be disabled seperately. Just open GameData/PlanetaryDiversity/Config/{config name}.cfg (for custom tweaks please ask the respective modder) and set everything you don't want to false. However, you can only disable it for your whole installation. Per-savegame configuration is neither planned nor easily realizeable. Download? You can download Planetary Diversity from Github: https://github.com/StollD/Planetary-Diversity/releases/latest You can find it's source code on Github too: https://github.com/StollD/Planetary-Diversity Planetary Diversity is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, except the file "Utility.cs" and "Gradient.cs" which is a modified version of Kopernicus Utility.cs. Like my mods? Please consider supporting me and my mods on Paypal! I would greatly appreaciate it, since I don't get much money anyways. However note, that this doesn't grant you anything special, but it will help to keep my motivation up. Therefor it's just an extremly nice way to say "thanks".
  22. UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<KSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreen>().Any(s => s.isShown); I think this could work for you, but I am not sure.
  23. Also, people who try to load a kopernicus version on an unsupported KSP version will see a popup telling them that the mod is not compatible and that they should wait for an update. That said, I usually release a new Kopernicus within one day after a KSP release. I just don't support pre-releases.
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