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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. I don't know, it seemed appropriate at the time
  2. If you don't have SB then you should not be getting any easter eggs I use kerbin instead of earth because I can be sure everybody has that texture Using earth would require embedding a texture into the mod which is a bit excessive for just an easter egg
  3. Yup Happy Earth Day everybody or alternatively, Happy Darn-it-this-is-unacceptable-I-am-going-to-disable-SB-easter-eggs Day
  4. You can turn the easter eggs off if you don't want them Happy Earth Day
  5. If you want to edit all parts that have a "ModuleResourceConverter" and change all "INPUT_RESOURCE" from ResourceName = Ore to ResourceName = HydrateOre this is the patch you want to use: @PART:FINAL { @MODULE:HAS[#name[ModuleResourceConverter]] { @INPUT_RESOURCE:HAS[#ResourceName[Ore]] { @ResourceName = HydrateOre } } } I'm assuming you are doing this for your own game, hence the :FINAL if you are making a mod, don't use :FINAL
  6. I don't remember the structure of the nodes in question, but once you can get inside of the node you just need to do: @ResourceName = HydrateOre if you can post the ISRU config I can give you the whole patch
  7. GPP should be compatible with GN so that's one way to do it
  8. Edit: ninja'd by OhioBob Honestly I don't think it would be worth it to change this system into binary one. When you reparent kerbin (it no longer orbits the center of the universe) you get a huge array of bugs Plus, even if you use SB to make it binary, you would still have the same experience physics-wise Yes, Ciro would orbit barycenter and when timewarping you could see it and Grannus orbit each other, but it's just an illusion In practice ciro SOI would still cover all the way out to infinity, and Grannus would still orbit Ciro. Which means that for craft going from ciro to granus there would be no difference with or without SB
  9. so Grannus is not close to ciro?, where close means in comparison to everything else orbiting Ciro
  10. yes, that much I've got. but what kind of binary? binary as Sun-Jupiter ? or binary as Alpha Centauri ?
  11. it isn't currently possible with SB but the changes required to make it possible are trivial but I need a bit more context on the type of binary we are talking about (haven't read the whole discussion)
  12. depends on what you consider "trying to do this" and "fail" your code would have gone through all the parts, checked if they had a certain node, checked if that node had a certain value, and then applied the changes only if all the conditions were met frontloading :HAS checks has proven to be a bit unreliable for me in the past, so whenever I can I will avoid doing that I doubt the difference in computing power is relevant (there was a discussion some time ago, which I initiated, and the conclusion was that the difference would most likely be irrelevant in the grand scheme of KSP loading times)
  13. try this one @PART:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDockingNode]:HAS[~snapRotation[True]] { %captureMinRollDot = 0.999 %snapRotation = True %snapOffset = 45 %acquireForce = 2 %acquireTorque = 2 } } keep in mind that KSP is not case sensitive about "True" but MM is so for KSP true = True, but for MM true != True also, your acquireTorqueRoll doesn't have a value so I removed it
  14. if you multiply the first term by a certain number, you need to divide the third and fourth term by the same number if you multiply the second term by a certain number, you need to multiply the third and fourth term by the same number
  15. yes, everything, only kopernicus. kittopiatech is an additional tool for kopernicus, just a "quality of life" thing there are no other mods for doing that (there used to be some, but now the only one working is Kopernicus)
  16. KittopiaTech is just a tool to edit the planet while the game is running to see what happens (without having to restart the game over and over) but you still need to use Kopernicus (which currently is the only mod to edit planets)
  17. it depends on how paranoid thorough you want to be with your code the base idea is: you append " 0 0 X" at the end of each key, then do the math you want, then remove " 0 0 X" from the end of each key
  18. actually, this is possible to do, but it's a tad complicated so unless it's truly necessary I would avoid it
  19. A well made bug report always goes a long way toward getting quick support. If you want a list of files you can click the nyan cat in my sig to see all the files that we need This issue is outside my knowledge of kopernicus, but maybe others can help Also, with the easter holidays and everything, I think it's safe to assume your free support on free software could require a couple more days than usual
  20. Go into KSP.log and search the word "error" You'll find a list of mm errors
  21. I forgot about this part of the question the only one that comes to mind is otherworlds, but I don't know how outdated that is
  22. I will need the ModuleManager.ConfigCache as well (for the install without SD) no idea, they seem the same to me, did you find those in SD? yes this is how the "Atmosphere" parameter works to get this effect you would need to use the parameter "atmoTopLayer"
  23. There's no reason why a planet pack should not be compatible with SD
  24. It could be possible that he runs ksp64 but goes to copy the output log from the non64 folder. But Im not sure
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