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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. Sigma SciDefRenamer This mod is designed to make it easier to edit science definitions. Downloads [Latest Release] If you want to contribute to my caffeine addiction: Don't expect anything in return other than my sincere gratitude. Changelog **v0.3.1** - Updated to KSP 1.3.0 v0.3.0 - Added automatic export of science definitions - Added new function: Text v0.2.0 - Added README.txt with informations about the syntax - Added a check to avoid nodes with wrong syntax - Added new functions: > Copy > Delete > Replace > Swap v0.1.0 - First Beta Release Info and FAQs Config Structure You can find a more detailed description of how all the features work HERE License All Rights Reserved
  2. ok, so in the cfg there are these lines: 1- Material { texture = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet100.dds normals = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet101.dds } from far away (ScaledSpace) the planet will look like in this texture: VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet100.dds if that texture does not have the color you want, it means you need to change it's color 2- VertexColorMap { map = VisualAspectOverhaul/KSPRC/PluginData/dwarfplanet100.dds order = 9999982 } this PQSMod applies the colors from the texture mentioned before onto the planet upclose so once you change the color of the texture everything should be ok
  3. SD resizes the altitude of anomalies so that they should show up where expected Unless you changed the resizeBuildings parameter, SD will by default resize anonalies when shrinking a planet, which means anomalies will be smaller than what you expect, but it also means that you have the best chance of finding them where you expext them to be But generally speaking ksp is not very good with automatical anomalies repositioning, which means it's still possible they are still not positioned correctly (floating above ground or buried in it)
  4. it's pretty easy to miss, most textures are basically very narrow rectangles I noticed it because I tried to load a square texture once with a checkerboard patter full of different colors, and noticed how only the colors on the diagonal were featured It was a decent time ago, but I doubt rings have changed since then if you think about it, it's a very smart way to read the texture, because it allows you to read both vertical and horizontal textures
  5. I don't have the cfg available here so I cannot say if Kerbin science is affected by OPM it would make sense if OPM didn't affect kerbin, since it's the starting science you get before going interplanetary you should try duna, jool, or some of jool's moons
  6. Uranus is the only planet whose name comes from the greek mythology. This is annoying on multiple levels: 1- all other planets are named after figures in the roman mythology, which makes Uranus the only exception 2- if you have to make an exception, why choose the worst name? it's like my name was "John Hurt" and I decided to change it to "Butt Hurt" 3- the roman analogue of Uranus is either "Caelus" or "Caelum" which is a pretty cool name, plus it actually means "sky" (the same color as the planet) in most latin languages (italian, spanish and french) versus "Uranus" that means sky only in greek (as far as I know) and we all know what the meaning in english is ------------ and to reply to the OP the same way they learn the names of over 190 countries we have on earth hint: they won't
  7. OPM is supposed to reduce science gains from the stock system in order to make it worthwhile to visit the new bodies are you saying that this feature is not working?
  8. I don't know if this has to do with the shader, but since the issue doesn't come up with the standard kopernicus shader I guess it might: basically, when loading a texture, the old shader reads the diagonal (either topleft>bottomright or bottomlefto>topright) this means that the old shader works with both horizontal and vertical ring textures from what I've heard with the new shader it is necessary to use horizontal textures, but most planet packs right now use vertical textures for rings do you think it would be possible to make your new shader work with both types of textures? it's not a big deal, but it would allow to add backward compatibility to all the planet packs could you please post the whole cfg you are using and the modulemanager.cachefile or whatever it's called, so that we can look what you actually did? (please upload the files, don't paste their content directly on the forum)
  9. Yup, I meant solar not sideral. When is 2am I should avoid posting on the forums
  10. the same wiki that uses on purpose the wrong name for the Sun also gets the rotation period of Kerbin wrong (either on purpose or more likely simply ignorance) Kerbin rotation period is defined by fixing its sideral solar rotation period at 21600 seconds, I don't remember the orbital period by memory but I guess it doesn't divide in an integer number of days. using kopernicus clock should solve this, I might need to check the code again if you believe it might not work properly EDIT: fixed the error
  11. apparently there was an error in the upload of the zip, thanks for reporting it it's fixed now
  12. Sigma Dimensions v0.7.7 This release adds a new parameter that handles ground textures tiling, which will be off by default. This change comes to solve an issue pointed out by @Galileo where SD used to automatically change the tiling of a planet and the result was not good. all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: This mod would not be possible without the work of: - sarbian (ModuleManager) - Thomas P. (Kopernicus) Changelog: v0.7.7 - Added the parameter groundTiling - Ground textures tiling is now off by default and can be changed using groundTiling
  13. click the nyan cat in my sig to see what we need for a proper kopernicus-related bug-report
  14. in the vertexheightoblate mod you have a parameter called height if you increase that it will increase oblateness, if you decrease that it will make it more spherical there are a decent number of mods out there that make oblate planets, both gas giants and rocky planets
  15. current Jupiter is already oblate in RSS, there's even a config called Jupiter_Oblate or something like that
  16. ah yes, a reminder 5 minutes ago would have saved me from making 2 releases I'll see if I can fit it into the next one please could you PM me some details about this? so I can start thinking how to approach it?
  17. Sigma Dimensions v0.7.6 This release adds some minor fixes for atmospheres and LandControl Many thanks to @OhioBob for continuing to harass assist me Thanks also to @GregroxMun for finding a bug in LandControl resizing all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: This mod would not be possible without the work of: - sarbian (ModuleManager) - Thomas P. (Kopernicus) Changelog: v0.7.6 - Tweaked Atmosphere resize when using atmoTopLayer - Fixed LandControl resize - Fixed PQS levels for oceans on very small planets
  18. suddenly people stop caring that you unser their cuestions if it requires providing a proper bugreport
  19. I meant it when I said no spoilers I said already too much when I said there's one on april 1st You know all that have been discovered Some have not been seen by anyone so I will not discuss them untill someone finds them
  20. Just write here If it's a issue with SSRSS and SD you should probably try to contact @Galileo first For this specific issue I think SD is working as intended but SSRSS being bit unusual probably has some fixes to add to its cfgs The team knows about this issue so I think they will be able to fix it in the next release
  21. Yes, you can go back and see all easter eggs Just avoid 3.14 because a change in kopernicus broke that one Sorry, no spoilers
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