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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. could you share the logs of the stock system with kopernicus but no planet packs? I suppose that's the best setup for this kind of issue
  2. I had no idea about this sounds like a good addition edit: I had misread the post the following stuff makes no sense
  3. this is exactly how it works however, the creation of the tag on mm part doesn't imply that the mod responsible for the creation of the tag will actually use said tag I don't know how to put it more clearly than that
  4. if you share the logs we can take a look and see what is going wrong make a simple system, add just one planet, and if that doesn't work, click on the nyan cat in my signature and upload all files described in the post you will see. don't send us logs from overcomplicated installs because they will be ignored
  5. you can use it in the sense that MM will have generated that tag, but if the mod author doesn't use that tag himself, the fact that you are using it won't necessarily do what you want it to do. if the patches of the mod in question are without any tag, they will applied before everything else :LEGACY goes first :FIRST goes after legacy everything without a tag goes here, alphabetically (in order of file location) (then, all tags are processed alphabetically) :BEFORE[tag] goes before the 'tag' if that tag exists (otherwise it won't apply) :FOR[tag] goes at the 'tag', and it grants the existence of said tag :AFTER[tag] goes after the 'tag' if that tag exists (otherwise it won't apply) :FINAL goes last
  6. It's also worth noting that there is no link whatsoever between the tags generated by mm and the mods patches themselves unless those tags are generated by :FOR[] The tag has the same name of the folder / plugin provided by the mod, but unless the mod uses that tag, :BEFORE[]s and :AFTER[]s won't work as expected The most reliable way to check for a mod is to look at its cfgs to see how the dev checks for the the presence of his/her own mod.
  7. to pastebin you go on pastebin.com and paste your stuff there, then share the link the site generates for you file paths in your cfg must have the forward slash ( / ) in place of the back-slash ( \ )
  8. @ThePhoenixSol I think the AFTER has to go on the root node In your case "TechTree"
  9. @The White Guardian I saw the backlog of the IRC, I'm abroad at the moment but when I come back home I should be able to take a look
  10. You can use kopernicus' collection parser to read the three double from that key if you want
  11. Does this require kopernicus? And, if not, will you use the kopernicus node to assign pqsmods to each planet?
  12. cool, I'll see that compatibility for the altitude related mods gets added to SD as soon as I have some time btw, I'm not sure the paradise spike is possible with PQS, you would need to assign 3 different height values to the same lon-lat and iirc that's not possible
  13. I know that KillAshley recently came back to ksp and started looking around to fix his mods. So keep looking out for news on this thread
  14. welcome to the team greg we'll work on having a custom parameter to give realisting stars so purists will be happy and also those who wants a galaxy which is consistent with the stock system
  15. After the following discussion I decided to make some tests and here are the results: Original Discussion: Test: - I created two folders, GameData/Test/Default1 and GameData/Test/Default2 - I added the following cfg to my GameData folder TextureReplacer { paths = Test/Default1/ } @TextureReplacer:HAS[#paths[Test*]] { @paths = Test/Default2/ } - Inside the folder Default1 I put a completely red texture named "logoFullRed_alt.png" - Inside the folder Default1 I put a completely green texture named "logoFullRed_alt.png" - This texture is used in the MainMenu screen and it replaces the KSP logo Results: as you can see from this screenshot, the texture chosen by TR is the red one which means that TR is reading the original node and not the one edited by MM and this is the content of the MM cache, to show that the patch did infact apply correctly UrlConfig { name = TextureReplacer type = TextureReplacer parentUrl = /TextureReplacer url = /TextureReplacer/TextureReplacer TextureReplacer { paths = Test/Default2/ } } as I explain in the MM thread I think this is very likely done on purpose on TR side and cannot be changed. anyone feel free to correct me if I am mistaken
  16. I would love to have that functionality, but honestly I'm not even sure that it would be possible for TR to do that. I feel like when MM applies the patches is too late to edit the textures succesfully yes you can put a cfg in your folder, but it can't be a MM patch, it has to be a complete node so it gets loaded by KSP at startup
  17. when I tried it, the changes were of course applied by MM and the cache file did in fact show them the problem was that TR seemed to either read the cfg directly from the file or anyways read it before MM had a chance to edit it just to be on the safe side I'm going to test it right now
  18. Last time I tried to edit TR node it didn't work, are you sure? I mean, it works if I write the node, but the mm patches don't seem to affect it
  19. Well, it's not the only function SD has, but yes, you could use SD to do that. As @Galileo said if you set the correct numbers into the Settings.cfg file you can get a real sized stock solar system
  20. that's ok, as soon as I get some time to work on GN again I'll make sure to add that It's possible that I will start working on GN again after finishing the stuff I'm currently doing for SASS also, @GregroxMun came up with a really cool way to get stars that are very nice, and are consistent with real life stars, so I am trying to bribe him to join GN so we can finally get some better stars. not that the current ones are bad, but they are definitely an under-developed aspect of GN
  21. this is probably due to how Kopernicus reparents kerbin for weird KSP related issues, Kerbin cannot be loaded into the game orbiting a body that is not the sun (GN galactic core is actually the sun with his name displayed differently) this might explain why KAC thinks Kerbin is in orbit around the galactic core, and will apply to all mods that have the home planet orbiting anything other than the center of the universe (most notably, New Horizons from @KillAshley)
  22. It's a bit convoluted but it should be possible I'll write you an example as soon as I have a pc
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